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Results 401-420 of 881 for speaker:Peter Power

Written Answers — Overseas Development Aid: Overseas Development Aid (8 Jul 2009)

Peter Power: The Government's 2006 White Paper on Irish Aid outlines our commitment to addressing the specific health needs of women, as an essential element in Ireland's contribution to improving health and fighting poverty in developing countries. We work closely with a number of UN agencies to address maternal health issues, including the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Our partnership with the...

Written Answers — Decentralisation Programme: Decentralisation Programme (1 Jul 2009)

Peter Power: Under the Government's decentralisation programme announced in 2003, 125 posts attached to the Development Cooperation Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs were to decentralise to Limerick. The Division is the Headquarters of Irish Aid. Following sanction of an additional 20 posts by the Department of Finance in 2005, the total number of posts attached to Irish Aid Headquarters...

Written Answers — Overseas Development Aid: Overseas Development Aid (24 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: The Government remains seriously concerned about the humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where there are more than 1.7 million internally displaced persons as a result of conflict. The Government's aid programme, operated by Irish Aid, does not have an annual budget for the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, because of the level of humanitarian need, our...

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: That differs very greatly from Deputy Lee's analysis. What I have heard in the past 24 hours suggests to me that there is very little difference between the 1980s and what is happening now. He says there is, but I say there is not. I have listened to the colleagues of Deputies Durkan and Burton and on practically every major economic issue of the day the two parties are diametrically...

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: I have got a limited amount of time, Deputy Burton.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: Deputy Burton was starting out in her career - it was interrupted subsequently half way through - but it is no coincidence that on six separate occasions since then the public, at its invitation, have not returned that Government to power because they know that when they last elected Labour and Fine Gael, this country stagnated.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: My prediction is that they will do that again. The contradictions between Fine Gael and Labour are glaring. Deputy George Lee is a former member of the media but it is a singular failure by Deputy Lee and his colleagues in RTE-----

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: -----to point out the glaring inconsistencies between the parties opposite. The media should reflect on that.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: The Leas-Cheann Comhairle said I would be indulged because of the constant interruptions and that I will be allowed to continue.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: I listened carefully yesterday to what Deputy Kenny said, and Deputy Lee lectured us today on responsibility. Rarely have I heard a more irresponsible contribution from anybody in this House than that given by Deputy Kenny yesterday.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: He lectured us that we cannot tax our way out of recession. Two minutes later he said we cannot repeat the mistakes of the 1980s, that we cannot have cutbacks and cannot restrict ourselves in terms of infrastructure. In the space of two minutes in his contribution he set out two diametrically opposed policy positions that are irreconcilable.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: The people will cop on to that. The people will look to see who is best able to get them out of this problem.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: The parties opposite might try to do it on their own but they will not do it again.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: We hear time and again from our colleagues opposite about how Fine Gael is the party of law and order and that it is the traditional defenders of the Constitution, but when it suits its political needs it will throw the Constitution out of the window. The constitutional position is clear. Governments in this country are elected for a period of five years, not for two years or after every...

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: -----because it suspects that in two or three years' time, when the fruits of the very difficult and unpopular decisions begin to become apparent to the people, they will take a much different and more maligned view of the Opposition parties and the contradictions in all of its policies.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: They hate to hear the truth. That is the problem.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: That is below the belt.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: That is the pot calling the kettle black.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: The Deputy is the mistress of spin.

Confidence in Government: Motion (resumed) (10 Jun 2009)

Peter Power: He never got back in again. That is what happened.

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