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Results 161-180 of 415 for examiner speaker:Ivana Bacik

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Seanad: Report of British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly on Cross-Border Police Co-operation and Illicit Trade: Statements (10 Mar 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...activity, as other Members have made clear. The Minister of State referred to fuel fraud and cigarette smuggling, which are serious concerns. I am a member of the justice committee, which has examined the consequences of the significant level of smuggling in terms of the very visible sale of cigarettes on the streets of central Dublin. I welcome the report's important findings,...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Spent Convictions Legislation (3 Mar 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...the absence of any such framework for spent convictions has had. We heard in particular that once the Bill is recommenced, and I hope that will happen very soon, there are two areas we might want to examine again, particularly in light of recent British changes. The United Kingdom recently raised the upper limit for a sentence that can be considered spent to up to 48 months, or four...

Seanad: Gender Recognition Bill 2014: Report and Final Stages (17 Feb 2015)

Ivana Bacik: terms of compliance with standards. However, I note Senator Zappone's use of "in particular". In legislation these words are critical. Why should there be a particular scope rather than an examination of the practical impact of the legislation on the lived experiences of the people for whom it is designed as well? That is a critical part of the review as well. Why are we not...

Seanad: Garda Síochána (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2014: Second Stage (11 Feb 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...undertaken. In particular, it is worth highlighting the really comprehensive Garda Síochána Inspectorate's crime investigation report which contains more than 200 recommendations. Among the issues it examines are the matters dealt with by senior counsel Mr. Sean Guerin in his report to the Government in respect of certain Garda actions. Members of the Joint Committee on...

Seanad: Mediation Services: Motion (4 Feb 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...different codes of practice would apply, depending on the type of dispute. As I stated, family law disputes would have particular considerations that would not apply in other cases. The joint committee also examined the issue of confidentiality and while that is provided for in the heads of the Bill, we suggested that head No. 10 be amended to provide statutory protection for mediators...

Seanad: Gender Recognition Bill 2014: Committee Stage (3 Feb 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...18, and I am glad we followed that. It also recommended that 16 or 17 year olds should be able to apply without parental consent, but as far as I am aware it did not go below that. We need to examine the measures in section 11 to see if the procedures for 16 and 17 year olds are unduly cumbersome. There are some positive moves. Subsection (6) requires the court to consider the best...

Seanad: Gender Recognition Bill 2014: Committee Stage (3 Feb 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...time. We now see changes in Denmark, for example, which has brought forward more progressive legislation. It would be sensible to have some sort of review period built in and to enable us all to examine what has developed in terms of international best practice in the meantime. The Senators proposing the amendment spoke in particular of the marriage equality referendum. If passed, and...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Courts Service (20 Jan 2015)

Ivana Bacik: ...Minister why I ask this question. In 2003, along with two colleagues in Trinity, I conducted a survey on gender discrimination in the legal profession. It was published as "Gender in Justice," the first ever examination of gender discrimination in the legal professions, including among members of the Judiciary. At the time, we made 50 recommendations on how to improve the position for...

Seanad: Electoral Commission: Motion (17 Dec 2014)

Ivana Bacik: interesting model and seems particularly strong. The UK model is somewhat different. It keeps the administration of elections effectively under local control, something which the UCD report of 2008 examined. One should not seek to reform things that do not need to be reformed. There is a strength, as the UCD report points out, to having some local role in the administration of...

Seanad: Order of Business (11 Dec 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...used by the CIA, as revealed by Senator Diane Feinstein in her report for the Senate Intelligence Committee. I am sure we all commend the Senator for her painstaking work in what was a rigorous examination. Like others, I read the details and reports on it with great interest and real horror in the context of the practices carried out which were so graphically described by Senator David...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Dec 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...the announcement on Friday that Labour Women, the women's section of the party, has established a commission on a repeal of the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution. The commission is tasked with examining the best legal and political strategies to accomplish repeal of Article 43.3 of the Constitution and the introduction of legislation providing for the circumstances in which abortion...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Judicial Appointments: Discussion (26 Nov 2014)

Ivana Bacik: I apologise for interjecting. This issue, known as the trickle-up fallacy, was examined in a report compiled by the joint committee some years ago. It refers to things happening naturally and without intervention.

Seanad: Order of Business (18 Nov 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...negotiations on this issue. The Minister, Deputy O'Sullivan, has put forward reasonable proposals that have come more than half way to meeting the concerns of unions around external accreditation of examinations. I hope we will see a resolution of this matter, particularly given parents and pupils have come out in support of the reform. I call on the Leader to provide time for a debate...

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Nov 2014)

Ivana Bacik: In countries like Scotland, Finland, Australia and New Zealand, where we see high-performing school systems, state examinations at the end of junior cycle have been either abolished or replaced with the type of sensible combination of examinations and course work the Minister is proposing. What is envisaged now is different from what was originally proposed. Introduction of the previous...

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Nov 2014)

Ivana Bacik: I am setting out the actual nature of the reforms that are being proposed. Under the system proposed by the Minister, 60% of marks in the junior cycle will be allocated on the basis of an examination at the end of third year. In other words, the majority of marks will still be given on the basis of an examination that will continue to be set and marked by the State Examinations Commission,...

Seanad: Penal Reform: Motion (5 Nov 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...people still being imprisoned for the non-payment of fines. She also spoke about the critical issue of economic deprivation, or poverty, which is the real social and economic context in which we are examining penal reform. I thank Senator van Turnhout in particular for raising the issue of children in prison. I also thank Senator Conway for his ongoing commitment to increasing the use of...

Seanad: Order of Business (21 Oct 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...with him that it is a serious criminal matter and I will be happy to seek a debate with the appropriate Minister. He suggested contacting the Minister for Justice and Equality with a view to re-examining penalties for rustling. Of course, it is already a criminal offence under the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act, but I think the Senator's idea is to create some sort of...

Seanad: Order of Business (21 Oct 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...with Senator Norris and wish to put that on the record. I am a supporter of the "Turn Off the Red Light" campaign. I urge Senator Norris or anyone else who has a concern about the proposed criminalisation of purchasing sex to examine the report of the Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality, which was adopted unanimously with cross-party support. The committee's report...

Seanad: Order of Business (15 Oct 2014)

Ivana Bacik: Nobody is being triumphalist over it. However, it represents real progress, particularly for low-income to middle-income earners. If one examines, as objective commentators have done, the impact of the changes to the USC and tax bands, one will see the people who will benefit are the low-income to middle-income earners, whom the budget was specifically designed to help. We had a good debate...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Oct 2014)

Ivana Bacik: ...also communicate directly with the Ministers, Deputies Howlin and Noonan, on her proposals for changes in the budget on measures to reduce homelessness through, for example, controlling rent increases and examining housing supplement payments. Senator Quinn raised a very interesting and creative idea about the use of the postal service to ensure greater supports for elderly people living...

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