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Results 21-40 of 86 for troy speaker:Leo Varadkar

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Insurance Industry (2 Jun 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...which general damages are awarded in our country and in the level of those damages and should exert downward pressure on insurance premiums. In addition, the Minister for Justice along with Minister Troy, published the Garda Síochána (Compensation) Bill 2021 in April 2021. This Bill will bring Garda compensation claims within the PIAB process. This will benefit both claimants,...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (27 May 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...) Bill has now been put in place. That legislation will tackle false and exaggerated claims. We have reforms under way to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board, PIAB, led by the Minister of State, Deputy Troy. We will make changes to the duty of care legislation and we are also making reforms to the CCPC to improve its powers as to competition. All of these reforms are going to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement: Discussion with Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment (26 May 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...come to us in tax, it is actually a considerable amount, and €200 million a year for the Irish State to use on public goods is worth fighting for, to my mind. Yesterday, the Minster of State, Deputy Troy, launched the first of our free trade round table series which focused on raising the profile of the recent free trade agreements. An online webinar was held in conjunction with...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement: Discussion with Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment (26 May 2021)

Leo Varadkar: do it or for the money to be taken away from public services, which would be the effect, unfortunately. I do not recall being lobbied by any Canadian interests but the Minister of State, Deputy Troy, would certainly have met the Canadian ambassador and perhaps Canadian interests too. By lobby, I mean to physically or virtually meet. I get many letters all the time and I do not see...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Online Content Moderation and Reactivation of Economy: Discussion (19 May 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...– the Covid restrictions support scheme, CRSS; EWSS; and PUP - compare favourably with what is on offer in other countries. Members may be aware that my colleague, the Minister of State, Deputy Troy, published our proposals for a new small company administrative rescue process, SCARP, last week. This is a cheaper quicker alternative to examinership and with the help of the...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Commercial Rates (13 May 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...that may be available for their business. Details of the Code of Conduct and the wide range of supports available for business are on my Department’s website. In addition, earlier this week, Minister Troy announced the General Scheme for a Small Business Administrative Rescue Process providing for a simplified restructuring process for viable small companies that is both timely...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Job Losses (11 May 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...Development Commission amongst others, to discuss enterprise potential in the West. I requested that they refresh the Plan for the West to cover the period to 2024. I have asked Minister of State Robert Troy to work closely with the Committee in this task and he has since met with the Committee (on 2nd March last) to get this work underway. I have also appointed a new Chairperson to...

Seanad: Business and Covid-19: Statements (30 Apr 2021)

Leo Varadkar: restructure in a fast and inexpensive way that is an alternative to the examinership process through the Circuit Court and High Court. This legislation is being prepared by the Minister of State, Deputy Troy, and will be coming to the House before the summer recess. With the support of Members, I hope we pass the Bill in good time. I have also asked my officials to work on guidance for...

Seanad: Business and Covid-19: Statements (30 Apr 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...and have lower fixed costs than businesses with rateable premises. However, they do need help in some form and it is something I am mulling over with the Ministers of State, Deputies English and Troy. Perhaps if we do a new round of restart grants, and we intend to, we can do something for those businesses so they at least get some financial support which they did not previously. I agree...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Job Creation (25 Mar 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...the range of regional stakeholders on the Committee including IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, the Local Enterprise Offices and the Western Development Commission amongst others. Minister of State Robert Troy will lead on the development of the West Plan and has already met with the West Regional Enterprise Steering Committee on 2 March to get the process underway.

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Trade Missions (10 Mar 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...high-tech construction, engineering, ICT and lifesciences. Trade missions will be taking place virtually and, where possible, physically during 2021. In relation to Singapore, Minister Robert Troy will be attending a virtual “Airports of the Future” event in the coming weeks at the request of Enterprise Ireland to support Irish firms. My Department continues to work...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Customs and Excise (10 Mar 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...challenges that businesses face. While the webinar was aimed at Enterprise Ireland and Local Enterprise Office clients, it was also open to all Irish companies that trade with the United Kingdom and my colleague, Minister Troy, participated in the webinar. Finally, Budget 2021 provided contingency funding for COVID-19 and for all Brexit outcomes and the Government is committed to...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Trade Data (10 Mar 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...Enterprise Forum which I chair and the Retail Forum, chaired, by Minister Damien English, to identify where sectoral and regional impacts of the TCA are emerging at an operational level. In addition, Minister Robert Troy, in light of his responsibilities for trade promotion, has engaged in extensive outreach with business groups to address the many logistical challenges that the TCA has...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: European Council Meetings (25 Feb 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...Industry) Date Attendance Virtually / Physically 18 September 2020 An Tánaiste Virtually 23 October 2020 Minister Troy Virtually 19 November 2020 Minister Troy Virtually 25 February 2021 An Tánaiste and Minister Troy Virtually ...

Covid-19 (Enterprise, Trade and Employment): Statements (18 Feb 2021)

Leo Varadkar: The Minister of State, Deputy Troy, might come in on the .ie domain names as he has responsibility for digital and company regulation but I think that is owned by University College Dublin. It is not Government controlled but I will come back to the Deputy on that. I am always afraid to speculate about the future when it comes to what might or might not be possible this summer but I hope...

Covid-19 (Enterprise, Trade and Employment): Statements (18 Feb 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...topic of business and Covid-19 under this new format of statements and questions and answers. I look forward to answering Deputies' questions. I am sharing time with the Minister of State, Deputy Troy. Although today's topic is business and Covid-19, I will also speak about how my Department is supporting employees. Covid-19 financial assistance, low cost loans and workplace health...

Written Answers — Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Company Registration (10 Feb 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...time if all elements of the annual return were completed and filed by 26th February 2021. The Registrar has been keeping the situation under ongoing review. On 2nd February, my colleague, Robert Troy TD, Minister for Trade Promotion, Digital & Company Regulation announced the decision of the Registrar to extend the current filing arrangements, until 28th May 2021, for those...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: General Scheme of Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2018 (Resumed): Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (29 Jan 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...framework for the conduct of business now and into the future. I look forward to hearing members' views and taking questions on the general scheme. I am joined by the Minister of State, Deputy Troy, who has responsibility for the Companies Acts and will be taking some of the legislation in the Dáil and the Seanad.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: General Scheme of Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2018 (Resumed): Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (29 Jan 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...right like the CCPC and Revenue Commissioners and giving the agency the resources to pursue breaches of company law. I met the director only during the week, as did the Minister of State, Deputy Troy. The director is relatively happy with the additional resources the agency is getting. Even though the Bill has not been passed, the budget has been increased and there are additional civil...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: General Scheme of Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2018 (Resumed): Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (29 Jan 2021)

Leo Varadkar: ...really provided for in the Bill before us. That is something we are going to examine and we will do it if we can. On the issue of liquidations, I will hand over to the Minister of State, Deputy Troy, who is leading on that issue and on the kind of examinership-lite work we are doing.

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