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Results 41-53 of 53 for other and baby speaker:Joan Burton

Adoption Bill 2009 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) (2 Jun 2010)

Joan Burton: Does the Minister of State realise how offensive and devastating his remarks and response are? He is defensive of his and the Government's position, but he ought to have regard to the people and families involved in adoption - the individual person, birth parents, birth siblings, with whom adopted children could build up a good relationship if they could make contact with them, and their...

Order of Business. (2 Jun 2010)

Joan Burton: ..., the Taoiseach's confirmation that he anticipates a further €8 billion going into Anglo Irish Bank. Earlier this week I asked the Taoiseach whether the Government would provide, between now and the recess, time for a debate on the position regarding the banks, particularly those such as Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide which are such an enormous cost to the Irish taxpayer. In...

Leaving Certificate Gaeilge. (4 Mar 2010)

Joan Burton: ...on the DF case? Is it true that in some cases those reports are a mere couple of pages? That is important because the Minister is giving the impression that some of the reports are so extensive and involve significant numbers of people and that is a reason for not publishing them, but I understand that some of the reports are extremely brief and may only run to, at most, a couple of...

Finance (No. 2) Bill 2008: Report and Final Stages (16 Dec 2008)

Joan Burton: I move amendment No. 15: In page 38, between lines 10 and 11, to insert the following: "8.—Where medical expenses claimed as a tax credit consist of or include IVF treatment, the expenses shall to that extent be allowable at the higher rate.". I raised this matter with the Minister on Committee Stage. The Minister has proposed to flat rate medical expenses relief, which was allowed at 41%...

Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) and Remaining Stages (1 Oct 2008)

Joan Burton: There will be much work for lawyers in this legislation. Under section 7, which addresses mergers and acquisitions, power will lie with the Minister rather than the Competition Authority. Has the Minister heard from the authority, which is normally aggressive in defending its territory? Section 8 addresses the role of the NTMA, which has done a good job in its management of the national...

Budget Statement 2008 (5 Dec 2007)

Joan Burton: ...keep the investors, above all else, happy, but he is not prioritising families that want to buy homes to live in. Given the way the market is turning, in favour of investors as opposed to families and individuals buying to live in an area, we have a problem in every new estate in every part of the country with an over-dominance of investors who are churning tenants. The consequence in...

Finance Bill 2007: Report Stage (Resumed). (7 Mar 2007)

Joan Burton: ...significant assistance available to employees, either in workplace crèches or those near the workplace, through the use of firms that supply child care services. The difficulty regarding small and medium firms in which there may not be a significant number of female employees or women with children is that they often do little to contribute in terms of making child care accessible or...

Finance Bill 2007: Report Stage (Resumed). (7 Mar 2007)

Joan Burton: ...Fáil's budget on the eve of International Women's Day. It is important that the Minister should appreciate that the tax penalty or additional tax that will be paid by married couples where one or other spouse chooses to remain at home and care for children or an elderly relative amounts to €6,240. If a married couple decide that one spouse should remain at home, there are two...

Finance Bill 2007: Second Stage (6 Feb 2007)

Joan Burton: It is limited to 50% and also includes a restaurant, but not a pub. I am used to accountants and tax advisers and it does not take much ingenuity to create attractive tax avoidance schemes. Previously, in less politically correct times, one could have used the back of a cigarette packet and now all it would take is half a page. The point is, a person on €34,000 with some overtime will...

White Paper on Irish Aid: Statements (2 Nov 2006)

Joan Burton: In recent weeks I had conflicting emotions when I read about Madonna and her adoption of David Banda, but it put Malawi on the map, particularly for young people. Sometime earlier, Ms Angelina Jolie and Mr. Brad Pitt had their baby in Namibia, resulting in that country receiving worldwide publicity. In Ireland, Bono and Mr. Bob Geldof, through Live Aid and Drop the Debt, have made the MTV...

Public Expenditure: Motion. (17 May 2005)

Joan Burton: ...colleagues will refer to many of them, but I want to elaborate on three examples. The medical cards for over 70s scheme was announced to great applause from Government benches in the budget of 2001 and welcomed on all sides of this House. What Deputies did not know, however, was the secretive and ham-fisted planning behind the proposal. It was politically motivated to win votes at the...

Finance Bill 2005: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage. (10 Mar 2005)

Joan Burton: ...focuses excessively on the needs of employers who want to have both parents in the workforce. While this is justifiable economically, we as legislators also need to consider the needs of parents and their children and the generational effect. I spoke yesterday about the different kinds of crèches. Given the concentration of tax breaks on building facilities and the concentration of the...

Irish Nationality and Citizenship Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (2 Nov 2004)

Joan Burton: ——they can legitimately expect, as a taxpayer, to be able to use the services of one of the major maternity hospitals in Dublin but unless they get a number they cannot even enter the system and be guaranteed that they will receive attention and deliver their baby in the hospital of their choice. That may be fine for women who are sufficiently well off to give birth to their children in...

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