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Results 21-37 of 37 for troy speaker:Dara Calleary

Flood Insurance Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (29 Nov 2016)

Dara Calleary: that - the Minister of State, Deputy Canney, believes in it - it seems the OPW can say "No", and it appears nobody wants to take the office on. My party, led by Deputies Eugene Murphy and Troy, has proposed a Shannon river authority, but I think the time has come for one single river authority in Ireland because, time and time again, State agency plays off Stage agency. The OPW...

Child Care: Motion [Private Members] (10 Feb 2015)

Dara Calleary: I thank the Acting Chairman for keeping an eye on my time. I thank Deputy Troy for giving the House the opportunity to discuss the issue of child care and early childhood care in particular. I refer to the hype that came with the formation of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in 2011. The energy in the sector at that time was the result of the work of our late colleague...

Nursing Homes Support Scheme: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (12 Nov 2014)

Dara Calleary: ...loved one to stay in a nursing home does not represent recovery. That is surely not the kind of recovery anybody in this House would support. The Minister spoke about community care. Deputy Troy made a point earlier about the HSE's unique ability to work in silos where the H does not talk to the S, the S does not talk to the E, and the E does not talk to anybody. Community care in...

Free Travel Pass: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (9 Jul 2014)

Dara Calleary: The rural transport scheme is essential and has evolved to fill the gap in local services, about which Deputy Robert Troy spoke, to transport people to bigger towns to access basic services, including medical services, go shopping or simply get out of the house and meet friends. It has been adopted wonderfully in many rural areas and I am sure the Minister of State has had a chance to see...

Free Travel Pass: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (9 Jul 2014)

Dara Calleary: ...benefits package has been depleted so much that there is no longer a telephone allowance. That was not supposed to happen. The allowance does not just cover telephones, but also, as Deputy Troy mentioned, panic alarms. It provides senior citizens security at night. That pendant is the one item they speak about. The Government was elected to office in full knowledge of how serious the...

Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2014: Second Stage (Resumed) (14 May 2014)

Dara Calleary: I wish to share time with Deputy Troy. I endorse much of what Deputy Catherine Byrne stated in finishing. It is not only in Inchicore where that problem arises. We experience it as well, where persons from outside an area decide that an area of social housing, a social housing estate or a local authority estate will be their area of operation. They have no difficulty in coming in there...

Early Childhood Care and Education: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (12 Feb 2014)

Dara Calleary: I thank Deputy Robert Troy for allowing the House to discuss child care issues in Private Members' business. Given that we share common aims, it is regrettable that the Government is seeking to divide the House on the motion before us and chose not to engage with us to try to agree a wording that could have brought all sides in the House together. I welcome the Minister's appointment. It...

Social Welfare Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (12 Dec 2012)

Dara Calleary: Yes. Deputy Kirk and I have seven and a half minutes each, with five minutes for Deputy Troy. I welcome the chance to speak on the Social Welfare Bill, but first I will pick up on something mentioned by Deputy Timmins and a number of other Deputies. This is madness. It is the same every year, regardless of who is outside the House. On this occasion we will spend only two days talking...

An Bille um an Aonú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Leanaí) 2012: An Dara Céim (Atógáil) - Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2012)

Dara Calleary: the right children going into the care system. That is the children who are lost to the system, whose rights were ignored as was the State's responsibility to them, whose health and future was destroyed because the State could not act. These are the kind of children who need to be brought into the care system. These are the children who will, if this referendum is passed, get the...

An Bille um an Aonú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Leanaí) 2012: An Dara Céim (Atógáil) - Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2012)

Dara Calleary: the right children going into the care system. That is the children who are lost to the system, whose rights were ignored as was the State's responsibility to them, whose health and future was destroyed because the State could not act. These are the kind of children who need to be brought into the care system. These are the children who will, if this referendum is passed, get the...

Order of Business (20 Sep 2012)

Dara Calleary: I welcome the publication yesterday of the wording for the children's referendum and commend the Minister for Children on the work she has done. As Deputy Troy said, the Fianna Fáil Party will support the amendment. I hope we will have a sensible campaign in the coming weeks around this very important issue. The CSO quarterly national household survey statistics were stark and...

Confidence in the Minister for Health: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (19 Sep 2012)

Dara Calleary: the fact that many of the achievements he outlined are being undermined on a daily basis. Where will the waiting lists, which have been trumpeted this evening, be in December? The point Deputy Troy was trying to make was despite the fact that hospitals have made huge efforts, those which were successful, and I include Mayo General Hospital, had their budgets cut even further and they...

National Cultural Institutions: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (27 Jun 2012)

Dara Calleary: Gabhaim buíochas leis an Teachta Troy agus an Seanadóir Mac Conghail as ucht an rún seo a chur os comhair an dá Theach anocht. Ten years ago, I travelled at Deputy Deenihan's invitation, to his home town of Listowel to see what a vibrant, community-based arts sector can do for a town's self confidence and identity, not to mention the economic benefits. The current Minister was central to...

Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland (Amendment) Bill 2011: Second Stage (Resumed) (28 Mar 2012)

Dara Calleary: I am sharing time with Deputies Troy, Kitt and Ó Cuív.

Social Welfare Code: Motion (Resumed) (3 Nov 2011)

Dara Calleary: ...conditions. I often think that many of those on social welfare are best placed to do this work themselves. Those who may be entitled to a payment, perhaps in the circumstances described by Deputy Troy, cannot be expected to wait for 14 months to have their appeals assessed properly. I appeal to the Minister to examine the possibility of establishing a specific initiative without...

Closure of Army Barracks: Motion (4 Oct 2011)

Dara Calleary: ...of those fine men and women and the impact potential changes may have on communities across the island. This is why we are here tonight. Along with my colleagues Deputies Brendan Smith and Robert Troy, Senator Diarmuid Wilson and Councillor Siobhán Ambrose - then mayor of Clonmel - I have sought since April information on proposed barracks closures. However, the standard reply from the...

Defence Forces Property (28 Jun 2011)

Dara Calleary: I am accompanied by Deputy Robert Troy who has been pursuing this issue. I understand Longford County Council is waiting for a response from the Department on its proposal. As the Minister knows, the proposal was quite detailed. It was for the creation of five zones of development in Longford focusing on an education centre and tourism, arts and crafts facilities. Everybody would agree...

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