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Results 41-60 of 3,542 for in 'Dáil debates' speaker:Ciarán Lynch

Equal Status (Amendment) Bill 2013: Second Stage [Private Members] (2 Jul 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: Deputy Mac Lochlainn is not doing himself any favours by shouting at me.

Equal Status (Amendment) Bill 2013: Second Stage [Private Members] (2 Jul 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: If the Bill is an attempt on the part of Sinn Féin to embarrass the Government, then it has missed by a mile. If it is an attempt at having a positive impact in legislative terms, then it has missed by a country mile. The legislation before the House is completely unworkable and I advise other parties and individuals in opposition to vote against it when the debate concludes tomorrow...

Finance (Local Property Tax Repeal) Bill 2013 [Private Members]: Second Stage (Resumed) (12 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: This is nothing but a populist Bill with no credibility and it reflects the type of Darby O'Gill economics we have become used to from Sinn Féin. In the last budget, the Sinn Féin budget proposals were not costed by the Department of Finance, the first time in the history of the State an Opposition party has submitted proposals that were not costed. If this was a meaningful...

Finance (Local Property Tax Repeal) Bill 2013 [Private Members]: Second Stage (Resumed) (12 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: -----and other matters but left-wing parties opposing the principle of a property tax beggars belief. In a meeting of the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform before Christmas, every economist from the left and the right spoke about the progressive nature of property tax as opposed to income tax. Even spokespersons invited before the committee by Sinn Féin agreed...

Finance (Local Property Tax Repeal) Bill 2013 [Private Members]: Second Stage (Resumed) (12 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: That shows the nonsense of the proposal because the asset is being left to someone with a value. The person is not leaving behind debt but an asset that is increasing in value over the next ten years. The goal is to get Ireland into a position of recovery. We have commenced work on it. One of the significant areas of the Irish economy that needs recovery is the normalisation of the...

Topical Issue Debate: Water and Sewerage Schemes Provision (11 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: Thank you, Deputy.

Topical Issue Debate: Water and Sewerage Schemes Provision (11 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: Before the Minister replies, I remind Deputy Cowen that when the Chair is speaking to him, he should not ignore it. I ask him not to speak over me and will note it for future reference. He will not do it again.

Topical Issue Debate: Pupil-Teacher Ratio (11 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: The Deputies have two minutes each.

Topical Issue Debate: Pupil-Teacher Ratio (11 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: One minute each.

Topical Issue Debate: Water and Sewerage Schemes Provision (11 Jun 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: The Deputy should conclude.

Leaders' Questions (22 May 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: This is about 4,000 jobs in Cork.

Topical Issue Debate: Inter-Country Adoptions (30 Apr 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: I thank the Minister of State for his reply. What I am proposing is not in conflict with the Hague Convention. In fact it would enhance the measures that Ireland has signed up to in the convention. I agree that the convention has moved toward a more child-centred adoption policy in which the child's interest is central both at the beginning and the end of the process. However, the...

Topical Issue Debate: Inter-Country Adoptions (30 Apr 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: I thank the Minister of State, Deputy McGinley, for coming to the Chamber to address the issue I raise concerning Irish couples who seek international adoptions and the difficulties present in the existing system. To begin, I offer some background. Irish people who wish to become adoptive parents rightly must go through a rigorous approval programme as part of an international commitment...

Leaders' Questions (17 Apr 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: They need a bigger hat.

Mortgage Arrears: Motion [Private Members] (26 Mar 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: That is an issue for Fine Gael, in fairness. I will be looking for my four minutes.

Mortgage Arrears: Motion [Private Members] (26 Mar 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: I thank Deputy Michael McGrath for moving the motion and providing the opportunity to debate the issue. Despite the current mortgage crisis, the Irish will continue to be a home-purchasing nation. That will not change. It is in that context that we must examine the mortgage crisis we are trying to resolve. While dealing with the crisis we must create a sustainable home-purchasing model...

Order of Business (20 Mar 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: The legislation being referred to by the Deputy is the Credit Institutions Stabilisation Act 2012. When that Act was passed, it put in place public interest directors in each of the banks that were recapitalised. I suspect that Deputy Doherty was not aware that this legislation actually deals with the matter.

Order of Business (20 Mar 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: One of the public interest directors that was appointed to the banks actually-----

Order of Business (20 Mar 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: -----sits on the remuneration committee of Bank of Ireland and was the director who actually-----

Order of Business (20 Mar 2013)

Ciarán Lynch: -----passed the pay increase for Mr. Boucher. The question I put to the Minister is whether it is time for the Government to consider amending the Credit Institutions Stabilisation Act-----

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