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Results 1-10 of 10 for garda reserve speaker:Shane Ross

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Driver Safety (27 May 2020)

Shane Ross: ..., to put their safety at risk on our roads by taking steps which would do so for the sake of short-term expediency. I would note that an unaccompanied learner driver who is stopped by an Garda Síochána may face penalty points, a fixed charge, seizure of the vehicle and possible prosecution. Due to the closure of services provided by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) as a...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Road Traffic Offences Data (18 Dec 2019)

Shane Ross: ...1 Fail to obey traffic lights 38 11 15 3 Fail to stop before stop sign/stop line 2 5 Fail to stop for Garda   1 Fail to yield right of way...

Seanad: Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2017: Second Stage (10 Jul 2018)

Shane Ross: ..., namely, a mature, sensible, reflective, understanding and sympathetic hearing for the Bill. It has happened in a calm atmosphere. I understand fully those who have asked questions and expressed reservations on the Bill, but the fact that it will pass with, possibly, unanimity, albeit I do not want to anticipate anything, is a tribute to the fact alluded to by Senator John O'Mahony that...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Penalty Points System Data (10 Oct 2017)

Shane Ross: ...87 388 168 316 100 97 137 Exceed road works speed limit Fail to act in accordance with Garda signal 5 Fail to comply with Keep to Right/Left signs 3 Fail to comply with mandatory traffic signs ...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Penalty Points System Data (22 Nov 2016)

Shane Ross: ... 162 187 Driving vehicle before remedying a defect 1 Driving without reasonable consideration 3,450 3,637 2,850 Entry to hatched marked area   369 373 297 Fail to act in accordance with Garda signal 7 7 2 Fail to comply with Keep to Right/Left signs 5 8 2 Fail to comply with mandatory traffic signs 44 41 28...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Parking Regulations (1 Jun 2016)

Shane Ross: ​The making of pay-parking by-laws by road authorities, under section 36 of the Road Traffic Act 1994, is a reserved function of each authority. Guidelines issued by the Minister under that section provide assistance to authorities when making pay-parking by-laws, including examples of the structure and content of such by-laws. Where changes are being made to existing by-laws, other...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Road Traffic Legislation (17 May 2016)

Shane Ross: ...respect to public roads in their functional area. A mandatory element of such bye-laws is that they operate in the context of a paid parking scheme. The exercise of this bye-law making power is a reserved function of the elected members of the local council. It is important to note that where a section 36 pay parking bye-law scheme is in operation, any member of the...

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Garda Reserve (12 May 2015)

Shane Ross: 409. To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality if she will provide details on the refusal of a person's admission to An Garda Síochána Reserve (details supplied) ; if this refusal will be repeated, if further applications are made; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18487/15]

Public Accounts Committee: 2011 Annual Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Chapter 26: Collection of Motor Taxation
Vote 20: An Garda Síochána
(16 May 2013)

Shane Ross: ...could explain it to me. Of the two inquiries we are discussing, one was held into the points system and the quashing of points, while the other was held by the Ombudsman into the activities of the Garda in the case of a drug trafficking informant. They came up with staggeringly different results. The inquiry the Garda held into the points system pretty well gives its guys a clean bill...

Seanad: Property Services (Regulation) Bill 2009: Second Stage (21 May 2009)

Shane Ross: ...licence. I know this because I did it. I never practised but I got a licence because I could not believe it was so easy. I took a bank draft for £12,000 to the District Court in Bray, a garda came to my house to check that I was alive and in good health and spoke to me for a few minutes, and a judge accepted my application and wished me well in my new career. It is a career which I...

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