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Results 1-20 of 34 for other and baby home speaker:Clare Daly

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Mother and Baby Homes: Motion [Private Members] (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: I move:That Dáil Éireann, having been made aware in recent times of the activities in Mother and Baby Homes that operated throughout Ireland in the twentieth century: notes: — the ill-treatment of the mothers and babies in these homes; — the forced separation of single mothers and their babies from 1922 to 1998; — the falsification of birth certificates and...

Retention of Records Bill 2019: Second Stage (2 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: The preservation of the records of the three inquiries would be welcomed by everybody. It is probably overdue in many ways. The fact that positive act, and the legislation being proposed to do that, would also contain within it one of the more regressive, unhelpful and draconian elements of legislation is appalling. It strikes a chilling tone. This is being enforced in respect of citizens...

Fourth Interim Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes: Statements (7 Feb 2019)

Clare Daly: ...Connolly, I have no respect for The Irish Timesbut the person whose article brought this information into the public domain is one of its better writers. It is the case that survivors of the mother and baby homes, not to mind politicians, should not be getting their information from The Irish Timesor any other media outlet. This is an incredibly important issue. There is a certain irony...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (20 Sep 2018)

Clare Daly: 23. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the methodology of the scoping exercise into illegal birth registrations, illegal adoptions and other irregularities at mother and baby homes including the number of files and homes that will be included in the exercise; and when it is due to be completed. [37907/18]

Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2018: Second Stage (19 Sep 2018)

Clare Daly: It is absolutely incredible in some ways that we are dealing with a situation where the coronial service is operating under legislation dating back to the 1960s and in spite of the considerable changes that have taken place in society since then, we have not been able to get our act together to modernise the legislation. I am aware that secondary legislation behind the scenes did change the...

Referendum of 25 May: Statements (29 May 2018)

Clare Daly: Yesterday, we were walking across Dublin and we met a Donegal man on a bicycle who was mad to talk. He said abortion had been an issue all his adult life and he could not believe it was over. He said he never wanted to hear the word again. I felt an enormous sympathy. What he said summed up exactly the way I felt about it myself. For so many, the weekend's vote was like an enormous...

Sex Offenders (Amendment) Bill 2018: Second Stage [Private Members] (1 May 2018)

Clare Daly: ...the shortage of nurses here because we do not pay them enough, which has led to us basically hoovering up valuable medical staff from those same developing countries, which they could use at home. We have seen it before with issues such as adoption, where people with money can travel to foreign countries and pay huge sums of money to adopt children, in some instances, in areas where they...

Third Interim Report from the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes: Statements (13 Feb 2018)

Clare Daly: I am really getting weary with the delay and, in some ways, the excuses. If I feel like that, God only knows what the survivors and those for whom this is a lived experience are feeling. We must ask ourselves why were these delays not anticipated and what are we doing to put the resources in place to ensure there are no further delays. Over the past period there have been many nice...

Report of the Joint Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution: Statements (Resumed) (18 Jan 2018)

Clare Daly: into the referendum campaign, an issue for which some people have waited a lifetime. I have heard people speak about being surprised at the way the Citizens' Assembly had approached this matter and by the outcome and by the outcome of the committee's deliberations. If they were surprised, it means that they had not been listening in the past few years. It is clear to me that...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution: Statements by Committee Members on Recommendations oif Citizens' Assembly (6 Dec 2017)

Clare Daly: It is a case of how we take it forward. Many inaccurate points were made during the course of the discussions as well. Some of them have been made repeatedly and of late. We should remind ourselves that in 1983 when the amendment was brought in, abortion was already illegal in Ireland and it was put forward as a mechanism which would stop Irish abortions but all it meant was that Irish...

Topical Issue Debate: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (12 Apr 2017)

Clare Daly: What the survivors have always wanted is acknowledgement, apology and inclusion. The interim report goes some way to saying it warrants further investigation into including those who have been excluded. The decision on which institutions to include and exclude was very inconsistent. That needs to be addressed. There is an urgent need for the Minister to meet with representatives of the...

Topical Issue Debate: Residential Institutions Statutory Fund (29 Mar 2017)

Clare Daly: The Minister for Education and Skills is aware that I recently tabled legislation to amend the residential institutions statutory fund. The fund was charged with assisting and administering some sort of redress to the people who had experienced abuse in residential institutions. Subsequent to that, there was an explosion in the media, particularly on the radio airwaves, concerning some of...

Commission of Investigation Announcement on Tuam Mother and Baby Home: Statements (9 Mar 2017)

Clare Daly: It is hard to overstate the devastation felt by citizens the length and breadth of this country as a result of the findings at Tuam. Their horror and shock are very real. It is completely hypocritical, however, for the State to feign shock at that discovery. The knowledge has been well known - our dirty hidden secret that many people, and certainly officialdom, knew about. We know that...

Financial Resolutions 2017 - Financial Resolution No. 2: General (Resumed) (12 Oct 2016)

Clare Daly: At lunchtime one of the Dáil wits made the point that yesterday should really have been called "Fiver Tuesday". There was a fiver for everyone in the audience unless one was a young person and not deemed to be good enough to even get the fiver as if it was going to make a fundamental difference to the living standards of people in the State. Like everybody else, I am sure the Minister...

Leaders' Questions (6 Jul 2016)

Clare Daly: I want to tell the Taoiseach a story. I wish it was not a true story but it is. Two sisters were both pregnant and happily looking forward to the birth of their children. Tragically, towards the end of the first sister's uneventful pregnancy, the baby died in the womb. She was medically assisted in delivering him, the family buried him and mourned him. The second sister received a...

European Council Meeting: Statements (5 Jul 2016)

Clare Daly: ...a hell of a lot more talking done about it than that, but it gives one a glimpse behind the scenes. There is no doubt that the Brexit referendum - born originally from David Cameron's arrogance, and obviously stirred up a fair bit by the lies of Nigel Farage and racism - has at the same time delivered an almighty kick to the European establishment. It would be completely wrong to...

Protection of Life in Pregnancy (Amendment) (Fatal Foetal Abnormalities) (No. 2) Bill 2013: Second Stage (30 Jun 2016)

Clare Daly: I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I move this Bill on behalf of my colleague, Deputy Mick Wallace, and the wonderful parents and organisers of the Terminations for Medical Reasons group, some of whom are in the Visitors Gallery. Over the past period, they have waived their privacy to share their pain. They have done this not to gain for themselves but solely to make the...

Marriage Bill 2015: Second Stage (Resumed) (23 Sep 2015)

Clare Daly: Earlier, I was asked whether I was opposed to everything, and I made the point that I am opposed to quite a lot of what the Government does. If I were not, I would be part of it. It is our job as Opposition Deputies. I was asked whether there was anything on which I would compliment the Government. It was a real struggle, and the only one I could come up with was the legislation we are...

Protection of Life in Pregnancy (Amendment) (Fatal Foetal Abnormalities) Bill 2013: Second Stage [Private Members] (6 Feb 2015)

Clare Daly: I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I find it somewhat unbelievable that it is nearly three years since Deputies Mick Wallace, Joan Collins and I first introduced legislation to try to deal with the X case ruling in what was the first proactive discussion on Ireland's abortion reality. It was at that time four incredible women - Arlette, Amanda, Ruth and Jenny - went public...

Redress for Women Resident in Certain Institutions Bill 2014: Second Stage (Resumed) (29 Jan 2015)

Clare Daly: It is almost two years since the Taoiseach stood here and apologised to the women of the Magdalen laundries. There are many of us who remember that day - the hope evident and the good spirits of the women in the Gallery, knowing and understanding that it was not a case that the wrong that had been carried out against them would be righted but at least there had been an acknowledgement by the...

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