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Results 1-13 of 13 for "we are where we are" speaker:Michael Healy-Rae

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Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Feb 2022)

Michael Healy-Rae: Tonight is a very important night. It is good that we are where we are with this Bill. It is unfortunate that it has taken this long but, as I always say, it is better late than never. I am thinking tonight of the people who stood up when it was a lonely place to do so, the people who found themselves at odds with everything else. They were standing up for something they believed in....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Challenges for the Forestry Sector: Discussion (Resumed) (17 Nov 2020)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...are officials in her Department who are extremely happy because they have driven us to where we are today. They put us here through gobbledegook and nonsense. Mr. Hayes said, "We hold our hands up" and "We are where we are." They would want to be holding their hands and their legs up. Many people would want to hang their heads in shame as a result of what they have done. There are...

General Practitioner Contract: Statements (3 Nov 2020)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...that is unacceptable. It is not a way for a Taoiseach, a Tánaiste or a Minister to conduct themselves. The Tánaiste knows I get no satisfaction whatsoever from what has happened or what is going on here this evening. I am sorry that we are where we are, but it is the Tánaiste who brought us here.

Criminal Justice (Enforcement Powers) (Covid-19) Bill 2020: Committee Stage (3 Sep 2020)

Michael Healy-Rae: is bad law-making and he was always correct in saying it. He has said that over many years. I believe it to be true. This legislation is being rushed through and legislation is wrong when it is rushed. We are where we are. What does the Government propose to do in respect of An Garda Síochána? Is it to be given additional funding and will additional gardaí...

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Oct 2018)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...and want to defend their freedom of conscience as to what they will do in the future and how they will deal with people who want to terminate their pregnancies and who will present to them. We are where we are in society. The people have spoken. Some of us did not agree with the result of the referendum, but we live in a democracy and that is that. There are, however, certain...

Pre-European Council Meeting: Statements (16 Oct 2018)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...have to ensure that we are all working together with the one aim of ensuring that we will not be found wanting when it comes to finding solutions for this problem which we did not create. Am I surprised that we are where we are today? I am not. As I said, brinksmanship happens an awful lot during any dealings or negotiations. That is exactly where we find ourselves now. I hope over...

European Council Meeting: Statements (8 Mar 2017)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...take a couple of years. Once Article 50 is triggered, we will go down a road where nobody ever went before. I am sure the architects who wrote Article 50 assumed it would never be used. However, we are where we are. I do not believe in lamenting and saying, "Isn't this awful. Isn't it bad?" My attitude about problems in life is that we should put down our heads, roll up our sleeves...

Northern Ireland: Statements (17 Jan 2017)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...issues relating to Brexit. Instability at this time is most unwelcome, but we must be respectful of the rights of political parties and politicians to call an election if they see fit to do so. We are where we are. Could anybody believe that a cash for ash situation would lead to us facing into an unwanted election, but this is it and we must get on with it. From working with my...

European Council Meeting: Statements (5 Jul 2016)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...Government working with the Opposition and all of us to ensure that we do everything to protect our nation's interests at this crucial time. As my brother, Deputy Danny Healy-Rae, rightly stated, we are where we are now but where will we be in another year's time or two or three years' time after the triggering of Article 50? What if other countries start to look at themselves? What...

Water Services Bill 2014: Committee Stage (Resumed) (16 Dec 2014)

Michael Healy-Rae: However, the Minister took the chalice. To return to the point at hand, we are where we are. In speaking to the motion - I respect the proposal that has been made - there must be a proper mechanism in place in order that when an issue arises, the person with the problem can be dealt with speedily and in an honest, open and frank manner. I hope the amendment will be accepted on the basis...

Guerin Report: Statements (Resumed) (28 May 2014)

Michael Healy-Rae: the way that he did. We have often heard of the visit from the Grim Reaper. No one would look forward to the Secretary General calling to his home late at night because it means something rather bad or ominous is going to happen. All we can say is that we are where we are now. I am not a person to keep looking behind me; I can only look forward. We look forward to the fact that the...

Promissory Notes: Motion (Resumed) (14 Feb 2013)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...praise Ministers if I thought they were doing the right thing. I do not think that is the case in this instance, unfortunately. Like many other people, I do not agree with what is being done. At the end of the day, we are where we are. The Government's majority means that its views and opinions on various matters can be pushed through in the Dáil.

Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2011 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (28 Sep 2011)

Michael Healy-Rae: ...every day of the week and is acutely aware of the problems business people are having, which are enormous. They are trying to keep the doors open and it is putting them to the pin of their collar. We are where we are, however. This Bill will be passed, although not with my support, but I will be supportive in the future of measures to which I believe there are no other alternatives....

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