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Results 181-200 of 2,339 for in 'Written Answers' speaker:Seán Power

Written Answers — Inland Fisheries: Inland Fisheries (26 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: I am advised that the quantity of silver eels removed by all fishing methods from the Corrib fishery in the years 1997 to 2007 is as shown in the table. Year Gap/Eye/Coghill Fyke Kgs Kgs 1997 7,290 Not available 1998 4,620 Not available 1999 6,010 Not available 2000 7,950 Not available 2001 7,564 1,799 2002 9,676 3,436 2003 6,272 1,998 2004 10,264 3,639 2005 7,150 2,715 2006...

Written Answers — Fisheries Protection: Fisheries Protection (26 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: I understand that scientific research, conducted by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), indicated that the European eel fish stock is so depleted that it is now outside safe biological limits. The ICES advised that, a recovery plan be developed for the whole stock of European eel and that exploitation and other human activities affecting the fishery be reduced as...

Written Answers — Fisheries Protection: Fisheries Protection (26 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: I currently await the submission of a draft Eel Management Plan, required in accordance with European Council Regulation 1000/2007, from the Eel Working Group, which I understand will include recommendations as to the future of the fishery and how Ireland can meet the targets to assist in the recovery of diminishing European eel stocks. This recovery will take many years to achieve. The...

Written Answers — Prospecting Licences: Prospecting Licences (18 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: In the late 1970s and in the 1980s licences were granted to companies allowing them to explore for all metals, including uranium, in Donegal and in other parts of Ireland. None of these licences is still valid. There are no new applications currently on hands for prospecting for uranium in Donegal or in any other part of Ireland. Two applications for new prospecting licences for uranium in...

Written Answers — EU Directives: EU Directives (13 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: Directive 2006/21/EC on the management of waste from extractive industries (known as 'The Extractive Waste Directive'), which is currently being transposed into Irish law by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, provides in Article 20 that Member States shall undertake to compile an inventory of closed waste facilities (including abandoned facilities) located on...

Written Answers — Inland Fisheries: Inland Fisheries (13 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: The Department does not oversee a measure under the current NDP directed at the development of the angling sector. I am advised that the fisheries boards are working on or have completed NDP funded projects with a value of some €1.3 m to date. Funding was sourced, in conjunction with the local authorities, through the Tourism Product Development Infrastructure Sub-Programme administered by...

Written Answers — Fisheries Boards: Fisheries Boards (13 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: The 2006 financial statements for the Southern Regional Fisheries Board were laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas in October 2007 and the financial statements of the seven remaining boards were laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas on 6th November 2008 in accordance with Section 19 of the Fisheries Act, 1980, as amended. The Department has received audited financial statements for the...

Written Answers — Fish Stocks: Fish Stocks (12 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: The information sought by the Deputy in respect to the years 2005 to 2007 can be found in the report Status of Irish Salmon Stocks in 2007 and Precautionary Catch Advice for 2008 compiled by the Standing Scientific Committee (SSC) of the National Salmon Commission. A copy of the report can be downloaded from my Department's website at The SSC has recently provided...

Written Answers — Site Remediation: Site Remediation (11 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: The consultant's brief is to prepare a realistic, cost-effective and achievable integrated management plan for the Avoca Mine Site. The budget for the study is approximately €650,000 ex VAT. Local stakeholder input has been a part of the study and to this end two public meetings have taken place. I understand that the stakeholder views are being considered in drafting the final report,...

Written Answers — Fisheries Authority: Fisheries Authority (11 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: I have established a small group chaired by the Department with representation on behalf of the existing Central and Regional Fisheries Board to guide the implementation of the restructuring of the sector as announced on Budget Day. The remit of the group includes consideration of arrangements to be put in place for the existing staff members. As I have previously stated, the new body will...

Written Answers — Offshore Exploration: Offshore Exploration (11 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: A petroleum lease is a high level agreement between the Minister and the developer of a petroleum production project which sets out certain rights and obligations of the parties to the lease. Exploration is a high risk business and is carried out in the context of formal representations by the State as to the regulatory and taxation regime, which would apply in the event of such success....

Written Answers — Tax Yield: Tax Yield (5 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: I have no function in relation to taxation matters.

Written Answers — Departmental Bodies: Departmental Bodies (4 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: It is intended that the new national inland fisheries body will take on all of the functions of the existing Central and regional fisheries boards, including those functions relating to sea angling. Amending primary legislation will be required to give effect to the new body, which I would hope will be published early in 2009.

Written Answers — Flood Relief: Flood Relief (4 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: In July 2006, the then Minister of State exercised his powers under the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 1959 and issued a direction to Fermoy Town Council, the owners of the weir, to carry out the alterations necessary to the Fermoy weir to allow for the free passage of fish while mitigating the impact on rowing activities. This direction issued in the interests of conserving and protecting the...

Written Answers — Proposed Legislation: Proposed Legislation (4 Nov 2008)

Seán Power: I have set a target deadline of August 2009 for vesting day of the new national inland fisheries body, which will subsume the existing Central and regional fisheries boards. Amending primary legislation will be required to give effect to the new body. Work has commenced on drafting the scheme of the required Bill, which I would hope will be published early in 2009. The most visible and...

Written Answers — Mining Operations: Mining Operations (29 Oct 2008)

Seán Power: The Galmoy mine commenced operations in 1995 and is coming to the end of its economic life. My Department is working in close co-operation with the Environmental Protection Agency, the appropriate Local Authorities, and the mining company to ensure the orderly closure of the mine in accordance with statutory permits, including the State Mining Licences, and that adequate provision is made for...

Written Answers — Mining Operations: Mining Operations (29 Oct 2008)

Seán Power: As I indicated in my reply to Parliamentary Question 38 of 10th July 2008, this project is being carried out on a phased basis. The contractor employed by North Tipperary County Council commenced work in mid-July 2008 on the first phase of the remediation works at the Gortmore Tailings Management Facility (TMF) and this initial phase of the works has almost been completed. It has proved...

Written Answers — Departmental Agencies: Departmental Agencies (29 Oct 2008)

Seán Power: This is an operational matter for Ordnance Survey Ireland for which I have no day-to-day responsibility.

Written Answers — Natural Gas Grid: Natural Gas Grid (29 Oct 2008)

Seán Power: Completion of the development works by the developers, Shell E & P Ireland Limited (SEPIL), is the principal factor that will determine the date for first gas. SEPIL has stated its expectation that first gas will come on-stream during late 2009 or early 2010.

Written Answers — Inland Fisheries: Inland Fisheries (23 Oct 2008)

Seán Power: I have held no discussions in relation to the privatisation of the Shannon fishery.

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