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Results 1-19 of 19 for feel "party:" . (isset($parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")]) ? $parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")] : "$a[1]") speaker:Brian O'Shea

Criminal Law (Defence and the Dwelling) Bill 2010: Second Stage (Resumed) (21 Oct 2010)

Brian O'Shea: ...tiger kidnapping. These are frightening situations for those working in banks and they should be allowed to defend themselves in such situations. The Bill must address this because people should feel safe in their homes. They feel at present that they must withdraw if there is an intruder and it is important that we send a message to those who would intrude that the freedom to go about...

Announcement by Minister for Finance on Banking of 30 September 2010: Statements (Resumed). (14 Oct 2010)

Brian O'Shea: ...expand their qualifications, give them experience in the field and make them more fit for purpose. The basic issue of the dignity of work, namely, having a reason to get out of bed in the morning, feeling that one is useful and is doing a useful job on behalf of the community, needs to be considered in this context. It is terribly demoralising to be looking for employment when there are...

Irish Red Cross Society. (21 Apr 2010)

Brian O'Shea: ...the context of what the Minister has to deal with, where he can make a positive input into the future of the organisation is in regard to governance as per the legislation which he may or may not feel is appropriate. I realise this is all new to the Minister and that he has inherited this issue. I absolutely share his view that the Irish Red Cross is a very important organisation and...

Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy (27 Jan 2010)

Brian O'Shea: ...system. He brought a set of personal values to both politics and the democratic system. He was shrewd and humorous. When one met him one always had a laugh and one always left his company feeling better. He was compassionate and close to people, which was one of his great strengths. He understood people's needs. People understood that and called on him for assistance on many...

Adoption Bill 2009 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (21 Jan 2010)

Brian O'Shea: this position. They consider themselves to have lost six months and are putting the blame at the Minister of State's door. I make this point because it is how those who have contacted me feel. The Labour Party welcomes this Bill and considers the ratification of the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoptions to be long overdue....

Defence Forces Operations. (10 Mar 2009)

Brian O'Shea: ..., are there wider security issues of which we should be cognisant? Up to 27 January this year there were four call-outs, one of which was a hoax. Does the Minister have the up-to-date figure? I feel that something is going on and it needs to be addressed. I take the point that the Garda is responsible for law and order but my concern is that there is a wider agenda that could be going...

Overseas Missions: Motion (5 Mar 2009)

Brian O'Shea: ...recent security reports on the possible consequences of developments in Sudan with regard to the action taken by the International Criminal Court? I visited one of the refugee camps and got the feeling that while the Irish troops have improved the situation a great deal many of the refugees would not have a great inclination to return home for a long time. Even though they are not very...

Victims' Rights Bill 2008: Second Stage. (24 Jun 2008)

Brian O'Shea: score points off one another. We are here to serve the people. A basic right is security and the State has a responsibility to provide for it. There are too many victims who, rightly, feel they have not been properly treated by the system. We will not rectify all that is wrong overnight, but until we have legislation and we begin to implement and develop it, we are going nowhere. We...

Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second and Subsequent Stages (3 Jul 2007)

Brian O'Shea: ...exactly does "co-ordination" mean in this context? It is a weak term in respect of what is needed. It does not mean that the Minister can direct other Departments or State agencies to do what he feels is necessary. The Minister cannot nominate the priorities for other Departments and State agencies. We are losing the battle on this issue although there is a Cabinet sub-committee...

Pension Provisions. (29 Mar 2007)

Brian O'Shea: ...about this. She believes it is very unfair to take away one of her social welfare payments simply because she has turned 66. As a result of this development, she has become quite depressed and feels a large amount of her independence has been taken away from her. She has written a number of letters to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Deputy Brennan, about her case, to no...

Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Motion (Resumed). (28 Mar 2006)

Brian O'Shea: ...offence by the breach of an order gives space to the person against whom the order was granted to get his or her act together. The concept of the anti-social behaviour order has an uncomfortable feel about it and, obviously, such orders should be used sparingly when all other approaches have failed and in the face of ongoing chronic anti-social behaviour by an individual or individuals....

Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Bill 2005: Second Stage (Resumed). (1 Dec 2005)

Brian O'Shea: carefully considered in all its aspects. Older fishermen often continue fishing because it helps to finance the third level studies of their grandchildren. Particular individuals and families feel a great sense of history and heritage in their involvement over many years in salmon fishing and they would be reluctant to withdraw. For any buyout system to be successful, it must be...

Morris Tribunal: Motion (Resumed). (22 Jun 2005)

Brian O'Shea: ...assistant who works in a private nursing home on a work permit who is conscience driven to expose mistreatment or neglect of elderly patients to the authorities. Such a person would in most cases feel very much at risk in making such disclosures. However, if such a person could go to a Member and make these disclosures in the certainty that his or her identity would be protected by law,...

Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage. (11 May 2005)

Brian O'Shea: change it we will continue where we are. Whereas I do not ever want to wish that democratically enacted legislation should not work out in the best interests of the public, I cannot avoid feeling that it is a fundamental mistake in terms of its genesis. Some in Government saw this as a huge fund that could be exploited for political purposes, which I believe will happen notwithstanding...

Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Report Stage. (10 May 2005)

Brian O'Shea: ...criteria, why is it necessary to remove this function from them? Did these people ask for the function to be removed? Did they ask not to have the final say, on the grounds that they did not feel competent and that Big Brother, in the shape of the Minister, must finalise the criteria? It appears the Minister could throw out their criteria and replace them with his own. This amendment is...

Garda Síochána Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (20 Apr 2005)

Brian O'Shea: ...had a year to complete its work, consulted far and wide. It took written submissions and heard oral evidence and the views and opinions of various stakeholders on policing. Many people in society feel alienated from the system. We often hear about low level crime. It can be devastating for vulnerable people but it is virtually impossible to secure a conviction for such crime. There is the...

Irish Language: Statements. (23 Mar 2005)

Brian O'Shea: ...from intimidation and elitism so that people can without fear express their views on and attitude to the Irish language. Many people are antagonistic to the Irish language. They should be made to feel that in this democratic society, they should be able to express their opinions on the Irish language or any other subject without accusations of being west Britons or not being truly...

Voluntary Sector Organisations. (22 Feb 2005)

Brian O'Shea: ...issues. The organisation did not give its support to Sustaining Progress. Many people see a sinister side to this decision. The CWC is an independent voice that criticises Government policies if it feels they are not serving their intended purposes. Will the Minister of State assure me that this is not a vindictive action and an attempt to silence an organisation that is critical? The...

Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Second Stage. (3 Feb 2005)

Brian O'Shea: .... However, the Government came on this crock of gold and decided to grab it for its political purposes. The Bill is a backward step for our democracy. People, particularly the young, already feel cynical towards politics. When an Administration is in power too long, it becomes arrogant. It cannot see how its actions will be rightly interpreted by the public. The Bill can only be...

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