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Results 1-20 of 22 for "kenny report" speaker:Jan O'Sullivan

Rent Freeze (Fair Rent) Bill 2019: Second Stage [Private Members] (10 Dec 2019)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...should not be the case. I submitted a proposed Bill, which has not yet come back from the Ceann Comhairle's office, on something that my party included in a previous Private Members' Bill, namely, implementation of the Kenny report of the early 1970s. This would discourage people who own land that is appropriate for development from sitting on it and hoarding it until they can make a...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Residential Tenancies (Greater Security of Tenure and Rent Certainty) Bill 2018 and Anti-Evictions Bill 2018: Discussion (20 Feb 2019)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...well-established. I was a member of the committee, which heard much eminent legal advice from constitutional lawyers and examined a number of precedents and cases. The report recommended that the Kenny report could be implemented and, generally, that the Constitution should not be used as a shelter or excuse for inaction on the rights of the public versus the rights of private property....

Urban Regeneration and Housing (Amendment) Bill 2018: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Jul 2018)

Jan O'Sullivan: I thank Deputy Wallace for introducing the Bill, which the Labour Party will support. We introduced the Social and Affordable Housing Bill in 2016, which also proposed the implementation of the Kenny report but while we received the support of the left in the House at the time, we did not, unfortunately, get the support of Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil and the Bill did not pass on Second...

Urban Regeneration and Housing (Amendment) Bill 2018: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Jul 2018)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...the Fianna Fáil speakers. In conclusion, my party supports this Bill. It needs to go into committee. We certainly need to bring in whatever measures we can, including the vacant sites levy and the Kenny report, in order to stop speculation on land when so many people are in such misery in this country because of homelessness.

Housing: Motion [Private Members] (13 Jun 2018)

Jan O'Sullivan: This is unacceptable. The Government needs to address land hoarding via the types of measures many of us have put forward. The Labour Party has specifically argued for implementation of the Kenny report, which would deter land hoarding, and for the vacant sites levy to be brought forward and increased. It is wrong that public land is being used for private profit while at the time...

Affordable Housing: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (1 Feb 2018)

Jan O'Sullivan: local authorities on the compulsory acquisition of land for social and affordable housing, along the lines recommended in the report of the Committee on the Price of Building Land in 1973, the Kenny report, so that such land could be compulsorily acquired at existing use values, plus 25%, which was agreed to by the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution in 2004 to be a...

Affordable Housing: Motion [Private Members] (30 Jan 2018)

Jan O'Sullivan: I welcome the motion, which we support. I thank Deputy Ó Broin for indicating that Sinn Féin will accept our amendment, which seeks to implement the recommendations of the Kenny report that were designed to stop land hoarding. There is evidence that people are sitting on land to make a greater profit. This would be a long-term way of ensuring affordable land is available for...

Housing (Homeless Families) Bill 2017: Second Stage [Private Members] (15 Nov 2017)

Jan O'Sullivan: .... We cannot allow the market to ramp up when it suits and when profits are high. Last year, the Labour Party introduced legislation that proposed a number of measures, including the implementation of the Kenny report to deter land hoarding at a time when house construction is needed. We need to see a lot more urgency about getting some of this country's more than 180,000 empty homes back...

Housing: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (26 Oct 2017)

Jan O'Sullivan: meet, they undoubtedly relate to concerns which, in a free and democratic society, should be regarded as pressing and substantial’; notes in particular the Committee's conclusion that the recommendations of the Kenny Report on the Price of Building Land would survive constitutional scrutiny; believes, therefore, that the Constitution of Ireland can no longer be used as a...

Housing: Motion [Private Members] (24 Oct 2017)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...not believe it is necessary to declare an emergency in the way FEMPI legislation was introduced in order to address this issue. This time last year, we published a Bill seeking to implement the Kenny report as recommended by the all-party committee on the Constitution in its ninth progress report on private property. The report concluded that the Oireachtas has the power to restrict...

Housing: Motion [Private Members] (27 Sep 2017)

Jan O'Sullivan: .... We would have added another area to the motion. I accept that Sinn Féin wished to be specific on particular issues and that there are many matters that could be included, but our proposal regarding the Kenny report relates to the issue of hoarding building land. We wish to see that implemented as well. There is certainly evidence now that much-needed building land is being sat...

An Bille um an gCúigiú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Ceart chun Tithíochta), 2017: An Dara Céim [Comhaltaí Príobháideacha] - Thirty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution (Right to Housing) Bill 2017: Second Stage [Private Members] (20 Sep 2017)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...a vacant homes tax, the vacant sites levy, which will retrospectively come in at the beginning of next year, and also, as the Labour Party has proposed by way of legislation, the implementation of the Kenny report to control the cost of building land and to stop developers from hoarding land. All these measures would be strengthened if there were a constitutional right to a home. It is...

Residential Tenancies (Housing Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) (Amendment) Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (18 May 2017)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...stage. I have stated before that I was a member of an Oireachtas committee on the Constitution more than ten years ago. We examined a number of measures, with one being the implementation of the Kenny report relating to the value of land, specifically having only reasonable profit rather than windfall profits. At the time our legal adviser was a very eminent person, Mr. Gerard Hogan,...

Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) (16 Dec 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: the previous Government. We proposed it should come forward earlier than intended. That is also why we proposed in our Bill last week that we should implement the recommendations of the Kenny report, which would be a deterrent to developers sitting on land which could be used for building social houses in the future.

Social and Affordable Housing Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (8 Dec 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: if people had not made a huge amount of money out of the rezoning of agricultural land. It resulted in tribunals and huge problems around the edge of Dublin. It is as if there had been no proposal in the Kenny report, which is about 40 years old now, that the compulsory purchase of land for social housing should not result in extortionate profits for the owners. The Kenny report...

Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Second Stage (1 Dec 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: .... In fact, doing something about deterring developers from sitting on sites with permission would do far more. I intend to bring in legislation next week to address this in the context of the Kenny report and by bringing forward the vacant sites levy. That is for another day, but the fact that there are so many existing planning permissions is enough to suggest that the problem does not...

Social and Affordable Housing Bill 2016: First Stage (15 Nov 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: .... The Bill contains a number of measures including one regarding the amount of compensation made in the compulsory acquisition of land and proposes the implementation of the recommendations in the Kenny report of 1973, following on from the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution, which examined the proposals in 2004 and found that they did not contravene the Constitution...

Financial Resolutions 2017 - Financial Resolution No. 2: General (Resumed) (12 Oct 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...average cost of supplying a house is €330,000, but only €150,000 of this figure relates to the cost of construction. More than half of the cost is made up of taxes and, in particular, the cost of land. We made a proposal to implement the Kenny report, whereby if landowners were to be compensated for the compulsory purchase of building land, they should be paid the...

Housing Strategy: Statements (19 Jul 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: ...profit. The Labour Party put forward proposals in the Social Housing Bill yesterday. I hope the Minister will look at the proposals contained in the Bill, one of which is the implementation of the Kenny report and other of which is to bring forward the vacant sites levy. I accept the Minister said this morning that he would bring forward the vacant sites levy as soon as he legally...

Other Questions: Housing Policy (29 Jun 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: If the availability of affordable land is one of the problems in local authorities building houses, will the Government consider implementing a recommendation made in the Kenny report of more than 40 years ago, one that was considered to be constitutional by an Oireachtas all-party committee? I am referring to land being made available at its existing zoning level price, usually...

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