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Results 1-20 of 34 for destroyed speaker:Joan Collins

Affordable Electricity: Motion [Private Members] (25 Jun 2024)

Joan Collins: profit while more and more people are forced into energy poverty. The ESRI has estimated that 29% of people are in energy poverty now. At the same time, the cost of producing this energy is destroying our planet and causing the climate crisis. There are winners and losers in the climate crisis. The winners are the fossil fuel super-rich who owe their billions to destroying our...

Ireland's Recognition of the State of Palestine: Statements (28 May 2024)

Joan Collins: ...leaders, Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh, for war crimes. We will never know the true death toll from this attack on Gaza. Some 31 of its 36 hospitals have been damaged or destroyed. The World Health Organization has recorded over 890 attacks on health facilities since Israel began its current campaign. There are reports of bodies being found in a mass grave at...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (15 May 2024)

Joan Collins: .... The Garda investigation was famously inadequate and the State's response was callous and uncaring. The investigation was closed after ten weeks. Files relating to the investigation were lost or destroyed. The Barron commission criticised the investigation for ending too soon. Forensic evidence was mishandled. Evidence and files that should have been sent North after 24 hours were...

Dublin and Monaghan Bombings: Motion [Private Members] (14 May 2024)

Joan Collins: ...a long campaign. The film explains how the Garda investigation was mysteriously disbanded just seven weeks after the attacks, with crucial evidence sent North to the RUC being subsequently lost or destroyed or both, while the official inquest into the 34 deaths was never completed. It also examines the accusations of collusion between British intelligence and loyalists believed to be...

Increased Fossil Fuel Divestment: Motion [Private Members] (13 Dec 2023)

Joan Collins: ...climate breakdown has so far involved more fossil fuel executives than common sense. We are facing an existential crisis while world leaders shake hands with the people who have made billions from destroying our planet. The Minister of State made the point that Ireland has given €25 million to the loss and damage fund but that contribution was taken from moneys already allocated to...

Imposing Sanctions on Israel: Motion [Private Members] (15 Nov 2023)

Joan Collins: ...said there would be no place for the Palestinian Authority in Gaza after this campaign. There is clearly no intention from Israel to allow unified authority or a two-state solution. Its bombs are destroying any hope of this as we speak. This is the time to recognise Palestine. While I support the Government's call for an immediate ceasefire, words are not good enough any more. We...

Energy Charter Treaty: Statements (9 Nov 2023)

Joan Collins: ...and profits. Most of that growth and those profits go to an increasingly small elite of billionaires at the top of society. Why are we not stopping to think? Why do we allow the economic system, which is destroying our planet, which caused the 2008 banking collapse and enforced austerity on all of us and which daily immiserates billions in the global south and fails to even produce a...

Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Statements (13 Jul 2023)

Joan Collins: ...resist the cleansing and oppression going on in Palestine. There can be no more playing both sides on this and no more condemning both sides like this is an equal struggle. We have watched Israel destroy the possibility of a one-state solution and even the possibility of a two-state solution, whatever that meant. We are now watching Israel destroy any chance of peace and any chance of...

Rent Reduction Bill 2023: Second Stage [Private Members] (26 Apr 2023)

Joan Collins: ...eviction ban that was keeping tens of thousands of people in their homes. We must return to the State building a supply of housing. Profit and the market must be taken out of housing because they are destroying people's lives and the economy. They are pushing thousands into poverty and leaving thousands unable to have a home. There are more than 11,700 people in emergency...

Strike Action by the Medical Laboratory Scientists Association: Motion [Private Members] (25 May 2022)

Joan Collins: ...shortages in her lab, with no immediate prospect of those posts being filled. Every year, training in medical scientist graduates has been a core part of her role and something she used to enjoy, but it has become soul-destroying in recent years because she sees how the new graduates, after four to five years in college, view the crazy working arrangements and hours and vow to never work...

Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes: Motion [Private Members] (24 Feb 2021)

Joan Collins: ...institutions were for and the experience of those who went through the horror of incarceration in them. Further, the survivors who gave evidence found that recordings of their testimonies had been destroyed. They were told that transcripts were made from the audio and tape recordings were wiped. At a stroke, the ability of those who gave evidence to refute erroneous accounts of their...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Greyhound Industry (28 Jan 2021)

Joan Collins: ...1142 of 13 January 2021, if he will provide the information requested, that is, the names of the greyhounds injured and killed at tracks and the cause of each injury and death including greyhounds destroyed by vets and greyhounds that died as a result of racing fatalities by greyhound track in tabular form. [4691/21]

Development of a Liquefied Natural Gas Facility in Ireland: Statements (3 Oct 2019)

Joan Collins: ...within 15 years. We know that fossil energy, including gas, is the primary cause of global warming so why would we look for any more gas? Why would we want to invite the most polluting and climate destroying type of gas into our energy mix? Ireland ratified the Paris Agreement in 2015 and committed to holding global warming to below 2°C and to pursue efforts to keep global...

Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018 [Seanad]: Second Stage [Private Members] (23 Jan 2019)

Joan Collins: ...not allowed to work their farmland because of its proximity to the Israeli settlement. It is fenced off. On the occasions the two farmers have gone onto their land and planted crops the crops were destroyed by the Israeli army. Fayez and Mona made it quite clear at the meeting that they would continue to try to farm their own land and that they fully supported the Bill. The...

Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Registration Bill: Report Stage (29 Nov 2018)

Joan Collins: register as self-employed. It is happening across the board. Whether it is 1% or 15% of the workforce no employment of this nature should be allowed to seep into the workplace. It is soul destroying for the workers. They cannot plan for events such as birthdays, first communions, Christmas and so forth. It has a huge impact on them because they do not get paid for the period they...

Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017: Second Stage (14 Feb 2018)

Joan Collins: ...economy but there is nothing hip about it. It is not a lifestyle choice but a brutal campaign to enforce a race to the bottom, devalue labour, casualise work, drive down wages, prevent unionisation and destroy the gains won by workers over decades of struggle. It is estimated that 130,000 workers are affected by low hours and insecurity of their hours and wages. The question of...

Recognition of Irish Sign Language for the Deaf Community Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Second and Subsequent Stages (14 Dec 2017)

Joan Collins: ...there is no national register of ISL interpreters and ISL teachers and furthermore there are no accreditation or monitoring systems; ISL has been in use for centuries despite repressive attempts to destroy the language; service providers such as Government bodies are not legally obliged to respect Irish Sign Language - they will translate information into English and Irish but rarely into...

Heritage Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (9 Nov 2017)

Joan Collins: ...two years during the passage of the Bill through the Oireachtas. The National Parks and Wildlife Service is already underresourced but no additional resources have been promised. I turn to section 7(1). Burning in March destroys occupied nesting territories. Even if the birds have not yet laid eggs, breeding may not take place that year if an established area is destroyed in this...

Confidence in Government: Motion (15 Feb 2017)

Joan Collins: ...the instruction of Nóirín O'Sullivan and claims were fabricated that Maurice McCabe privately admitted making allegations of misconduct out of malice. If he had not had his recording, Maurice McCabe would have been destroyed and people knew it. I have no confidence in Fianna Fáil or the Labour Party either. The Labour Party sat on its hands for five years in respect of...

Syrian Conflict: Statements (20 Oct 2016)

Joan Collins: ...New York. It will be gone by Christmas. Putin's gangster capitalist regime stands indicted. The indiscriminate bombing, bunker bombs in civilian areas, deliberating targeting infrastructure to destroy water supplies, deliberately targeting hospitals and siege tactics to disrupt and deny food, water and medical facilities to civilians are all war crimes. Other parties indicted include...

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