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Results 21-40 of 1,716 for other and baby home

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Seanad: Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022: Committee Stage (20 Jun 2024)

Mary Seery Kearney: There is a smoke-and-mirrors casting of the situation, as it is proposed in the Bill, going on. For future surrogacies, we will have a regulatory authority that will look at all of the circumstances and get increasingly better as it moves on through the years, which is what I used to think and say about it. The more experience that regulatory authority gets, the better it will get at...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (20 Jun 2024)

Roderic O'Gorman: The Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme is designed to provide payments and other benefits to people who spent time in one or more of the Mother and Baby or County Home Institutions, that were identified by the Commission of Investigation as having a main function of providing sheltered and supervised ante and post-natal facilities to single mothers and their children. The...

Select Committee on Education and Skills: Supports for Survivors of Residential Institutional Abuse Bill 2024: Committee Stage (19 Jun 2024)

Norma Foley: I thank the members of the committee for scheduling this meeting to facilitate Committee Stage of the Supports for Survivors of Residential Institutional Abuse Bill 2024 and for their engagement throughout the pre-legislative scrutiny of the Bill. As I noted on Second Stage, I am deeply conscious of the enormous trauma that has been endured by all survivors of abuse and I know that nothing...

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (19 Jun 2024) See 1 other result from this debate

Rose Conway-Walsh: I acknowledge the hard and valuable work the 53,000 childminders across the country do. They fulfil a great role. As a parent, I have experience of this. Not everybody can afford long maternity leave. My two children went to a wonderful childminder, Sheila Wilson. They were part of her family and she provided not just a service but had them as part of her family. I know the difference...

Seanad: National Cancer Services: Motion (19 Jun 2024)

John McGahon: the issue of palliative care, which I raised in the House a year ago. This is the result of a HSE decision. The CHO 8 area, as the Minister of State knows, covers counties Louth, Meath, Laois and Offaly. A decision was made by the HSE that in the Louth and Meath areas, only clinical nurse specialists would be able to administer palliative care. In every other health service area,...

Seanad: Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022: Second Stage (13 Jun 2024)

Gerard Craughwell: Before the Minister arrived in the House, I frustrated the Order of Business because of this Bill. I did so deliberately. I did so because I am a legislator and a Member of this House. As Senator McDowell said a short time ago, we are here to look at and analyse legislation and to propose amendments to improve it. For Second Stage to be before the House today and for all other Stages to...

Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024: Report and Final Stages (12 Jun 2024)

Richard Boyd Barrett: -----but I spoke on Second Stage and I raised some of these concerns, and I am sure others did as well. For the record, we all spoke at length about some of the horrible stuff that went on, the impacts on the victims and the sexual, physical and other abuse. It is not fair to suggest that is not as big a concern. I do not know why this is a source of amusement. I honestly do not. It is...

Seanad: Gnó an tSeanaid - Business of Seanad (11 Jun 2024)

Jerry Buttimer: ...on the implementation of an awareness campaign to help the public to identify people who have been the victims of human trafficking. Senator Tom Clonan - The need for the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science to make a statement on the uniformity of supports provided to students with additional needs in third-level education, with specific regard to...

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Mother and Baby Homes (11 Jun 2024) See 1 other result from this debate

Lynn Ruane: The site at Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, County Tipperary, was home to one of Ireland's most infamous mother and baby homes, operational from 1931 to 1969. During this time, 6,414 women were admitted and 6,079 children were born there. Within two years of it opening, it was acknowledged that there was a problem with infant mortality and the congregation sent a representative to investigate...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (11 Jun 2024)

Roderic O'Gorman: I propose to take Questions Nos. 593 and 594 together. The Action Plan for Survivors and Former Residents of Mother and Baby and County Home Institutions contains 22 commitments to survivors, intended to address the expressed priorities of those who spent time in Mother and Baby and County Home Institutions, as well as respond to the findings and recommendations of the Commission of...

Seanad: Parent’s Leave and Benefit Act 2019 (Extension of Periods of Leave) Order 2024: Motion (30 May 2024) See 1 other result from this debate

James Browne: ...Members for having me to provide a statement on this motion on behalf of the Minister, Deputy O’Gorman. The Government continually has a strong commitment to achieving gender equality in Ireland through a variety of actions, which is a key tenet of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth’s mission towards a fair and inclusive society where...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Residential Institutions (30 May 2024)

Roderic O'Gorman: The Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme is designed to provide payments and other benefits to people who spent time in one or more of the Mother and Baby or County Home Institutions, that were identified by the Commission of Investigation as having a main function of providing sheltered and supervised ante and post-natal facilities to single mothers and their children. The...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes (28 May 2024)

Roderic O'Gorman: The Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme is designed to provide payments and other benefits to people who spent time in one or more of the Mother and Baby or County Home Institutions, that were identified by the Commission of Investigation as having a main function of providing sheltered and supervised ante and post-natal facilities to single mothers and their children. The...

Housing Situation: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (21 May 2024)

Johnny Mythen: I thank Deputy Ó Broin for his momentous work on forming Sinn Féin's housing policy and bringing the motion to the Dáil. I have to say the Government's response to the breaking news this morning on part of the Housing Commission's report is bewildering. All Opposition parties have been saying for years that there is a national emergency housing crisis in this country. Sinn...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (21 May 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: .... However, I am against wind turbines that do not allow people to have a night's sleep. I have been trying to think of a way to get through to those in government in order that they will understand how important it is that they listen to this. The Minister, Deputy McEntee, is alongside the Taoiseach. In addition to them, how many parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters of young...

Delivering Universal Healthcare: Statements (15 May 2024)

Cathal Crowe: I welcome the announcement that HIQA will examine the possibility of a model 3 hospital in the mid-west region. It is so essential and we have had many private conversations on this. I thank the Minister, over the past 18 months, for meeting with Deputy Willie O'Dea and myself one evening in his office. he came down to Ennis and met with the Friends of Ennis Hospital Committee and he met...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (14 May 2024)

Fiona O'Loughlin: We need to have a frank and open discussion on the matter. Senator Clonan spoke about the issue of conflict. It is horrific that every day when we open our phones, screens or newspapers, we see children and women dying. The numbers are horrific. Ireland and Spain have been very much to the fore in terms of doing what they can and trying to bring other European leaders and the UN with us...

Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Second Stage (14 May 2024)

Timmy Dooley: I thank the Minister of State for bringing the Bill to the House. Virtually everybody in society recognises the impact of problem gambling on the lives of individuals and their families and communities. It is also incumbent on us, when we try to deal with such a difficult thing, not to end up with unintended consequences of what we seek to do. I am mindful that in his opening remarks the...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Parental Bereavement Leave (Amendment) Bill 2021: Pre-Committee Stage Scrutiny (14 May 2024)

Tom Clonan: I thank Martin and Caroline very much for coming here today. I thank them for sharing their story of their beautiful boy Stephen. I thank Nina for her contribution and a couple of things that were said really struck me. In the earlier session, I spoke about our loss. We had five children, one of whom had a cord accident at birth and passed away. As I said this morning, she would have been...

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