Results 1-20 of 1,597 for speaker:Cecilia Keaveney
- Seanad: Olympic Games Report (20 Apr 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I thank you, a Chathaoirligh, for accepting this matter for discussion on the Adjournment, as well as for your courtesy during the lifetime of the current Seanad. I believe this is probably the last hurrah in that respect. I welcome the Minister of State to the House and congratulate him on his elevation to ministerial office. I wish him great success in his portfolio. I know that he is...
- Seanad: Olympic Games Report (20 Apr 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I have a lot of interest in and information on those matters. We must not underestimate the fact that 85% to 90% of sports in Asia are corrupt. In addition, they are being corrupted by people who have no interest in sport. They are only interested in making money from sport through spread betting and Internet gambling, which is their core focus. I am seeking an update on what the Irish...
- Seanad: Olympic Games Report (20 Apr 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I welcome the progress in getting teams on the ground. I was a little scared by the comment that cultural programmes would be put in place for a four-year Cultural Olympiad. The year before the Olympics is probably more important and the focus has been on London for the past few years. Will the Minister of State keep asking about progress on this issue? There is massive potential in this...
- Seanad: Finance Bill 2011 (Certified Money Bill): Committee Stage (Resumed) (29 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: A number of Senators are offering. Does the Minister wish to hear them before he comes in?
- Seanad: Air Services (19 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: The Minister of State might also mention to the Minister of State, Deputy Moloney, my concern that he has not mentioned the current building programme for mental health services in Letterkenny. There must be a form of paranoia in the north west when we think we are being ignored. I am glad the Minister of State, Deputy Roche, is here to respond to the matter I am raising, that of the...
- Seanad: Air Services (19 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: They are an hour and a half away from that airport.
- Seanad: Air Services (19 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I do not accept the Minister of State's answer. Am I right that the review that involved extensive consultations with the BMW regional assembly, IDA Ireland, the IAA, Fáilte Ireland, Tourism Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Aer Arann and Ryanair recommended that the PSO be discontinued? That is how it reads. For it to say 5% to 6% of total passengers are going elsewhere other than to Dublin...
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: At a time when people want to run for election to the other House on the basis of getting rid of cronyism it is interesting that a journalist would invite someone to appear on his prime-time RTE programmeââ
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: ââ and give that person a platform that no one else is allowed to have. The only time I was invited to appear on national television was when we were being asked to stand overââ
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: ââthe relevance of the Seanad.
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: The only time we were brought on was to defend ourselves and only as members of the audience, not as main players. I seek clarification that the Road Traffic Bill will be brought before the House because it is definitely being brought before the other House. In that context, does the Minister have responsibility for road safety, given that my Adjournment matter was ruled out of order again today?
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: We are making this House totally irrelevant.
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: We are being asked outside the House how relevant we are.
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: We raise issues here only to be advised that an issue does not come within a Minister's remit.
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: With due respect, a Chathaoirlighââ
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: If there are road safety and road traffic Bills being brought before the House, we should have an entitlementââ
- Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: ââ to raise issues of safety on the Adjournment. It is appalling. I ask the Leader for a debate on what is happening in the North and the north west. Last week the Minister announced he was withdrawing the PSO in respect of the Derry to Dublin link road. The Labour Party has announced it will withdraw the money for the project. A Sinn Féin Minister will not deliver on the rail link...
- Seanad: Broadcasting Services (13 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I thank the Minister for attending. When I raised this matter previously, he was not present to hear my contribution. I also thank the Cathaoirleach for finally allowing me to raise again the issue of television services. It was frustrating to be refused several times on the basis that the Department had stated the matter had nothing to do with the Minister, that it was one for RTE or...
- Seanad: Broadcasting Services (13 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I thank the Minister for his detailed reply. I had much of the information. Perhaps he will tackle the specific issue of whether the digitalisation of the Divis transmitter is all that is necessary to provide a digital overspill into the north west. I believe it might be necessary to upgrade the Limavady transmitter to facilitate that. I urge the Minister to get that information as early...
- Seanad: Student Support Bill 2008: Second Stage (12 Jan 2011)
Cecilia Keaveney: I thank the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills for introducing this important legislation. It has been long awaited by students and those bodies involved in awarding student grants. There has been much stress on the latter as more people now enter third level education. It is a positive sign when more young people plan to continue their education from second to third level...