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Results 221-240 of 4,571 for speaker:Trevor Sargent

Seanad: Organic Food Industry: Statements (20 May 2009)

Trevor Sargent: It is not as strong as it was, but it is still strong.

Seanad: Organic Food Industry: Statements (20 May 2009)

Trevor Sargent: I will try to conclude in four minutes.

Seanad: Organic Food Industry: Statements (20 May 2009)

Trevor Sargent: I will do my best. In fairness to the Senators who have stayed the course and spoke later, I will go in reverse to respond to as many speakers as possible before I am guillotined.

Seanad: Organic Food Industry: Statements (20 May 2009)

Trevor Sargent: I will try not to delay the House. I thank everybody who contributed. I appreciate the contributions from various points of view. Naturally I have a particular respect for Senator Quinn, given his background, when speaking on any matters to do with food. It is important to listen to all views and take account of the research, as well as to consider the global picture which comes...

Seanad: Organic Food Industry: Statements (20 May 2009)

Trevor Sargent: The Newcastle report, which has been published, will be analysed rigorously and peer reviewed. One aspect of organic production that must be accounted for, although it might seem small, is that the honey bee population is decreasing. An analogy would be that of a canary in a cage. We depend on pollination and anybody who has tried to pollinate with a small bit of a brush instead of using...

Animal Health Investigations. (29 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: The animal health problems on the farm referred to by Deputy White have been ongoing for several years and relate mainly to ill-thrift and stunted growth of cattle on the farm in addition to reduced milk yield. I thank Deputy White for her tenacious determination to pursue this investigation in recent years on behalf of Mr. Dan Brennan, his family and the wider community of Castlecomer. The...

Infrastructure Stimulus Package: Motion (Resumed) (29 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: I am delighted we are debating this Fine Gael motion which calls for the creation of a new economy capable of thriving in the 21st century. Athough the motion does not mention peak oil specifically nor state that the fossil fuel energy we take for granted today will be unaffordable in the future, we must presume that what we are discussing in this debate is a post-carbon economy.

Infrastructure Stimulus Package: Motion (Resumed) (29 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: I had to put two and two together but it is not always clear.

Infrastructure Stimulus Package: Motion (Resumed) (29 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: I shall tell the Deputy the reason. This post-carbon economy needs to be able to support a sufficient number of jobs to meet its basic needs and must be run in a way that prevents problems whose cost will become unaffordable. With all this in mind I am delighted my position makes me responsible for the development of Ireland's food and drink industry. Recent figures show it had an annual...

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: There are farmers in Dublin South-West. I know some of them.

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: The Deputy asked me to come in.

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Like all of us, the Deputy has things to learn about Dublin South-West. I am glad to have the opportunity to reply to the Deputy. I thank him for his contribution and I hope it has not eaten into my time, a Chathaoirligh.

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Go raibh míle maith agat. Nuair a bhí mé anseo ar maidin chuala mé an Teachta agus an Teachta Pádraic McCormack ag ardú na ceiste. Tá suim agam sa cheist mar tá aithne agam ar roinnt mhaith de lucht pleanála REPS atá ag obair go príobháideach, chomh maith le daoine atá fostaithe ag Teagasc. There is no doubt there are job losses in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and...

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: It will not be one body.

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Tempting as it was to interrupt the Deputy, I thought it might be better not to. This is the whole point. It is not just one body; there is competition out there. Farmers do get a good service because there is-----

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Yes. Teagasc is a strong part of the equation.

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Not unless the Deputy's party gets into power. With a view to maintaining the quality and delivery of the overall REPS service and to ensure that REPS planners conform to the highest standards of REPS planning, Teagasc proposes to offer a once-off opportunity to the contract planners to apply to Teagasc to become registered contractors and to provide a REPS planning service on terms and...

Rural Environment Protection Scheme. (9 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: The Deputy is talking up a crisis where there is none.

Fishing Industry. (8 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Ar dtús báire, tááthas orm deis a fháil labhairt ar chúrsaí iascaireachta in Iarthar Dhuibhneach. Mar a tharlaíonn, bhí píosa deas maicréil agam cúpla uair a' chloig ó shin sa bhialann i dTeach Laighean. Bhí sé blasta go maith. Dá bhrí sin, tá suim faoi leith agam i saol agus todhchaí na hiascaireachta. Ní hamháin sin, ach tá iascairí i mó dháilcheantar fhéin,...

Foreign Conflicts. (8 Apr 2009)

Trevor Sargent: Gabhaim buíochas leis an Teachta Ó hUigínn as ucht an cheist tábhachtach seo a ardú. My colleague, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Micheál Martin - who apologises for his absence - has repeatedly deplored the horrific humanitarian situation which exists in parts of war-torn northern Sri Lanka, including the Vanni region. It is clear from reports that the situation in Vanni has...

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