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Results 301-320 of 431 for standing order motion in 'Seanad debates'

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Jun 2011)

Ivana Bacik: I thank those Members who wished me good luck in my first day standing in for the Leader. I have big shoes to fill, given that Senator Cummins has being doing an excellent job as Leader. I will respond to the speakers in turn. I welcome Senator Darragh O'Brien's support for the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, on which we would all acknowledge much work was done under the previous...

Seanad: Whistleblower Legislation: Motion (29 Jun 2011)

Brendan Howlin: ...later in establishing the Department. This legislation will conform to the key requirements I outlined on 26 May and I intend it to meet all of the main objectives highlighted in Senator Mullen's motion. It will provide a universal overarching legal charter for good faith reporting and protected disclosure for all employees, as well as for contractors who may have vital information to...

Seanad: Seanad Reform: Motion (Resumed) (21 Jun 2011)

Paschal Mooney: ...dictates that one does not raise a proposal on the floor of this House to invite an individual to this House. It is done through the Committee on Procedure and Privileges, as laid down in Standing Orders. Many of these initiatives have already been undertaken but that is not to suggest that the wording of the motion and support for it by all sides in this House should not continue to...

Seanad: Order of Business (16 Jun 2011)

Maurice Cummins: The Order of Business is: No. 1, motion regarding speaking time on Private Members' business, to be taken without debate; Nos. 2 to 6, motions concerning the establishment of committees and certain amendments to Standing Orders relating to the procedure within those committees, as set out in the Order Paper, to be taken without debate; No. 7, statements on the fair deal nursing home support...

Seanad: Seanad Reform: Motion (15 Jun 2011) See 1 other result from this debate

Maurice Cummins: The amendment seeks to refer changes in Seanad procedures to the Committee on Procedure and Privileges, but it is not in any way kicking this motion to touch. The reason we are suggesting that it be considered by the CPP is to put structure on the proposals upon which we agree. I totally agree with them. It is, therefore, a matter of putting the proper structures in place to enable the...

Seanad: Order of Business (7 Jun 2011)

David Cullinane: ...on Procedure and Privileges, despite the fact that it has three representatives in the Chamber, and it is not given formal speaking time. For example, during last week's debate on the important motion tabled by the Leader's party on tourism, Sinn Féin was allocated two two-minute slots. I, therefore, ask that Standing Orders be amended to reflect the fact that Sinn Féin is a group for...

Seanad: Business of Seanad (23 Mar 2011)

Pat Moylan: I have received a request signed by 30 Senators to summon a meeting of the Seanad for the specific purpose of discussing a motion on the programme for Government and the Mental Health (Involuntary Procedures) (Amendment) Bill 2008. The request complied with Standing Orders and I accordingly summoned this meeting. In accordance with the procedures which have brought the House here today there...

Seanad: Finance Bill 2011: Second Stage (28 Jan 2011)

Michael McCarthy: I welcome the debate on the Finance Bill. In terms of dealing with Bills this week, the Labour Party proposed that we clear the schedule and remove our motion of no confidence if the Government agreed to an orderly timeframe. In participating in that, a lot of political commonsense prevailed earlier this week in the context of how we do our business in the Oireachtas. There was a meeting...

Seanad: Legal Proceedings: Motion (28 Jan 2011)

Pat Moylan: -----and in accordance with Standing Order 58, Senator Callely will be recorded in the Journal of Proceedings of the Seanad as dissenting from the declaration of the result of the question put on the motion.

Seanad: Fish Quotas: Motion (15 Dec 2010)

Paul Bradford: ...issue. I join my Government colleagues in congratulating the Minister of State and his officials on the work they have done to achieve a reasonable outcome to the Brussels negotiations. This motion is probably an action replay of similar motions we have had over the years. It is the norm at Christmas time for the fishing negotiations to take place in Brussels. Sometimes the news from...

Standing Orders: Motion (2 Dec 2010)

Seanad: Order of Business (2 Dec 2010)

Donie Cassidy: The Order of Business is No. 1, motion re Standing Orders of Seanad Éireann Relative to Public Business, to be taken without debate at the conclusion of the Order of Business; No. 2, motion re Joint Committee on European Affairs, to be taken without debate at the conclusion of No. 1; No. 3, motion re Joint Committee on European Scrutiny, to be taken without debate at the conclusion of No. 2;...

Seanad: Lost at Sea Scheme: Motion (1 Dec 2010)

Seán Connick: ...'s view that "the process for considerationof such reports should be clearly set out" and note that it has ''agreed to recommend to the Committees on Procedure and Privileges of both Houses that Standing Orders should be amended to provide that future special reports of the Ombudsman should be considered by the relevant Oireachtas committee on a specific referral motion by the House or...

Seanad: Request to move Adjournment of Seanad under Standing Order 30 (30 Nov 2010)

Pat Moylan: I have received notice from Senator Norris of a motion he wishes to raise under Standing Order 30. I call on the Senator to state the matter of which he has given notice before I give my ruling on it.

Seanad: National Recovery Plan 2011-2014: Motion (30 Nov 2010)

Billy Kelleher: ...promote the advancement of next generation broadband. Costs in sheltered sectors will be tackled. The Government will receive regular reports from an independent figure who will oversee the promotion of competition in the professions. A package of measures will be implemented to reduce legal costs, including the introduction and enactment of the Legal Costs Bill. Although commercial...

Seanad: National Housing Development Survey: Motion (10 Nov 2010)

Dominic Hannigan: to complete unfinished estates; and calls on the Government to step up their efforts to address these issues. I welcome the Minister of State to the House and I am delighted to propose this motion on behalf of the Labour Party. It follows on from the publication of the National Housing Development Survey a few weeks back. Members will recall that survey highlighted that there are...

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Nov 2010)

Donie Cassidy: ...I will discuss this at the leaders' meeting on Tuesday. Senators Fitzgerald, Hanafin, Quinn and McDonald asked about Seanad reform and the outcome of the debate last night on the Private Members' motion. We now know that the Minister intends to publish the White Paper and I will have no difficulty in discussing his proposals as soon as the White Paper is available. All groups and parties...

Seanad: Seanad Reform: Motion (3 Nov 2010) See 1 other result from this debate

Joe O'Toole: I thank the House for the time given to the motion and the various speakers who contributed. It has been a very interesting debate, but I am totally discouraged. I have spent 24 years trying to make movement on this issue, but no movement has taken place. I am glad Senator Mullen made his concluding points. My criticism of the system of election is not to be taken as a criticism of the...

Seanad: Code of Conduct for Civil Servants: Motion (12 May 2010)

Martin Mansergh: I am pleased to respond to the motion on behalf of the Government. I congratulate Senator Boyle and the Green Party Senators for tabling it and also every Senator who has contributed to the debate. Their contributions were excellent and highlighted some of the complexities and nuances of the issue. The Civil Service code of standards and behaviour provides, inter alia, that civil servants...

Seanad: Order of Business. (21 Apr 2010)

Donie Cassidy: ...said, 31 million people are employed in retail in Europe. The sector is a huge employer and I join with the Senator in welcoming this good news this morning. Senator Walsh raised non-government motion No. 37(4) on today's Order Paper which states: "That Seanad Éireann, in light of the exorbitant fees being charged by Senior and Junior Counsel, calls on the Government to introduce a...

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