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Results 61-80 of 115 for farm speaker:Joe O'Reilly

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Forestry Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Nov 2013)

Joe O'Reilly: ...many landowners, forestry is an attractive option, providing a steady annual income and from a practical point of view, making very good use of marginal land. That is the important issue. Many farms have ten, 15 or 20 acres of marginal land which should be planted. That is happening to a greater extent than was previously the case. There are many young farmers in my constituency who...

Gas Regulation Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (19 Sep 2013)

Joe O'Reilly: ..., for a national insulation programme. Retrofitting grants for owners of older houses are an option that is line with the desired focus on green energy. It is also worth examining options such as micro-generators and community and private wind farms. Community wind farms are a particularly interesting concept, and I understand the Minister opened one the other day in the midlands....

Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) (Amendment) Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Apr 2013)

Joe O'Reilly: ...regard and Enterprise Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland should continue to invest there. For example, in the constituency of Cavan-Monaghan that I represent, County Cavan has the largest pig farming sector in Europe, that is, the largest pig farms in Europe. I believe there is merit in investing and working with that sector directly and in investing with that sector in research into...

National Lottery Bill 2012: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage (17 Apr 2013)

Joe O'Reilly: ...were questioned further, they would highlight that our green, natural environment with all its biodiversity is attractive to them. I commend that and I appeal to the Minister to bear that mind. Our farm produce is marketed abroad on the basis of our greenness and this is also a consideration. Organic food is marketed at home and abroad on the basis of our green healthy natural...

Finance Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (20 Feb 2013)

Joe O'Reilly: ...will benefit from the provision in section 21, which I welcome. Similarly, the provisions of section 19 are critical for my constituency. It deals with the retention of stock relief for young trained farmers, which is important. It is also an incentive for farmers to be properly educated and there is financial support available for them to do this, as well as for registered farm...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Presidency of the Council of the European Union: Discussion with Minister of State (27 Nov 2012)

Joe O'Reilly: ...reducing the amount in the budget for the Common Agricultural Policy. I wish to make a couple of points on this issue. It is a pity that people see the Common Agricultural Policy as a support for farmers. It is far from this. With an increasing population in Europe and expanding demographic - all projections show the European population is growing rapidly - providing sufficient food to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Exchange of Views with European Union Affairs Committee of Latvian Parliament (20 Nov 2012)

Joe O'Reilly: ...needs to eat and wants quality food. As such, the CAP must support and encourage the production of that food. It is also important, with respect to Mr. Dombrovskis's latter comments on smaller farms, that while we support and encourage our smaller farmers, that we also support a level of production to meet future requirements. We must balance support for our very small farmers, which is...

Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Oct 2012)

Joe O'Reilly: .... I agree with Deputy Browne that we must respond to environmental conditions. The challenge of green energy should be embraced. Cavan has significant primary producers of bacon and pork, intensive dairy farming, successful co-operatives and beef farming. The potential for training in the agrifood sector to provide skilled personnel for processing, etc., is considerable and needs to...

Finance Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (15 Feb 2012)

Joe O'Reilly: in the area of small business. The agri-food sector, which is the critical vehicle for creating jobs and driving the economy, is being protected through the maintenance of the off-farm income regime. These are enormous achievements. In the area of job creation, the special assignee relief programme permits 30% of salaries ranging between €75,000 and €500,000 to be excluded from...

Agriculture: Motion (Resumed) (25 May 2011)

Joe O'Reilly: ...banks. We should make it a condition of any investment in the banks that they facilitate investment in our dairy sector, which has the potential to create jobs and lead economic revival. Dairy farmers need banking facilities if they are to expand. They may also need favourable tax recognition to that end. That needs to be examined by the Department of Finance. The Minister of State...

Seanad: Climate Change Response Bill 2010: Second Stage (13 Jan 2011)

Joe O'Reilly: ...recovery. There is a €600 million implication according to figures by Teagasc, the IFA and the ICMSA. The independence of Teagasc in this area is accepted, as are the bona fides of the two farming organisations. They are there to represent their sector in a positive way, and they have to worry about the survival of the planet as well. There is a €600 million implication in a 40%...

Seanad: Water Services: Motion (12 Jan 2011)

Joe O'Reilly: ...and, at the same time, an old and beaten water supply infrastructure. The two do not add up and must be knit together. The result of the difficulties that arose was extraordinary hardship for farmers and householders. Great tribute should go to the voluntary organisations, neighbours who helped others and to the meitheal approach, or people coming together, that was manifest throughout...

Seanad: Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Bill 2009: Second Stage (Resumed) (7 Jul 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: ...include supports for siblings who have lived alone. The Minister will be aware of a particular union common in rural society, that of two brothers or sisters living together. They may run a shop, farm or other business together and have a community of interest. In effect, they are married without a sexual relationship for a number of years. It is important that the special rights that...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: ...the amendment. Whoever drafted this Bill obviously did not do first year in veterinary medicine in college or failed it or first year in agricultural science, nor were they ever involved with farming or dog breeding. In fact, as I said privately to my colleague, Senator Wilson, earlier, they are barking mad.

Seanad: Energy (Biofuel Obligation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2010 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages (3 Jun 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: .... It is a positive step in terms of the benefits for our farmers and we must strive to ensure it will remain a positive experience for them. We want to encourage domestic production and get the farming community on board. We want to see the bio-fuels used in Ireland produced here. That is the reason I believe strongly that the capacity of domestic producers to meet market increases...

Seanad: Common Agricultural Policy: Statements (12 May 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: There is a very poignant background to today's debate. A leading member of the agri-industry, the largest pig farmer in Europe and a great member of our county community has died today. Patrick "Buddy" Kiernan would be very well known in agricultural circles and his death is a sad backdrop to the debate. There is a number of core issues that merit mentioning as we look at this question. A...

Seanad: Order of Business. (20 Apr 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: .... Will the Leader organise a special debate on job creation with a specific emphasis on jobs in the green energy sector? I seek a one day debate on the concept of creating co-operative wind farms using the model of traditional co-operatives, which would be supported by the Government in their creation and which would have access to the national grid. We should also support...

Seanad: Order of Business. (23 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: ...raised the point that there has been an inordinate waiting list for medical card processing even before this go-slow. The delay in processing carer's allowance was in excess of two months. Farm assist cases go back to September, and there is a problem with jobseeker's allowance. I ask the Leader to have a separate debate on that issue because the least anybody in the poverty trap...

Seanad: Energy (Biofuel Obligation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2010: Report Stage. (23 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: ...Norris, which I support, have been to support indigenous production and processing of raw materials to create bio-fuels. At a time when the economic climate of our country dictates that jobs and farm incomes be a priority, we should orientate any legislation in that direction. Amendment No.1, in the names of Senators O'Toole and Norris, is good and proposes that we support, promote and...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Committee Stage (Resumed) (9 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Reilly: ...Coffey's amendment I hope he will accept the principle that such an inspection regime would be bizarre and table a Government amendment on Report Stage. The Minister wants to eliminate puppy farming. No one objects to that. If that had been the sole objective of the Bill it would have been unanimously passed in 20 minutes. That should be what we are about. Surely that is objective No....

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