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Results 101-120 of 301 for in 'Dáil debates' speaker:Noel Harrington

Betting (Amendment) Bill 2013: Second Stage (15 Jan 2014)

Noel Harrington: I welcome the Bill and welcome the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. My first point is that the betting and gaming industry is big business, and one that has changed fundamentally. To give an example, the small town in which I live in west Cork had no bookie's shop for some 80 years. In the last decade, a bookie's shop opened and created two jobs, and many things changed...

Forestry Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Nov 2013)

Noel Harrington: I congratulate the Government on being able to remove Coillte from the list of State assets that the previous Government agreed were to be sold. This decision was not only welcomed by me but by the thousands of my constituents who wanted our forests and their lands to remain in the ownership of the State and its citizens. Our forests do not only provide wood but immense pleasure to millions...

Topical Issues: Marine Safety (26 Nov 2013)

Noel Harrington: I thank the Minister for his response. Will he address two points arising from his statement? Given last year's marine notice making it mandatory for EPIRB owners to register, the Department should contact owners directly on foot of any future concern. I note the Department's proactive response to date, but it would be helpful if each owner was contacted in the event of future concerns. ...

Topical Issues: Marine Safety (26 Nov 2013)

Noel Harrington: I thank the office of the Ceann Comhairle for selecting this topic and the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport for his attendance. It is a measure of the seriousness of this issue that Deputy Deasy and I have both seen it in order to raise it as a Topical Issue matter. An EPIRB is an emergency position-indicating radio beacon. It is a very important safety device on maritime vessels....

Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (24 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: I welcome the opportunity to speak on the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2013 and in addressing the Bill it is important to provide at least some elements of context. In a budget adjustment of greater than €2.5 billion, it is clear that for a spending Department such as the Department of Social Protection, which has an annual expenditure of approximately €20 billion, the idea...

Local Government Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (23 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: I wish to share time with Deputy Deasy.

Local Government Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (23 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: It is an honour to speak on the Second Stage of the Local Government Bill. I was a member of Cork County Council from 1999 to 2011. I served as a member of the Southern Health Board until its dissolution. I served on the South West Regional Authority and also chaired that body. While I accept much of what Deputy Calleary has said, it is predicated on the idea that local government...

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: I apologise to the Minister of State for stopping him in such a flow. Everything he says is correct. I am pleased to have a chance to speak for four minutes on budget 2014. The three main objectives of this budget are: to continue to correct the public finances, to continue to create more jobs, and to support hard-working families on average incomes which have given the most since this...

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: We are creating 3,000 jobs per month when not that long ago we were losing 7,000 jobs. There are progressive measures within this budget that, I believe, will help constituencies such as mine, Cork South-West-----

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: -----and south Kerry, and they should be supported.

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: There are measures that will help tourism. The retention of the 9% VAT rate should have the-----

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: Absolutely.

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: There is also the abolition of the tax on flights. This afternoon Ryanair confirmed that it hopes to create 1,000 jobs in the airports around the country. That must be welcomed. Equally, there is a need to welcome the progressive measures that will help the small construction players. Those in every part of the country will derive benefit from the tax rebates on small renovation jobs of...

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: It was a national pyramid scheme and Deputy Mattie McGrath did not even know he was in it.

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: He did not even know he was in it. All they could do was pump more money into it. They saw a problem, threw taxpayers' money at it and walked away as happy as Larry.

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: It does not work anymore. It cannot work like that. The economy Fianna Fáil inherited in 1997 was one that was functioning based on production, based on work, and based on initiative and reward, and the party blew it. We must get back there again. It gives nobody any pleasure to take €2.5 billion but one does it in the fairest way.

Financial Resolutions 2014 - Financial Resolution No. 8: General (Resumed) (16 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: We have had enough of the mock outrage.

Topical Issue Debate: Dáil Reform (8 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: I welcome the Taoiseach's comments and, in particular, his words about the presentation of heads of a Bill before committees. That alone would provide an invaluable opportunity to Deputies and Senators on all sides, and civic society, to be free to express their ideas on the heads of a Bill. It would ultimately lead to a more consultative, less adversarial approach to legislation. It would...

Topical Issue Debate: Dáil Reform (8 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: I thank the Ceann Comhairle's office for selecting this issue. I acknowledge and thank the Taoiseach and his Government for laying an important referendum on fundamental Oireachtas reform before the people. Our first action in the Chamber should be to respect the people's decision fully. We should also acknowledge that the referendum debate opened up issues other than that which was on the...

Road Traffic (No. 2) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (3 Oct 2013)

Noel Harrington: I wish to share time with Deputies O'Mahony and Walsh. I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the debate. I recognise that the Bill is part of a progression building on successful legislation introduced in recent years, which has led to a dramatic reduction in fatalities on our roads. The greatest challenge the Government and the Road Safety Authority, RSA, face is complacency. It...

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