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Results 81-100 of 292 for going forward speaker:Ivana Bacik

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality: Recommendations of Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality: Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (24 Mar 2022)

Ivana Bacik: ...and Deputy Clarke. I welcome Senator Ruane and Deputy Cronin, who are substituting for their colleagues. Senator Doherty is joining us online from home. I warmly welcome the Minister, Deputy O'Gorman, to the committee. I thank him for joining us. We are very grateful to him for doing so. We look forward to the engagement. Members have the option of being physically present in the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality: Recommendations of Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality: Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (24 Mar 2022)

Ivana Bacik: ...Cronin's point, we have explored, both today and in previous sessions, what our committee can bring with regard to recommendations 1 to 3, and what our role is in advising or recommending to the Government that the referendum be held. We want this to be the last committee that looks at this. We want to see a referendum in 2023, which we have all agreed as an aim of our committee. We...

Select Committee on Children and Youth Affairs: Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Mar 2022)

Ivana Bacik: If I may, I would like to come in on that point before I have to leave to go to the Dáil Chamber. It is a case of unfortunate timing. The Minister is quoting back to me, as I had anticipated. I have been measured in my comments. I acknowledge that this is a far preferable option that the Minister is presenting us with as a means of balancing rights. A few years ago, when we proposed...

Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the recent Amnesty International Report: Statements (2 Mar 2022)

Ivana Bacik: helpful but it is important that we look at why the report has made that finding and the evidence base on which Amnesty International is making that judgment. We must remember the serious and ongoing breaches of international law represented in particular by the expansion of the illegal settlements which the Minister has spoken about and, indeed, condemned on behalf of Ireland. I...

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation (16 Feb 2022)

Ivana Bacik: ...of the role of citizens' assemblies and the need to take their output seriously. Can the Taoiseach give us an assurance, in advance of our public commencement of deliberations, that the Government will engage very seriously with the report of our special committee and, in particular, that he will commit to introducing legislation, where necessary, to implement those recommendations? We...

Select Committee on Children and Youth Affairs: Estimates for Public Services 2022
Vote 40 - Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (Revised)
Vote 25 - Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Revised)
(8 Feb 2022)

Ivana Bacik: ...'s document says that the financial payments will be allocated separately, which is the actual payment of redress to survivors of mother and baby homes. Will the Minister expand on where that is going to come from, whether it will be within this year's allocation, or will it be pushed forward into the budget for 2023?

Electricity Costs (Domestic Electricity Accounts) Emergency Measures Bill 2022: Second Stage (3 Feb 2022)

Ivana Bacik: I welcome the opportunity to speak for the Labour Party on this Bill and to express our disappointment that this is what we are seeing from the Government as a way of addressing the crisis in the cost of living that is sweeping across the country and affecting every community. As we are coming through the crisis of the pandemic, the Government has to confront the twin crises of the climate...

Higher Education Authority Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Jan 2022)

Ivana Bacik: ...administration, which is an important part of any academic job. I am passionate about higher education and teaching. I miss my students and the role of an academic. It is a job that many people go to with a real vocation for teaching and engaging with students. It was very appropriate that the Minister started his speech on the Bill by acknowledging the enormous adaptability and...

Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2022: Second Stage (19 Jan 2022)

Ivana Bacik: ...this access be unrestricted as was promised and as people had hoped or will it be conditional? On this side of the House, we are all disappointed that the access remains conditional. It is a great step forward from what was previously provided for in other iterations of this legislation but there is still the condition of a mandatory information session. Why can we not get beyond this?...

Proceeds of Crime (Gross Human Rights Abuses) Bill 2020: Second Stage [Private Members] (16 Dec 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ...with that and I appreciate the Ceann Comhairle making that suggestion. I am delighted to speak for the Labour Party and to support my colleague, Deputy Howlin’s brilliant initiative in bringing forward this Magnitsky Bill to tackle human rights abuses and to ensure that, as the Deputy said, those guilty of perpetrating human rights abuses will not have a safe haven in Ireland for...

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) (Foetal Pain Relief) Bill 2021: Second Stage [Private Members] (15 Dec 2021)

Ivana Bacik: I am glad to contribute on behalf of the Labour Party and to set out why we cannot support this Bill. We will support the Government amendment. There is no care or compassion for women's health conveyed throughout the Bill, nor would it do anything to enhance or improve the health of women or our access to reproductive healthcare. As previous speakers have said, language matters in this...

Offshore Renewable Energy: Motion [Private Members] (8 Dec 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ...We want to work constructively to ensure those targets are reached but we are concerned that without that detailed annexe, we simply do not have the necessary level of information to see how we are going to reach those targets and what are the steps to be taken in the next few months, the next year and the next decade to reach those targets. I note the Climate Change Advisory Council...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Experiences of Migrant Communities Engaging with the Healthcare System and State Bodies: Discussion (Resumed) (7 Dec 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ...about, relating to the difficulties for those who remain undocumented. All of us welcomed the Minister for Justice's announcement of the regularisation scheme, an important and positive step forward, but are we still going to see significant gaps? I have been working with my Labour Party colleagues on a born here, belong here campaign to try to get a better, more generous pathway to...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Child Poverty: Discussion (Resumed) (23 Nov 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ...respect of saying that the single most important metric or measure that can be adopted to bring children out of poverty is to have a quality system of childcare. We are grappling with how we can go about doing that. We heard from all the witnesses in this regard, and as Ms Byrne said, the national childcare scheme was supposed to offer a pathway to a Scandinavian model of childcare. The...

National Standards Authority of Ireland (Carbon Footprint Labelling) Bill 2021: Second Stage [Private Members] (17 Nov 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ensure we put in place a just transition and climate justice measures. In all of our constituencies, such as my own in Dublin Bay South, we see individuals, households and communities coming forward wanting to contribute to our communal effort to tackle our carbon emissions and bring about a genuinely decarbonised society. However, we need supports to do this. That is why we are...

Rising Costs and Supply Security for Fuel and Energy: Motion [Private Members] (10 Nov 2021)

Ivana Bacik: supply. We also need greater clarity from the Government on the issue of data centres. We know how much of a burden they place on energy supply and we need to hear more about how that is going to be addressed in the future. We have had that debate here. We also need more firm commitments from the Government with regard to a just transition and how allowances are to be made...

Financial Resolutions 2021 - Budget Statement 2022 (12 Oct 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ...of places. Therefore, it is not just affordability that is the issue; it is also a scarcity of places. I am hearing from providers in my constituency about the difficulties they have in keeping childcare services going. We are also hearing from those professionals and early years educators about low pay. Serious concerns have been raised about low pay in the sector. SIPTU's Big Start...

Data Centre Moratorium: Motion [Private Members] (29 Sep 2021)

Ivana Bacik: I am glad to speak for the Labour Party in support of this motion and commend Deputy Whitmore and her colleagues on bringing it forward. I am glad to have the opportunity to debate the important and pressing issue of data centres in a measured, thoughtful and rational way. The wording of the motion is careful. It simply calls for a pause on the development of data centres and sets out very...

Residential Tenancies (Tenants' Rights) Bill 2021: Second Stage [Private Members] (22 Sep 2021)

Ivana Bacik: ...legislation. I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I welcome the news this morning that the Minister, Deputy Darragh O'Brien, is not opposing the Bill. We are glad to hear that and look forward to working constructively with the Government to ensure that the Bill's provisions are accepted and brought into law. This Bill represents a commitment I made during the by-election...

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