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Results 1-20 of 84 for feel speaker:Eamon Gilmore "party:" . (isset($parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")]) ? $parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")] : "$a[1]")

Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland Bill 2014: Second Stage (10 Jul 2014)

Eamon Gilmore: law at this point is the city manager. I do think, though, that events and facts have come to light which were perhaps not in the public domain at the time he made his decision. I certainly feel that through discussions between the parties it may be possible to achieve a resolution. I hope it will be achieved.

Leaders' Questions (12 Jun 2014)

Eamon Gilmore: ...section 39 agencies to ensure they complied with public pay policy. The Government's position is that there must be compliance with public pay policy. I acknowledge, of course, the very strong feelings among many people who work in the public service about their pay levels. For that reason, when we negotiated the Haddington Road agreement last year, we ensured there would be no...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: Recent and Forthcoming Foreign Affairs Councils: Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (4 Mar 2014)

Eamon Gilmore: has changed tack and reversed its position. Like any other country, Ukraine needs to be inclusive of all those who live within its borders and ways must be found to ensure people are included and feel included. Where there is no inclusion and issues of national identity and language rights arise, there are mechanisms in place for dealing with them. For example, the Council of Europe...

Leaders' Questions (23 Jan 2014)

Eamon Gilmore: ...done. It is the Government's view that there must be accountability for the spending of any public money, and that it must represent value for money and the best outcome for the taxpayer. If we feel public moneys can be better used, more effectively deployed or can deliver a better service for the public by means other than channelling that money through particular organisations, that...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Human Rights Issues (15 Jan 2014)

Eamon Gilmore: ...children by Israeli forces in the occupied territories has been a matter of deep concern to us. Ireland with its EU partners has conveyed this concern directly to the Israeli authorities. We feel that this has had some result as the age of criminal responsibility for Palestinian children was raised in 2012 to the same age as that for Israeli children, as should be the case. In Ireland's...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Illegal Israeli Imports (15 Jan 2014)

Eamon Gilmore: ...contacts with settlements, on which good progress has been made. There is no fixed timescale for the finalisation of the planned EU guidelines on labelling of settlement goods. There is a widespread feeling among EU partners that it might not be helpful to introduce either of these measures at this particular moment, while the direct negotiations between the parties are ongoing. This is...

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...for Health, Deputy James Reilly, and the Ministers of State, Deputies Alex White and Kathleen Lynch. People will oppose this measure, quibble at it and complain about it. Interest groups will feel discomfited by it and try to undermine it. This measure is not just good health care policy; it is an important statement about the kind of Ireland we should want to build. I do not believe...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: Situation In Syria: Discussion with Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (18 Sep 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...well managed and has good physical facilities. Great effort is being made by the regional and local authorities and the Government of Turkey in hosting refugees. However, a person would almost feel the tension were they to stand in the middle of the camp. These are really difficult places in which to be. I talked to the regional governor where the refugee is located about the huge...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: EU Presidency Objectives, Foreign Affairs Council and Membership of Human Rights Council: Discussion (17 Jul 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: Turkey in April, I visited Gaziantep refugee camp. It was very well managed. As refugee camps go it provided secure accommodation, but it is not where any of us would want to live. One could feel the tension of people who had been displaced from their homes, some of them in very traumatic circumstances. The UN has appealed for €5.2 billion, its estimate of the cost of...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: EU Issues (26 Jun 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ..., not least among them, for Ireland. However undoubtedly, the most profound consequences would be for the UK itself, which must be allowed the time and space to take the course of action that it feels in its best interest. The place of the UK within the EU is first and foremost a matter for the British Government and people, as appropriate. While there have been many contributions to the...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Foreign Conflicts (11 Jun 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...raised concerns about current government policy in a number of areas. The government has now begun to meet with protestors and there has been some recognition of the need to reach out to those who feel isolated and marginalised by some government policies. I understand that a meeting is scheduled with the Turkish Prime Minister on Wednesday 12 June. However I am concerned by reports that...

Leaders' Questions (16 May 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...status, relationship or celebrity. The law and any discretionary application of it to individuals must be administered fairly and with compassion and common sense. No member of the Garda force should feel compelled by any person's position, relationship or celebrity status to treat that person any more or less favourably than anybody else. There must be proper oversight and transparency...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: General Affairs Councils: Discussion with Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (9 May 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...reach agreement. Second, the European Parliament has indicated that it wants a draft amending budget for 2013. The Commission has said there is an amending budget of €11.2 billion, which it feels is required. That view is not subscribed to by all member states. The European Parliament has made it clear that agreement on the MFF is tied to agreement on the draft amending budget...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Forthcoming General Affairs Council: Discussion with Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (5 Mar 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...the numbers of people at work. We must not exaggerate those successes but they are indicators that we are on the way to recovery. While people have been bearing a very great burden and have been feeling the pressure of that burden, there is also hope, in particular, for young people. We said that one of the priorities for the Irish Presidency of the European Union would be to address...

Order of Business (21 Feb 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: It is a Bill which is giving effect to the measures in the budget on which there was previously a debate in the House. We feel that the time provided is adequate and as the House will be aware, there is a requirement that the Finance Bill is passed within a certain period of time after the budget.

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Undocumented Irish in the USA (20 Feb 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...figures and those within the US Administration about the issue. The situation is difficult. It is not for us to predict a timeframe because that is in the hands of the US Legislature. We have got a feel for what is happening and what is possible, certainly from the discussions I have had with United States Senators and Members of Congress.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: General Affairs Council: Discussion with Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (24 Jan 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...Council meeting that will take place three days later at which President Van Rompuy has said he hopes to reach agreement on the MFF. Following the further consultations he has had since the November summit, he feels a deal is within reach, and he informs us he will do his utmost to broker one. While the atmosphere in November was constructive and progress was made then and since, it...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Peace and Reconciliation Programme (16 Jan 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: a time of demographic change in Northern Ireland. Above all, this needs to be done in a collective way by all of the parties in Northern Ireland. Everybody in Northern Ireland needs to feel at home and needs to feel comfortable, and we need to understand and be sensitive to that. Where we have to draw the line, however, is where the expression of that, or protest about that, spills...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Middle East Peace Process (16 Jan 2013)

Eamon Gilmore: ...will change and that Iran will work urgently with others to bring about the diplomatic solution to this crisis which is long overdue. The Israeli Government has indicated publicly that it may feel obliged to take military action against the Iranian nuclear programme. It has said that it is prepared to allow time for diplomatic efforts to succeed but that time is not unlimited. I...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Foreign Conflicts (11 Dec 2012)

Eamon Gilmore: I am aware of the particular case referred to in the Deputy’s question. I have the fullest understanding and sympathy with anyone who feels moved to declare themselves a conscientious objector, and I believe that it is a mark of the maturity and humanity of a society that it treats such cases with sympathy and respect. However, it would not be appropriate for me to intervene in a...

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