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Results 1-20 of 69 for mother and baby homes speaker:Richard Boyd Barrett

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Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024: Report and Final Stages (12 Jun 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: -----but I spoke on Second Stage and I raised some of these concerns, and I am sure others did as well. For the record, we all spoke at length about some of the horrible stuff that went on, the impacts on the victims and the sexual, physical and other abuse. It is not fair to suggest that is not as big a concern. I do not know why this is a source of amusement. I honestly do not. It is...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (11 Jun 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: 620.To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if those in receipt of redress through the mother and baby homes redress scheme will have their associated medical cards be assured for the recipients’ lifetime, or be subject to intermittent review; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24942/24]

Supports for Survivors of Residential Institutional Abuse Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) (30 Apr 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: I thank the Ceann Comhairle and our Malaysian colleagues for those kind words. The abuse, neglect, beating and mistreatment by tens of thousands of children by church-run institutions in this country over decades with the collusion or facilitation of the State is a dark chapter of shame in the history of our country. Thousands and thousands of people who survived those industrial...

Taoiseach a Ainmniú - Nomination of Taoiseach (9 Apr 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: ..., the new Harris regime is suggesting it is going to renege on a promise to give additional sick leave to workers in order to back the interests of big business. Then, of course, there was the standing ovation over the words Simon Harris used about being repulsed, rightly, at the actions of Israel in its genocidal attack on the people of Palestine, when the same Ard-Fheis voted heavily...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Adoption Services (20 Mar 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: 1121. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the steps his Department has taken to inform adoptees and mother and baby home survivors of any potential role for DNA technologies in tracing birth information, given the diverse levels of technological literacy across society; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11871/24]

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Departmental Schemes (5 Mar 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: 564. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the form of redress that is available to former residents of an orphanage (details supplied) given reports of abuse and its exclusion from the mother and baby homes redress scheme (details supplied); whether the confessional character of the orphanage has played a role in the State's attitude towards liability...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (1 Feb 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: 342. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to confirm the list of Mother and Baby Homes and any other State institutions that are included in the Redress Scheme, and to provide also a list of institutions that are not included; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4662/24]

Ceisteanna - Questions: Mother and Baby Homes (25 Oct 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: The Taoiseach mentioned the State apology to mothers and children who went through the mother and baby home institutions, but the fact is that approximately 24,000 people who went through those institutions as children were excluded from the redress scheme. The redress scheme is still not open for applications, which is pretty incredible given the age of many of these people. The exclusion...

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) (Amendment) Bill 2023: Second Stage [Private Members] (25 May 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: Cowardice, conservatism, misogyny and a patronising attitude towards women has characterised the treatment of women in this country for virtually the entire history of the State. These attitudes led to the obscenities of the mother and baby homes, the Magdalen laundries, the Bethany homes and to tens and tens of thousands of women having to flee abroad under a shadow of stigma and shame for...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (17 May 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: 198. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the resources available to the survivors of mother-and-baby homes once they receive their information; if the social worker quoted in his Department's letter will make themselves available to all who need help deciphering and understanding the information they have been sent; and if he will make a statement on...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (16 May 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: 569. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if he will outline the plan to pay redress to the survivors of mother and baby homes who satisfy the existing criteria; whether he plans to expand the criteria; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22640/23]

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report Stage (Resumed) (22 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: exclude people for reasons the Minister still has not explained despite repeated requests means that we will end up in an adversarial approach where we require the survivors to get information and then deem their applications to be withdrawn if they do not revert within certain timeframes as against an open-ended period for the State to process and make decisions on applications. ...

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report Stage (Resumed) (22 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: I find it absolutely extraordinary that the Minister has managed to stay pretty stony-faced in all of this - I am sure he is aware of the strength of feeling that has been expressed by people - and has refused to give the answer or to explain the exclusion, despite the last-minute and desperate appeals that have been made in this House and, more importantly, from thousands of survivors as to...

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (22 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: I want to return to the issue of the mother and baby home redress scheme. As the Taoiseach is aware, I was adopted and I spent an uncertain amount of time in a mother and baby home. I am acutely aware that the vast majority of adoptions, where mother and child were separated, were a result of the stigma and pressure that was put by a frankly twisted morality of church and State about...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Departmental Bodies (21 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: Over many decades, tens of thousands of women and children were wronged by the church and the State in this country. The twisted morality of the church and State at the time forcibly separated mothers and children. The Government apologised and promised to bring in a redress scheme. However, as the Taoiseach will know from the many emails that have been sent to Deputies and Ministers, it...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (2 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: Can the Tánaiste explain to the public why successive Fianna Fáil- and Fine Gael-led Governments, including many he was a part of, have pursued a systematic strategy over many years of denying rights and entitlements to vulnerable people and to people who have been wronged by the State, often pursuing a very hostile, cynical legal strategy to deny people their rights? Vulnerable...

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (1 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: The point has been made by many here, again and again in this debate, and in previous debates. It is tragic and unacceptable that the Government is not willing to acknowledge the central point that is being made. I will take this last opportunity to dramatise the issue for the Minister about why the exclusion is so completely unacceptable, and fails to acknowledge the human reality that the...

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (1 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: First, I commend all those who have fought and campaigned, and continue to campaign with the emails they are sending to us in this House and particularly to the Government. They are appealing to it, even at this late stage, to rethink what it is doing and not to deny the survivors of mother and baby homes the closure and justice they deserve. After all they have suffered and been through...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committees (1 Feb 2023)

Richard Boyd Barrett: I heard the Taoiseach's responses earlier on the nursing home charges scandal. He defended the strategy that has been pursued by successive governments not to give people what they should be entitled to in respect of the huge outlays they have for nursing home charges. He defended that position and said the Government has never conceded the obligation to pay these charges. If that was the...

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Oct 2022)

Richard Boyd Barrett: I start with a reminder that the crimes committed by the State and church against mothers and children were crimes from which we, as a society, must learn. This is not just the case in Ireland but globally. Given the long struggle here involving the victims of the various church and State institutions that persecuted, in particular, women and children and, more specifically, working class...

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