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Results 81-100 of 4,132 for speaker:Donie Cassidy

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: ----- and to hear at first hand the respect people had for a wonderful Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: She is very proud to come from Ahascragh in County Galway. It is nice to see someone coming from that little village and starting in the Seanad. Who knows, Senator Mullen might follow Senator Ross into the other Chamber. Is an announcement imminent?

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: She was leader of a political party, which was a first, and she was the first woman Tánaiste, another achievement I want to recognise. She did an outstanding job as Minister for Health and Children in the very difficult portfolio. As has been said by Senators Feeney, Quinn, McFadden and others, she showed total commitment to Seanad Éireann. When she came in here she answered all the...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: I have been a colleague and live in his constituency of Meath West. He has made an incredible contribution having been in Cabinet since 1992, with the exception of the two and a half years we were out of office. I have no doubt that the Taoiseach will deal with the vacancies in Cabinet today. They are not just for one or two weeks; my guess is that they will be for three months.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: It must be remembered that a Cabinet Minister holds office until the day the new government takes over. I remind colleagues that the Green Party and Fianna Fáil are totally committed that the general election will be called - it is the prerogative of the Taoiseach - as soon as the finance Bill has passed through this House. The finance Bill will be published today and-----

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: ----- from then we will be able to proceed with that final piece of legislation which must pass through both Houses because it is part of the budget. All responsible Oireachtas Members - they are on all sides of this House - want to see that take place and then the people will have an opportunity to elect a new government.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: Since I became a Member we have very seldom been in opposition and I have often said we were very good Members to be in government. However, I must compliment the Opposition Members. They are incredible as people who have been in opposition, but then they have been there for quite some time and I suppose they got used to it. That was a difficulty we had when we took over ourselves.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: Senator Walsh asked for a debate on the high cost of the tribunals, some 14 years on. I will try to see if I can facilitate the request that has been on the Order Paper for some time. Senator Coghlan asked about the Environment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill that has been published, which will be passed by this House before we go to the country. Senators Leyden, Buttimer, Quinn and Carroll...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: That is quite some time ago.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: Senator Hanafin spoke about what the new Seanad could do. He also spoke about Senator Quinn's suggestion on the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. As the finance Bill will be published today, it will represent an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to make proposals in that regard. Senator Quinn also congratulated the four Irish hotels that are in the top ten hotels in the world,...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: The Order of Business is No. 1, Communications (Retention of Data) Bill 2009 - Committee and Remaining Stages, to be taken at the conclusion of the Order of Business; No. 2, Bretton Woods Agreements (Amendment) Bill 2011 - all Stages, to be taken at 2.30 p.m., on Second Stage of which spokespersons may speak for ten minutes and all other Senators for seven minutes and Senators may share time,...

Seanad: Export-led Growth: Motion (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: At 10.30 a.m. tomorrow.

Seanad: Business of Seanad (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: I propose an amendment to the Order of Business that the time allowed for the Road Traffic Bill 2011 be extended and that Private Members' business begin immediately afterwards.

Seanad: Road Traffic Bill 2011: Committee Stage (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: At least there would be time to consider that point.

Seanad: Road Traffic Bill 2011: Second Stage (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: I welcome the Bill and I hope it has a safe passage through the House. We have come a long way on road safety in seven years. I remember in 2003 when I was appointed chairman of the committee dealing with enterprise, trade and small business, which carried out an investigation on insurance. Part of this dealt with road safety, as at the time deaths on our roads amounted to approximately...

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: Senators Twomey, Bacik, Boyle, Coghlan, Buttimer, O'Reilly and Regan outlined various concerns regarding the Department of Finance. The undertakings the Government had to deal with and the challenges it faced over the past two and a half years are unprecedented. Looking back on what was achieved, where we are today, and where we were under previous Administrations during downturns in the...

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: I have every confidence. The Senators opposite are professional people. They might not be as expert in business as Senator Quinn, who is a most positive man. It is heartening for me to hear Senator Quinn talking about terrific proposals to enhance and create jobs. This House should dedicate itself in everything between now and the general election-----

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: Senator Twomey cannot interrupt here like he did in the Dáil. This is the Upper House of the Oireachtas.

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: Senator Twomey and I have one thing in common. The electorate rejected both of us at the last general election.

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Jan 2011)

Donie Cassidy: As the Deputy Leader, Senator Boyle, said, it is the prerogative of the Taoiseach to decide the date of the general election. I should have mentioned to the House last week that there might be one, two or three more Bills for our consideration before the finance Bill is finalised in the House. It is welcome that the Bill Senator Coghlan mentioned was published and is now being taken in the...

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