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Results 21-40 of 240 for speaker:Maria Corrigan

Seanad: Effects of Recession on Mental Health: Statements (10 Nov 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I understand why Senator Fitzgerald went over time because this is a very important debate and there is much to be said. One could spend the day speaking and we would not cover every aspect of it. I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I took great heart from some of what he said. I will endeavour not to repeat what he said or the points made by Senator Fitzgerald. At the end of...

Seanad: Child Care Inquiry Report: Statements (28 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: At 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 2 November 2010.

Seanad: Child Care Inquiry Report: Statements (28 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I join colleagues in welcoming the Minister of State. The speedy way in which he made himself available to the Seanad and the amendment to the Order of Business this morning to accommodate this debate sends a powerful message. Like the Minister and other colleagues, I have not had the opportunity to read the report in-depth but I have read parts of it and, to put it bluntly, the report is...

Seanad: Diabetes Treatment and Management: Motion. (27 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I second the motion before the House. The issue of diabetes is of increasing significance, particularly in the western and developed worlds. According to the statistics, 5% of Ireland's population have diabetes. Where it remains undiagnosed or poorly controlled, it can lead to severe complications, including having adverse effects on the eyes and kidneys, nerve damage and vascular...

Seanad: Nursing Homes Support Scheme (20 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I thank the Cathaoirleach for the opportunity to raise this very important issue. I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy John Moloney. The introduction of the fair deal nursing home repayment scheme has been a very welcome development. It has brought considerable peace of mind to individuals and families who are trying to plan for the future and were concerned as to how they might meet...

Seanad: Nursing Homes Support Scheme (20 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I thank Minister of State for his response and have two comments. The first relates to the first section of his response in which he indicated the fair deal will not extend to mental health or long-term residential facilities. I am not asking for an extension to the scheme. Rather, I refer to free nursing home type settings or settings that are specifically for the support of older people....

Seanad: Nursing Homes Support Scheme (20 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I thank the Minister of State.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I ask the Leader to arrange to have the Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Deputy Dermot Ahern, come before the House to debate how to engage with vulnerable adults in the justice system? Myriad issues need to be addressed, including how to deal with adults with an intellectual disability or mental health issues who make allegations of abuse. In recent years tremendous supports have been...

Seanad: Services for People with Disabilities: Motion (13 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I thank all the Senators who contributed to what has been a very informed debate in the last couple of hours. Senator McFadden and I are frequently in agreement and share many of the same thoughts, beliefs, hopes and aspirations. I can understand where she is coming from in the points she has made, but I regret that she did not, perhaps, have an opportunity to hear the earlier part of the...

Seanad: Services for People with Disabilities: Motion (13 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I move: 'That Seanad Éireann welcomes the announcement that a new National Advocacy Service for people with disabilities is to be set up to provide independent, representative advocacy services for people with disabilities from January 2011. I welcome the Minister to the Chamber. This is a very important step forward for people with disabilities and I welcome its announcement. As Members...

Seanad: Order of Business (7 Oct 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I support Senator O'Toole's call that the Minister of State with responsibility for children come before the House to discuss the operation of the 116000 number, the established EU common number relating to missing children. The great advantage of the freedom of travel Europe offers has ironically presented a real danger to children who go missing. The established common helpline number for...

Seanad: End of Life Care: Motion (29 Sep 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I join Senator Feeney in commending Senator Mullen on raising this issue. I acknowledge the increased recognition and dedicated funding that has been provided by the Government in recent times for palliative care services. This has been a welcome development. While we will always feel there should be additional funding and everyone in the Chamber can identify areas of need, some positive...

Seanad: Health Services (29 Sep 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I thank the Cathaoirleach for allowing me to raise this very important issue, to ask the Minister for an update on initiatives being undertaken to raise awareness, provide education and deliver supports re the incidence and impact of anaphylaxis. We do not have accurate data in Ireland as to the exact incidence of it. We know, however, that admissions to hospitals due to allergic reactions...

Seanad: Health Services (29 Sep 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I thank the Minister of State for her response. I am not being awkward. There was a considerable amount in the response that was informative and encouraging, including the information on the training given to auxiliary staff, the recognition of the consequences of anaphylaxis and the necessity of avoidance and early intervention. All of that can only come into play if allergies are...

Seanad: Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy (14 Jul 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I join with colleagues in paying tribute to the late councillor, Senator, Deputy and lord mayor, Joe Doyle and extend my sympathies to his family. I got to know Joe through serving for a short period on the eastern region health authority and the east coast area health board with him. In the latter case sometimes we would meet in south Dublin or Wicklow and when Peggy could not collect Joe,...

Seanad: Carers in Ireland: Statements (13 Jul 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I wish to be associated with the tributes paid to the late Nuala Fennell. It is appropriate that we are having a debate on a group of people who must fight very hard to have their voices heard. I welcome the many carers in the Visitors Gallery. I also welcome the Minister of State. I wish to recount a story that sticks in my mind. It occurred during the general election campaign in 2007...

Seanad: Carers in Ireland: Statements (13 Jul 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I ask the Minister of State to reconsider this decision. I am aware of the economic constraints and one must be clear that publishing something does not mean that a commitment is being given to its immediate implementation. However, it would demonstrate the State's aspirations and ambitions for the future and that it is prepared to plan for and to carve out a path for that future. Such...

Seanad: Carers in Ireland: Statements (13 Jul 2010)

Maria Corrigan: I again ask the Minister of State to take this point on board. I greatly welcome the much-needed report on young carers, which raises serious issues for Members, not least with regard to child well-being issues. I am highly conscious that it also is very difficult for those people for whom young people are caring. Such people are conscious that they are asking their sons or daughters to do...

Seanad: Order of Business. (13 Jul 2010)

Maria Corrigan: In the past few days there have been very disturbing reports from Iran concerning a young girl who at the age of 14 years was subject to an arranged marriage with a much older man. Within a couple of months she was accused of and found guilty of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning. Because she was 14 years old, it was believed they would hold off from carrying out the sentence until...

Seanad: Order of Business. (13 Jul 2010)

Maria Corrigan: A report on 4,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities living in institutions and in congregated settings is concluding and is due to be published in the coming months. When ordering the business of the House when we resume after the recess can the Leader organise a debate on the future for people with intellectual disabilities? Significant changes are afoot, the value for money...

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