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Results 1-20 of 249 for likes to work speaker:Seán Sherlock

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Gender-Based Violence: Motion [Private Members] (3 Jul 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I will start by acknowledging the work of the Minister and the funding she has committed in respect of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, particularly the €6.3 million that was allocated in March, which will have a very significant impact for organisations such as YANA, an organisation I have worked with that covers north and east Cork. The effect of that funding will be to...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Omudsman for Children Annual Report 2023: Ombudsman for Children (2 Jul 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I will start by congratulating the ombudsman and all the staff for the 20 years of service they have given us so far. As a typical constituency-based TD the office has been very helpful to me with the work we do, namely, our advocacy on the ground for the very families and children the witnesses are talking about here. I often feel the office of the Ombudsman for Children is an additional...

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (19 Jun 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I am reading with interest the Minister's words before the House this afternoon. His speech states: The second purpose is to provide for the regulation and registration of childminders who work in ... [the childminder's home] through a phased approach in line with the national action plan for childminding. I am committed to delivering childminding-specific regulations that are both...

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Systems Bill 2024: Report and Final Stages (22 May 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I thank the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, from which I have taken a very direct line. That will be obvious to everyone who has been watching the amendments we have put forward. That is only natural because I am a member of the Labour Party. This is good legislation. I would like to have seen it improved, but it is good for workers. If I may say so, the Minister has done a very good...

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Systems Bill 2024: Report and Final Stages (22 May 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I move amendment No. 22: In page 42, line 22, to delete “years 7 to 9” and substitute “years 4 to 6”. I will be brief, as I do not want to spend too much time going over a Committee Stage argument, but I read the Minister's reply to that debate. I will quote from it. She stated: In any event the employer and employee contribution rates will only increase...

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Systems Bill 2024: Report and Final Stages (22 May 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I accept that the Minister is not accepting the amendment and I will not delay the House too long on that matter. The Minister's position is very clear. I have found some comfort in her words in respect of the required skill set. There is a tried and tested formula in legislative matters like this where it absolutely affects workers and their livelihoods. There is plenty of precedent, as...

Support for Carers: Motion [Private Members] (24 Apr 2024)

Seán Sherlock: .... The issue of demographics is writ large across the issue being discussed. It will have a massive long-term, knock-on effect on how carers are supported. It will have a knock-on effect in the workplace, because as we face into increased rates of chronic disease such as Alzheimer's and dementia, workers will need to be part of the caring infrastructure into the future. That will have a...

Select Committee on Education and Skills: Research and Innovation Bill 2024: Committee Stage (28 Feb 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I note what the Minister said in respect of amendment No. 8. In that context, I am happy to withdraw amendments Nos. 7 and 11. If I understand what he said correctly, the purpose of amendment No. 8 is to seek to draw down as much funding from entities like the ERC, through Horizon and so on. That is laudable. I would have thought that would be obvious anyway, but I think the Minister may...

Research and Innovation Bill 2023: Second Stage (31 Jan 2024)

Seán Sherlock: I do not propose to take the full 20 minutes allocated in this slot. The speaker after me on the list might be listening to proceedings and may come to the Chamber. I welcome the Bill. It is a progressive step forward for a country like ours, which, in global terms, is relatively small. It is only right that we have one strong agency overseeing the funding resources to ensure all the...

An Bille up an Daicheadú Leasú ar an mBunreacht (Cúram), 2023: An Dara Céim - Fortieth Amendment of the Constitution (Care) Bill 2023: Second Stage (14 Dec 2023)

Seán Sherlock: Deputy Bacik has spoken extensively on the two amendments before us. I do not wish to repeat many of those points. However, there are some points regarding process that I would like to place on the record. There was a citizens' assembly and the convening of a special committee which did Trojan work here in the Dáil and came up with a set of recommendations and we now fastforward to...

Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) Bill 2023: Report and Final Stages (13 Dec 2023)

Seán Sherlock: I will speak to amendments Nos. 25 and 26. Amendment No. 25 relates to the frequency with which the consultative forum shall meet. In section 30, the Bill provides that a forum be established "known as the Limerick Mayoral and Government Consultative Forum ... to advise the Minister in relation to any matter that affects, or is likely to affect, Limerick or the performance of the functions...

Private Business - The Royal Hibernian Academy (Amendment of Charter) Bill 2023: Second Stage (13 Dec 2023)

Seán Sherlock: Insofar as it is appropriate for me to do so in light of what is before us, I welcome the changes proposed by the RHA, albeit that this is a rather idiosyncratic method of endorsing those changes. Any move by the RHA to broaden its membership to include younger artists must be welcomed. One is hopeful that the new members who will come under its purview will embrace many new forms of art...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Access to CAMHS for Individuals with Dual Diagnosis: Discussion (6 Dec 2023)

Seán Sherlock: I thank the witnesses for being before us today. For me the key phrase around CAMHS is always "getting into CAMHS". There is this constant battle of getting into CAMHS. In advocating for families or for people who need access to services, I characterise CAMHS as like a silo with no windows and no door. Whatever the governance structures are or how it operates, my perception of how it...

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023: Second Stage (23 Nov 2023)

Seán Sherlock: ...that the Minister has been made aware of events in Parnell Square as we speak. Our thoughts and prayers are with people there. We hope for a positive outcome for everybody involved. I would like to continue the theme started by my colleague about communications. I want to raise a very specific case where somebody was in receipt of a carer's allowance on behalf of her son who has...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Issues Facing the Early Childhood Sector: Discussion (Resumed) (14 Nov 2023)

Seán Sherlock: ...have contacted us. It was raised as an issue last week. I thank Dr. Brooks and Ms Fleming for engaging with me last Friday morning. I appreciate that. I also thank the Secretary General who took my call last week as well. I will quote from a synopsis of the issue that I asked one provider to provide me with. I believe he speaks for every provider who is dealing with the accountancy...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Issues Facing the Early Childhood Sector: Discussion (7 Nov 2023)

Seán Sherlock: I am delighted to be here today because this has been really informative. It is really educational for us because while we all have an understanding of the sector and the challenges that it faces, what we have been allowed to do today through this hearing is to delve a little bit deeper and further our understanding. I came into this place in 2007 and I am kind of on my way out. I would...

Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Bill 2023: Second Stage (25 Oct 2023)

Seán Sherlock: On behalf of the Labour Party, I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Bill, which, if passed, will provide for making three payments of €150 to ease the energy bills burden on hard-pressed households. While we will support this legislation on the basis of the adage that something is better than nothing, it bears repeating that this Government's approach to the cost of living is...

Funding for Persons with Disabilities: Motion [Private Members] (17 Oct 2023)

Seán Sherlock: We absolutely support the motion. I will start by quoting a document I received from Rehab in response to budget 2024. The words probably encapsulate the feeling of every similar organisation, including St. Joseph's Foundation in my area and Enable Ireland. These organisations speak of their frustration and the lack of certainty that pertains to their funding and that of their sector....

Childcare Fees: Motion [Private Members] (3 Oct 2023)

Seán Sherlock: I welcome the motion. We support it and acknowledge the work of Deputy Funchion on this issue. While doing so, it is important, on this issue, in my humble view, to adopt a less partisan approach, if I may put it that way, because we are dealing with children. If we can deal with the issue of children and access to childcare in a more collegiate fashion, dare I say it, then we should. I...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Community Employment Schemes (6 Jul 2023)

Seán Sherlock: ..., it is that the status quoremains. That is what I interpret from the Minister of State's response. What we are talking about here are people who either carried the hod, or were cleaners who partook in manual labour for long periods of their lives where the physical nature of their work is such that they cannot transition at a certain period of their lives into new modes or forms of...

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