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Results 81-100 of 2,815 for speaker:Tony Killeen

Irish Red Cross (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: Yes, the most recent one on the accounts, which found many more accounts than the Tipperary bank account, as it transpired. It also has something to say about systems. My recollection is that the initial review, which was conducted by the Red Cross under Professor Roger Downer, recommended a limit on the number of terms - I think it might be two - somebody could serve on the executive...

Irish Red Cross (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: The Deputy has raised three separate points. The internal review has been published and is publicly available for anybody with an interest in the issue. People may well have views on it. I have access to it because it has been published and was made available to the Department and everyone else. It has come up with some important findings and there are two levels at which action can be...

Irish Red Cross (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: The interaction with the Attorney General's office continues and has been helpful. Naturally, when new issues have arisen from the views of the International Red Cross and also from this internal report, the interaction with the Attorney General must continue and be revisited. Having considered all that, perhaps the most important question will be whether primary legislation is required in...

Overseas Missions (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: In common with all areas of the public service, the Department of Defence and the Defence Forces will operate with reduced funding for 2011. The gross allocation for Defence and Army Pensions combined in 2011 is €933 million, an overall reduction of 4% on the 2010 allocation. Defence spending at €725 million, including capital spending, will be down by €30 million or 4% on the 2010...

Overseas Missions (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: As the Deputy and the House will be aware from my answer, there is sufficient provision to meet the cost of the proposed deployment to UNIFIL in 2011. This arises, mainly, because of the reduction in other missions. We made a substantial contribution to KFOR. The Chad mission, because of the nature of the terrain, inaccessibility and the huge cost of transporting equipment, tended to be...

Overseas Missions (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: We need to draw a distinction between the provision in the budgetary process for the overall allocation to the Defence Forces and how that will play out with individual members serving, wherever they might be. One representative association in the Defence Forces has signed up to the Croke Park agreement and the other has not. A complicated process is under way and it would be inappropriate...

Defence Forces Strength (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: Within the context of consolidating the public finances, the Government is focused firmly on maintaining the operational efficiency of the Permanent Defence Force. Government approval was secured in the context of budget 2010 for a level of 10,000 all ranks. This reflects the reductions in personnel recommended in the report of the special group on public service numbers and expenditure...

Defence Forces Strength (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: With regard to Deputy Stanton's first question, Deputies will be aware that a recruitment process is under way currently. Those who have been recruited in that process are not included in the numbers given in my reply. In the initial phase, approximately 40 personnel will be assigned to each of the divisions. I have organised the recruitment process in such a way that it is open to being...

Defence Forces Strength (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: The implementation of the ECF has been the subject of discussions between the representative groups and Department officials, and considerable progress has been made. We went over this ground at yesterday's meeting with the representative associations. Difficulties that had been encountered up to that point were advanced somewhat. There is an implementation body that deals with issues...

Defence Forces Recruitment (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: I am advised by the military authorities that the strength of the Army Reserve and Naval Service Reserve was 6,103 on 31 October 2010, the most recent date for which figures are available. This comprises 5,832 Army Reserve and 271 Naval Reserve. The number recruited to the Reserve Defence Force, RDF, from 1 January 2009 to 1 November 2010, the most recent date for which figures are...

Defence Forces Recruitment (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: I do not have a breakdown regarding the 900 personnel recruited in 2009 and 2010. However, I will obtain it for the Deputy. Quite a number of those who have been recruited are at the stage between approval and admission to the reserve. These individuals are obliged to undergo various security checks, and so on. There appear to have been some delays in this regard. I have not issued any...

Defence Forces Recruitment (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: I am not aware of any such instruction.

Defence Forces Recruitment (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: In my initial reply I stated that there were 60,000 training days in 2009 and 31,000 in 2010. When I last checked the position at the end of the summer, a substantial proportion of the days allocated for this year had not yet been taken up. However, I will obtain the precise figure and forward it to the Deputy.

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: Deputies will be aware that members of the Defence Forces and the Garda Síochána are frequently involved in capacity-building exercises in support of Governments in several countries. Heretofore, their work in this regard has been done with the approval of the military authorities. With regard to exercises involving more than 12 personnel, the approval of the United Nations and Dáil...

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: In a sense, there is a distinction. In the instance in question, the regulations were not breached. However, it was felt that these regulations needed to be stronger. The part of the regulations to which I refer relates to individual members of the Defence Forces rather than to the organised overseas deployment of personnel which have occurred on many occasions. As I understand it, the...

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: I am not so aware. However, I inquired with regard to when the regulations were last amended. I understand that members of the Defence Forces had been involved in various private enterprise operations - including in the vicinity of nightclubs - and that some issues arose as a result. On foot of this, the relevant regulations were amended several years ago. I am not aware of any current...

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: I propose to take Questions Nos. 25, 57 and 66 together. I am advised by the military authorities that the Defence Forces personnel management system does not capture data on the number of suicides in the Defence Forces during a specific period. In this context, the information requested regarding the number of suicide victims who were either taking Lariam or who had taken Lariam prior to...

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: The Defence Forces personnel management system does not have a means to capture the data in this regard. My understanding is that the coroner decides what is the cause of death and obviously suicide sometimes is found to be the cause. However, all kinds of other outcomes are possible and frequently it is not entirely clear what was the cause. Moreover, it is a matter of enormous...

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: I agree with the Deputy that it would be helpful to have the maximum level of information available and it is important to bear in mind that, in the first instance, responsibility rests with the Irish Medicines Board in respect of any medicines that are approved for use. The Deputy is correct in that the Defence Forces have particular reason to use this medication and have a large cohort of...

Defence Forces Personnel (15 Dec 2010)

Tony Killeen: As for adverse effects, my understanding is that the Medical Corps would notify the Irish Medicines Board of any effects and that an internal medical communications channel exists. In respect of figures for attempted suicide or suicides, this certainly is not captured by the personnel management system in any event. Moreover, I am not aware whether it is being captured in respect of any...

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