Results 1-20 of 2,678 for speaker:Marian Harkin
- Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: School Staff (22 Jan 2025)
Marian Harkin: 634. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if an issue with regard to sick leave will be reviewed (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1707/25]
- Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Sector (22 Jan 2025)
Marian Harkin: 1118. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question No. 1252 of 9 September 2024, if a further update will be provided on the matter (details supplied). [1890/25]
- Taoiseach a Ainmniú - Nomination of Taoiseach (18 Dec 2024)
Marian Harkin: Along with others, I mark this historic day, as the House has elected the first woman Ceann Comhairle. She follows in the footsteps of Cathal Brugha, our first Ceann Comhairle, who was elected on 21 January 1919, just over 105 years ago. I was very pleased to nominate Verona for the role of Ceann Comhairle, as I was to nominate Catherine Connolly as Leas-Cheann Comhairle five years ago,...
- Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: Thank you, Deputy. We will hear from the Rural Independent Group.
- Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: I thank the Minister.
- Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: I call Deputy Collins.
- Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: I was happy to allow Deputy Phelan a little leeway as it is his last speech.
- Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: Thank you, Deputy.
- Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: We still have to keep to the time.
- Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: That is a classic non-answer.
- Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: It is a non-answer.
- Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: On page 36 of the programme for Government, it states: As Ireland moves towards carbon neutrality, we do not believe that it makes sense to develop LNG gas import terminals importing fracked gas. ... We do not support the importation of fracked gas ... Yet the Government has done a U-turn with the amendments to the planning Bill, which means we will end up importing large quantities...
- Carer's Allowance: Motion [Private Members] (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: It is appropriate that my second last contribution to the Thirty-third Dáil is on the issue of how we care for carers. I put forward a Private Members' Bill on this issue during this Dáil, which carried on from my work in the European Parliament where I chaired the carers interest group for ten years. One of the pieces of legislation we were successful in bringing forward was...
- Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Business Supports (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: 55. To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if the second increased cost of business application by a business (details supplied) will be reviewed in order to avail of the Power Up grant. [45311/24]
- Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: School Transport (6 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: 66. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if her Department will provide school transport for a number of students to attend a school (details supplied). [45360/24]
- Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Disability Services (5 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: 896. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the reason there is no HSE hydrotherapy pool in the north west region that can cater for wheelchair users, which is clear discrimination against people with disabilities (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44166/24]
- Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Disability Services (5 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: 904. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth when a person will receive CDNT services (details supplied), which they have not received since April 2024; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44260/24]
- Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Disability Services (5 Nov 2024)
Marian Harkin: 929. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the number of occupational therapists in place across all CHO areas, specifically related to disability services, in tabular form (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44528/24]
- Public Health Service Staffing: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (23 Oct 2024)
Marian Harkin: I thank the Labour Party for tabling this motion because it allows us to discuss this important issue. I will spend my time focusing on the more local impacts of Government healthcare policy. I will concentrate on the impacts on Sligo University Hospital, SUH. This is what matters to the people living there because it is their local hospital. What are we talking about? Last week,...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Citizens' Attitude to Democracy and the Rule of Law: TASC (23 Oct 2024)
Marian Harkin: I was delayed, so I apologise for that. I also have to leave because I am speaking in the Chamber in a few minutes. I thank the witnesses for their presentation. I have quickly scanned the report but I will not pretend I have read it because I have not. I have listened carefully to what they have said. I have a few thoughts and a few questions. When I came in, I heard it said that...