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Results 1-20 of 25 for nui speaker:Rónán Mullen

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Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (2 Mar 2022)

Rónán Mullen: Because of the still constrained nature of the various groups in the Seanad making contributions I did not have a chance yesterday to pay tribute to the former Independent NUI Senator, John A. Murphy. I look forward to the tributes to him in the full course of time. He was a man who was unafraid of telling the truth as he saw it, challenging orthodoxies to enlighten minds. His...

Seanad: Quality in Public Procurement (Contract Preparation and Award Criteria) Bill 2021: Second Stage (26 Mar 2021)

Rónán Mullen: I command my NUI Seanad colleague, Senator Higgins, on introducing the Bill which I support. I welcome the Minister of State. We have a serious problem with value for money in this country. It arises in part because of the quick-fix nature of Irish politics and public administration and the constant desire to seek out easy answers to difficult problems, often for electoral reasons....

Seanad: Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage (10 Nov 2020)

Rónán Mullen: ...Bill involves, that is, reform of the university franchise, then a six-seater constituency is the way to go. One anomaly that it would get rid of is those who are graduates of Trinity College and NUI have two votes in the Seanad Éireann election. It is obvious that if we are going to give a vote to graduates then every graduate should be able to take part.It would seem to me to be a...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills: General Scheme of the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2020: Minister with responsibility for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (8 Oct 2020)

Rónán Mullen: I was quite surprised that NUI Galway, my alma mater, recently stood back from its initial requirement that students sign up to a pledge as a condition of registration for their courses. The pledge was, effectively to honour the requirements of social distancing and all the related restrictions that are particularly important for the student cohort. I do not wish to demonise any section of...

Seanad: Safe Reopening of Tertiary Sector and Key Priorities for Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science: Statements (24 Sep 2020)

Rónán Mullen: ...sensible and thorough anthropology. We need a more thorough approach to bringing about behavioural change. All of that said, these efforts are laudable and they must be supported. The Minister was in NUI Galway yesterday. I was surprised to see recently that when NUIG put forward a mandatory requirement for students to sign a pledge to adhere to public health advice as a condition of...

Seanad: Seanad Reform Implementation Group: Statements (24 Sep 2019)

Rónán Mullen: own parents, do not. I do not think we can stand over that anymore. We know the origin of the university seats, and Senator McDowell's grandfather distinguished himself in political life as an NUI Deputy, if I am not mistaken, and latterly as a Senator, if my memory serves me well.

Seanad: Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) (Amendment) Bill 2018: Report and Final Stages (22 May 2019)

Rónán Mullen: .... While it is part of the National University of Ireland, it perhaps can only really be understood if one has an understanding of the blessed trinity and the notion of three in one, except the NUI has more than three constituent colleges.

Seanad: Address to Seanad Éireann by Mr. Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh (21 Mar 2018)

Rónán Mullen: ...dúinn chuimniú i gcónaí gurb é an áit le tosnú an earnáil phoiblí. Ansin, rachfas daoine eile. I understand what people say about compulsory Irish and how it can create the wrong effect but is mór an trua the decline of Irish within the Civil Service and the fact that the rules were changed so that there are now very few people in the...

Seanad: Order of Business (31 Jan 2017)

Rónán Mullen: In conclusion, I am very disappointed with my own alma mater, NUI Galway, or UCG as it was in my time, whose governing authority took a decision recently that the Irish language would not be a requirement for the next president of the college. This went through on the nod. Fair play to Deputy Catherine Connolly, who raised it in the Dáil. The Minister, Deputy Bruton, shrugged his...

Seanad: Order of Business (31 Jan 2017)

Rónán Mullen: ...job would have Irish. The Government did not oppose it at that point. It seems to me that a lot of lip service is paid to the Irish language. However, when one considers the amount of goodwill towards NUI Galway because it is a bilingual university and because it is so associated with Irish language and culture, it is a disgrace that it would not be a requirement in the appointment of a...

Seanad: Alcohol Consumption in Ireland: Statements (12 May 2015)

Rónán Mullen: ...Jillian van Turnhout for a very collegiate offer in allowing me to speak ahead of her because I have to take part in a debate this evening with Senator Lorraine Higgins which has been organised by NUI Galway, our alma mater, on the referendum. There is possibly such a thing as binge debating but I wish to thank Senator van Turnhout. Given how seriously she takes her brief, she would want...

Seanad: Children and Family Relationships Bill 2015: Committee Stage (Resumed) (27 Mar 2015)

Rónán Mullen: ...about same-sex marriage. By the way, Dr. Shannon is part of the reason I am a Member of the Seanad because he once beat me in an election for auditorship of the literary and debating society in NUI Galway, as a result of which I entered student politics.

Seanad: Address by Mr. Drew Nelson, Grand Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland (3 Jul 2012)

Rónán Mullen: ...important we have fraternity between people of faith. One of the most pleasant moments since I was elected to the Seanad was the day when an old friend, a lecturer in engineering from my days in NUI Galway, a Protestant from Portadown, brought in his friend, the former moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Reverend Dr. Stafford Carson. We had a wonderful conversation and we discovered...

Seanad: Address by President of the Irish Human Rights Commission (28 Sep 2011)

Rónán Mullen: ...a Senator, always a Senator. Speaking for Senator Quinn and myself, I should welcome him not just as a former Member of the House but also as the chancellor of the National University of Ireland, NUI. I thank him for his comments about Seanad Éireann. If this House can demonstrate half the capacity for survival that the NUI has shown, it will be doing well. Dr. Manning made many...

Seanad: Order of Business (11 Nov 2010)

Rónán Mullen: I support Senator O'Toole comments on Seanad reform. He is absolutely right to say it is unacceptable that the graduates of colleges, other than those of the NUI and Trinity, are not eligible to vote in Seanad elections. We need to examine a wider reform in this regard. Under our Constitution, it is possible to bring forward legislation governing the way in which the vocational panels are...

Seanad: Irish Language: Statements (10 Mar 2010)

Rónán Mullen: daoine. Bíonn riachtanais éagsúla ag baint le gach post. Cad chuige nach mbeadh an Ghaeilge lárnach imeasc na riachtanas sin. Ba mhaith liom ceist Ollscoil Náisúnta na hÉireann, NUI, a lua. D'fhógair an tAire Oideachais agus Eolaíochta le déanaí go mbeifear ag fáil réidh leis an NUI, ach céard faoin ról atá ag an NUI i gcosaint na Gaeilge, go háirithe maidir leis an...

Seanad: Job Creation: Statements (3 Mar 2010)

Rónán Mullen: ...should also be exposed to the humanities as part of their education. However, we must also move with the times in course design. In a recent issue of the alumni magazine of my alma mater, NUI Galway, I read about a new course in the faculty of commerce designed in collaboration with local businessmen, notable among them Padraig O'Ceidigh of Aer Arann. Business people give a considerable...

Seanad: Seanad Reform: Motion (20 Jan 2010)

Rónán Mullen: the organisation Graduate Equality, to achieve some movement on this issue. The announcement by the Minister for Education and Science, Deputy Batt O'Keeffe, of the proposed abolition of the NUI, a matter we will have to debate separately, could create complications for reforming the election of university Senators, but that reform must happen and not be delayed. I hope the Minister,...

Seanad: Dental Services (8 Dec 2009)

Rónán Mullen: Abolition of the scheme would have a negative effect on public health and cost the Exchequer €112 million a year, as estimated in the research of Dr. Brenda Gannon, a health economist at NUI Galway. The Irish Dental Association commissioned Dr. Gannon to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the scheme. Her analysis shows the significant benefits that accrue from the scheme and...

Seanad: Unemployment: Motion (1 Jul 2009)

Rónán Mullen: hitting the professions and the middle classes very hard, but what is most remarkable is the impact of the recession on youth unemployment, specifically among young men. Seán Ó Riain, the NUI Maynooth sociologist, recently pointed out that in the latest quarterly national household survey the major trend that stands out is the disastrous collapse in working class employment, with...

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