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Results 41-60 of 12,895 for speaker:Frances Fitzgerald in 'Written Answers'

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Job Creation (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: Despite intense competition, the trajectory of Ireland’s competitiveness performance is positive. Our improved performance is reflected in strong employment growth across sectors and regions. The strong performance of clients supported by the enterprise agencies in winning exports, market share and job creation in the face of intense global competition is to be commended and reflects...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Enterprise Data (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: Enterprise Ireland is the state agency with responsibility for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. Enterprise Ireland works in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, innovate, scale and win export sales in global markets. In this way, Enterprise Ireland supports sustainable economic growth, regional development and secure employment. A key focus...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Economic Competitiveness (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: This Government is committed to maintaining Ireland’s competitive edge. That is why we introduced a pro-business Budget with record levels of multi-annual funding and tax measures which will allow businesses across Ireland to develop, scale, innovate and embed.   My Department recognises the importance of Ireland remaining an active location for indigenous and foreign direct...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Knowledge Development Box (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: Ireland was the first country world-wide to introduce an OECD compliant Knowledge Development Box (KDB) offering. The certainty, predictability and clear signal that this has sent to enterprise – including both Irish owned and foreign owned entities establishing and doing business from here - remains essential. This certainty has become even more important in the...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Brexit Issues (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: I propose to take Questions Nos. 59 and 60 together. My Department works closely with its counterpart in Northern Ireland - the Department for the Economy - in connection with the operation of InterTrade Ireland (ITI), the cross-border body that assists SMEs all across the island in growing North-South trade.  ITI also helps its client companies to become more competitive and...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Economic Competitiveness (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: Improving Ireland’s international competitiveness is a key economic priority for Government. Since 2012, the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs has set out a comprehensive set of measures to improve our competitiveness performance. Ireland’s improving competitiveness performance over the period 2011-2016 has been central to the recovery in employment and economic growth....

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Departmental Agencies Staff Data (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: The Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA) currently has an approved staff complement of 43.  At present, 24 staff are in place, with recruitment of additional staff underway and plans to commence a further recruitment campaign.  Through these recruitment campaigns, the Authority is working towards having a full staff complement in situ at the earliest...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Legislative Programme (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: The draft heads of the Industrial Development (Amendment) Bill were approved by Government last year. The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Business, Enterprise and Innovation subsequently determined that pre-legislative scrutiny was not required. My Department has since been working closely with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel on this legislation. The draft bill is now close...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: IDA Ireland Site Visits (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: I understand that IDA Ireland does collate feedback following site visits from potential clients. While this is analysed and commonalities are assessed for internal Agency use, it is commercially sensitive and is not made publicly available.  However, this analysis does inform IDA Ireland’s understanding of what attracts foreign direct investment (FDI) to Ireland...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: IDA Ireland Expenditure (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: The study to which the Deputy refers is the only market analysis report commissioned by IDA Ireland and paid from the Agency's capital budget from 2012 to date. For reasons of commercial sensitivity, however, IDA Ireland are unable to disclose the amount spent on this report as this would adversely impact the competitiveness of any tender process for...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Brexit Documents (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: My Department is undertaking research to examine the implications for the most exposed enterprise sectors - in terms of trading and economic relationships - of the United Kingdom being outside of the European Single Market and Customs Union. This research will inform an assessment of the way in which Brexit will affect individual sectors of the economy, at...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Brexit Documents (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: As the Deputy will be aware, the major study examining the Strategic Implications arising from EU-UK Trading Patterns is underway and will provide an evidence base on key trade and investment questions to inform Ireland’s position as part of the wider negotiation on the UK’s future relationship with the EU. Using a computable general equilibrium model to quantify new barriers...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Trade Agreements (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: The next round of talks in the EU - Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is scheduled to take place on the 29th November to 5th December in Brussels and a final round of high-level talks is expected to take place the week beginning 6th December. Negotiations are led by the EU Commission on behalf of Member States. An EU-Mercosur FTA would be the EU’s largest trade deal to...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Brexit Issues (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: A Rescue & Restructuring (R&R) Scheme has been notified by my Officials to the Commission for approval.  This scheme adheres to existing State Aid rules.  While I do not expect there will be a need for the State to provide rescue/restructuring aid to companies, it is prudent to have contingency measures in place, so that we can respond swiftly to changing...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Departmental Reports (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: Details of the reports received by my Department in 2016, that were not made public, are set out in the table. Report Title Reason for not Publishing Health check on email archive system Internal ICT assessment – not for publication ICT Security Reviews Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication Patents Office ICT System Architecture Review...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement Reports (23 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: The Section 955(1)(a) Report from the Director of Corporate Enforcement has been the subject of detailed consultation with the Office of the Attorney General. On the advice received recently from the Attorney General, I do not have a legal power to publish statutory reports prepared pursuant to section 955 of the Companies Act, 2014. I am conscious, however, that the shortcomings...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Industrial Relations (22 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: In reply to parliamentary question no. 160 put down by the deputy on 7 November last, I outlined the position in relation to the Labour Court Recommendation 21574 referred to by the deputy. Labour Court Recommendation LCR 21574 was made under the Industrial Relations Acts 1946 to 2015 and published on the Court’s website at The Court's Recommendation...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Ministerial Responsibilities (21 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: On the 20th June, the Taoiseach re-appointed Mr. John Halligan T.D. as a Minister of State with responsibility for certain policy areas under the remit of my Department. On 26th July, the Government made orders for the delegation of Ministerial functions to Minister Halligan at my request. Minister Halligan has been delegated responsibility for Innovation,...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: International Treaties (21 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: The World Intellectual Property Organisation’s (WIPO) Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, which took place in Beijing from June 20 to 26, 2012.  The objective of the Treaty is to establish rules ensuring the adequate protection and remuneration of actors and allowing their performances...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Retail Sector (21 Nov 2017)

Frances Fitzgerald: I wish to underline the Government's commitment to ensuring that the benefits of a stronger Euro are passed on to Irish consumers. My Department has engaged with the retail sector on this issue through the Retail Consultation Forum, which I now Chair. Specifically, it was raised and discussed at a meeting of the Retail Consultation Forum on 21 November 2016. In response, retailers...

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