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Results 41-60 of 993 for long speaker:James Reilly

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Pensions Reform (24 Oct 2017)

James Reilly: ...who have stood by this country in the worst of times and they are coming to the last quarter of their lives. Some of them may not have a huge amount of time left although we are all living longer, which is good news. However, it is not good news if we start treating a subsection of people in our elderly population differently. When we had very little money in this country in the heat of...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Pensions Reform (24 Oct 2017)

James Reilly: I thank the Minister of State for his response. I must emphasise that addressing this injustice - that is what it is - cannot be put on the long finger.Women need a strong signal from the Government that this matter will be addressed. We are all realistic and understand there are limits with the public finances. It is intolerable for women, however, that every time they collect their...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Cost of Doing Business in Ireland: Discussion (17 Oct 2017)

James Reilly: ...Americans who state that, in respect of the simple issue of conveyancing, they can complete their conveyancing tasks online in ten days. Here it seems to take months or years. For a substantial property with a long title, one is definitely facing a year. If rates are not to be based on rent, how might they be assessed? We are all interested in keeping rates to a minimum but we are all...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Cost of Doing Business in Ireland: Discussion (17 Oct 2017)

James Reilly: ...quoted is a rate per annum and it does not catch the peaks, which I call "the peaks of abuse". What they are based on is what the hotels feel the market and the customer will bear. That is the long and the short of it. I have a lot of time for the hotel industry, which is a hugely important one to our tourism. We want to support it. However, if the industry is not prepared to address...

Seanad: Budget 2018: Statements (10 Oct 2017)

James Reilly: ...society and this budget does that too. I have heard people say that much more could be done in different sectors. That is patently true but we have a finite amount of money. This budget goes a long way towards spreading that in a way that supports workers but also looks after the more vulnerable in our society. Widening the tax bands by €750 and changing the entry point for...

Seanad: Order of Business (18 Jul 2017)

James Reilly: ...shows comprehensively that 80% of complications from diabetes can be prevented if it is managed on a regular basis in general practice. This will require funding. It is a great testament to a long piece of research that shows that we do not need expensive in-hospital or outpatient care in hospitals to achieve great outcomes for a huge number of people in our population. I commend...

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Jul 2017)

James Reilly: many areas are being forced to rent houses and become involved in other schemes such as the rental accommodation scheme, RAS, and the housing assistance payment, HAP, scheme. There are also long-term and short-term lettings. None of these are included in calculating the index which, of course, skews the figures considerably. If one takes a town like Balbriggan, which has...

Seanad: Report of Seanad Special Select Committee on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union: Motion (12 Jul 2017)

James Reilly: ...Holland are making their play for this agency. To my mind, we are a natural fit for this agency. We are the only remaining English-speaking country, if one excludes Malta, in the EU. We have a long history and a well-respected Irish medicines agency, now called the Health Products Regulatory Authority, HPRA. On top of that, we have a well-educated young population and we have two sites...

Seanad: Autism Spectrum Disorder Bill 2017: Committee and Remaining Stages (12 Jul 2017)

James Reilly: There is nothing to stop the Minister from giving an annual report. There is nothing to stop anyone from the floor of either House seeking an annual report or an update. I did think long and hard about not putting that provision in, but having had the experience of being a Minister I wanted to avoid three of the 12 months being taken up by the Department in the preparation of a report for...

Seanad: Autism Spectrum Disorder Bill 2017: Committee and Remaining Stages (12 Jul 2017)

James Reilly: without such support, yet when they do, their contribution can be remarkable. If nothing else, for those with the hard economic nose who might be listening, providing these supports can save money in the long term. The child who may have ended up in an institution could survive in sheltered housing. The child who may have needed sheltered housing might survive independently at...

Seanad: Equality of Access to Education: Motion (12 Jul 2017)

James Reilly: ..., while still providing for the level of investment needed by higher level education. There is a responsibility on any party calling for such a measure to show how that money will be acquired. I could go into a long list of areas competing for that money, but that would give the wrong message. The message I want to give here is that we need to be mature about this and give the committee...

Seanad: Autism Spectrum Disorder Bill 2017: Second Stage (17 May 2017)

James Reilly: ...we can achieve when we co-operate. I thank the Minister, Deputy Harris, for his very positive response and the Minister of State, Deputy Corcoran Kennedy, for coming in as well. It has been a long battle. While we are by no means finished yet, this Bill can give us the tools to get there. People have pointed out that it will be difficult and asked how we are going to do it. How does...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Sports Facilities Provision (16 May 2017)

James Reilly: ...includes a floodlit area containing a 100 m by 400 m all-weather playing pitch, a 1,200 m cycling and running track, and a 400 m running track with track and field facilities for shot-put, discus, long jump, hammer and others. Seamus Flynn has been behind Lusk athletic club for many years, and he is determined to train an Olympic medal winner from the town of Lusk. We have five tennis...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Banded Hours Contract Bill 2016: Discussion (Resumed) (11 Apr 2017)

James Reilly: ...the whole issue of banded hours. The statistic given here today, that 32.4% of workers are earning €400 or less gross, is a disturbing figure and certainly one the committee will want to look at long and hard. We are very proud of the fact that we have gotten so many people back at work, but we want to make sure that the wages they earn allow them a decent standard of living....

Seanad: Companies (Accounting) Bill 2016: Second Stage (4 Apr 2017)

James Reilly: ...turnover is €220 million. He has 120 employees and he hopes to grow that number to 400. If there was ever an example of "mighty oaks from little acorns grow", this company is it. This Bill goes a long way to supporting people like Tommy Kelly and his company, eShopWorld. Senator Boyhan's contribution was welcome in pointing out that those who are at the coalface welcome this...

Seanad: Commission of Investigation Announcement on Tuam Mother and Baby Home: Statements (9 Mar 2017)

James Reilly: ...that these supports were available for her. We have changed and, yes, we have had a children's referendum. We now have a Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, including her predecessors, along with children's rights in the Constitution. However, we still have children in trouble and other investigations that show dark places. This investigation will cover a lot of the other...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Flood Prevention Measures (7 Mar 2017)

James Reilly: ...State and his stated commitment on camera to fund works at this location under the minor works programme. I understand applications of up to €500,000 can be considered. However, this issue has been ongoing for too long. The local residents are extremely worried, frustrated and angry that no action has been taken to deal with their plight, namely, the real risk to their homes from...

Seanad: Order of Business (2 Mar 2017)

James Reilly: ...occasion. I echo everything that was said by Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. I give a special mention to the Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality, Deputy David Stanton, for his long service and commitment in this area, long before he was ever a Minister of State, particularly when he served as Chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice,...

Seanad: Recent Education Announcements: Statements (21 Feb 2017)

James Reilly: ...backgrounds. There are real problems in retaining such children in school. The school completion programme has played a critical role in achieving the goal of keeping children in school for as long as possible to avail of an education. The facts are startling. As mentioned by other Senators, higher educational attainment, tangentially, leads to a higher paid job. Many children,...

Seanad: Hospital Waiting Lists: Motion (15 Feb 2017)

James Reilly: ...debate. I listened from my office to what the Minister had to say and to the other contributions. As the Minister is on the record as saying, it is unacceptable that our citizens must wait such a long time to get treatment. There is a long waiting list in outpatients. It used to be referred to as the waiting list to get on the waiting list. For the first time the waiting list has been...

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