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Results 21-35 of 35 for fees speaker:Dominic Hannigan "party:" . (isset($parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")]) ? $parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")] : "$a[1]")

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Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Second Stage (26 Jan 2010)

Dominic Hannigan: ...treated well in these establishments. Each local authority will be required to have a dog register for breeding establishments and will require the operators of them to register and pay an annual fee. Each premises will receive a registration certificate, which must be prominently displayed. Under the terms of the Bill, a local authority will be empowered to issue a closure notice to...

Seanad: Order of Business (3 Dec 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: On a point of order, that is the same answer that was given to us over a month ago. We need to see action. People are paying excess fees as a result of unregulated management companies, and we need the Bill back in this House quickly.

Seanad: National Asset Management Agency Business Plan: Statements (29 Oct 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: ...analysis is there to support the contention that a 20% figure is reasonable? I would like the Minister of State to address that point. The second point on which I seek clarification relates to fees and expenses. They are shown from 2010 on as being €240 million a year. They are broken down on the bottom of page 12 of the plan, although I am not sure if the Minister of State has it in...

Seanad: Order of Business (22 Oct 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: ...commuter belt are feeling the impact of the lack of regulation in this area. Their payments to management companies are often excessive and are often levied without consideration for the actual fees involved and the expenditure incurred. We have been promised action on this for the last number of years. The Second Stage debates on these Bills took place four or five months ago and their...

Seanad: Order of Business (Resumed) (1 Jul 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: ...paying the charge, a person lodged a copy of his or her separation agreement and subsequently when this was legalised returned to the local authority, would the Minister sanction a rebate for the fee paid? That would cover the issue of the legality of the agreement. Would the Minister accept that?

Seanad: Multi-Unit Developments Bill 2009: Second Stage (23 Jun 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: ...for the many residents who have to pay these charges on an ongoing basis. I am glad sinking funds have been provided for because they are needed. I am pleased a section of the Bill aims to ensure fees are justified rather than excessive and are applied in a manner that is transparent to apartment owners. There have been instances of developers and management companies charging, or...

Seanad: Property Services (Regulation) Bill 2009: Second Stage (21 May 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: companies and agencies exert excessive control over the maintenance of the developments. They highlight the difficulties this can pose, including the charging of exorbitant management fees to homeowners and, in some places, the absence of a long-term maintenance strategy. The reports recommend changes to improve the situation, in particular, giving homeowners more rights and...

Seanad: Affordable Housing: Statements (8 Apr 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: repayments. Unfortunately, their personal economic circumstances have deteriorated in the past year. They now have a difficulty paying their mortgage. We all acknowledge that breakage fees must be paid, but mortgage providers must examine the possibility of including breakage fees on top of the capital repayment of the mortgage, of changing mortgages to variable rates and, in...

Seanad: Order of Business (12 Mar 2009)

Dominic Hannigan: ...people are attracted into the maths and science fields. Will the Leader arrange for a debate on how to ensure that level of attractiveness is maintained? It should include a discussion on college fees, access to third level education and access to other educational centres. The McIver report on FETAC colleges, which should have been implemented three or four years ago, should be...

Seanad: Order of Business (17 Dec 2008)

Dominic Hannigan: the commuter belt. I received an e-mail yesterday from somebody in Tyrrelstown, outside my area, complaining that there are 2,500 apartments, but nobody knows why they are paying management fees. They are unregulated and fees can be as high as €100 per month. Senator Ó Murchú mentioned the cost of mortgages, yet for many young couples, the cost of management fees must be added to...

Seanad: Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2008: Report and Final Stages (10 Dec 2008)

Dominic Hannigan: I move amendment No. 40: In page 38, to delete lines 3 to 7. We debated this issue on Committee Stage. While we accept issues arise in respect of management fees for apartments and that the inclusion of apartments in the incremental purchase scheme would give rise to difficulties, we do not accept those difficulties cannot be overcome. We received promises from various Ministers in recent...

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Nov 2008)

Dominic Hannigan: do business. We know the additional surcharge will not help but I want to draw the Leader's attention to the Visa charges applied by airlines. Three of the airlines based in Ireland charge a fee of €10 per user for every time the person uses a Visa card. However, British Midland only charges €6 per person so it is clear the others do not have to charge €10. It is excessive...

Seanad: Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2008: Second Stage. (30 Apr 2008)

Dominic Hannigan: our legislation a few years ago made it more difficult to find out what was going on when it came to European Union negotiations. The other area where change was introduced was in regard to fees. A fee of €15 to €150 was attached to applications under the Freedom of Information Act. This has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of applications. In the first quarter...

Seanad: Special Educational Needs: Statements (Resumed). (21 Feb 2008)

Dominic Hannigan: ...has been shown in the past in respect of legal costs. Owing to the service the Ó Cuanacháins have performed in raising awareness of autism, the Minister seriously should consider waiving the fees.

Seanad: Education and Training: Motion (24 Oct 2007)

Dominic Hannigan: teach them what it is like to set up a business and to encourage them to do so. We must make it easier for people to go back and study. The Labour Party in government abolished third level fees and we must extend this. We need to reach out to people in further education, many of whom attend classes at night and at their own expense. The National Youth Council of Ireland has proposed...

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