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Results 1-20 of 3,028 for ibec

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: IBEC Membership (7 Oct 2014)

Jan O'Sullivan: The information requested by the Deputy is contained in the table attached, which sets out the membership fees paid to IBEC from 2011 to 2014 by the two agencies under the remit of this Department, which are members of IBEC. Agency Amount Paid to IBEC 2011 Amount Paid to IBEC 2012 Amount Paid to IBEC 2013 Amount Paid to IBEC 2014 Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQ1) Nil Nil...

Written Answers — Departmental Expenditure: Departmental Expenditure (21 Jul 2011)

Simon Coveney: ...payments made by my Department were generally in respect of forestry-related work undertaken by the Irish Forest Industry Chain (IFIC), an affiliate of Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) – payments were, however, made payable to IBEC. Payment to: Purpose Period Amount € IBEC Forestry Promotional campaign undertaken by Irish Forest Industry Chain (IFIC), an affiliate...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Ministerial Meetings (29 Jan 2013)

Michael Noonan: I met Mr. Danny McCoy of IBEC on 19 October 2011 and 31 October 2012 to discuss pre-budget issues. I have attended a number of conferences hosted by IBEC, including the Property Industry Ireland Conference and others, where I would have met representatives of IBEC including Mr. McCoy. In addition, officials from my Department have met representatives of IBEC on a number of matters. My...

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Departmental Bodies (9 Dec 2021)

Norma Foley: ...industry representative. Name Industry Representatives Selection process Consultative Group - New Digital Strategy for Schools Una Fitzpatrick (IBEC) Relevant stakeholders, who were involved in the development of a previous strategy were contacted and asked to nominate a representative. STEM Education Policy...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Budget 2014 Proposals: Discussion with IBEC (25 Jun 2013)

Dara Calleary: I welcome the team from IBEC. Deputy Seán Kyne and I had a fairly good discussion with Ms Suonperä and IBEC west members in Galway last week, so I will keep my questions relatively brief. I agree with IBEC's, as it were, austerity-lite proposals. What would Mr. O'Brien say to the argument that some would put forward that if we go the way IBEC suggests, it will send out a wrong...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: General Scheme of the Right to Request Remote Work Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed) (2 Mar 2022)

Paul Murphy: Is it fair to say IBEC's position has very substantially shaped what is in the Government's proposal and that it is close to what IBEC was in favour of? IBEC is clearly against any legislation at all but if there is to be legislation, IBEC's position is that the employer has the absolute right to say no with no substantive appeal.

Written Answers — Departmental Agencies: Departmental Agencies (21 Oct 2009)

Mary Harney: The Health Agencies listed below are paid up members of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) in 2009 and the amounts listed below are the subscriptions paid by them to IBEC for their membership in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Agency Amount paid in subscriptions to IBEC in 2007 Amount paid in subscriptions to IBEC in 2008 Amount paid in subscriptions to IBEC in 2009 Food Safety...

Written Answers — Departmental Programmes: Departmental Programmes (25 May 2010)

Éamon Ó Cuív: There are currently 19 jobseekers categorised as availing of the IBEC Gradlink programme. The objective of the IBEC Gradlink programme is to assist recent graduates improve their skills during the current downturn and prepare them for the economic recovery. The IBEC Gradlink programme was introduced in January 2010 and is run under the auspices of the Irish Business and Employer...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Ministerial Meetings (24 Jan 2013)

Michael Noonan: ...Questions Nos. 71 and 72 together. I met with Mr David Begg, ICTU, on two separate occasions, 03 November 2011 and 31 October 2012 to discuss Pre-Budget issues. I also met with Mr Danny McCoy, IBEC on 19 October 2011 and 31 October 2012 to discuss Pre-Budget issues. I have also attended a number of conferences hosted by IBEC including Property Industry Ireland Conference and others...

Written Answers — EU Directives: EU Directives (29 Nov 2011)

Richard Bruton: ...of Commerce (AMCHAM) 15 March, 2011 Representatives from AMCHAM and officials from the Department D/Health and the HSE 21 March, 2011 Officials from D/Health, the HSE and a representative of IBEC with officials from the Department NRF 5 April 2011 Representatives from the NRF and officials from the Department D/PER and D/Health 27 May 2011 Officials from D/PER and D/Health and officials...

Written Answers — Department of Social Protection: IBEC Membership (7 Oct 2014)

Joan Burton: ...Information Board, the Pensions Authority, the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman and the Social Welfare Tribunal. None of the bodies under the aegis of the Department are paid up members of IBEC. Citizens Information Board (CIB) In 2011, CIB made payments to IBEC amounting to €61,184 which included €31,414 in respect of two years (2011 and 2012) annual subscription for...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Better Care, Better Business Report: IBEC (19 Jun 2024)

Richard Bruton: I suggest IBEC does a survey of the practices of its employers so we get a baseline picture of what is available and the direction of travel. I will move on. I share IBEC's belief that we need statutory home care and the ESRI has estimated its cost at about €500 million. Will that be in the IBEC pre-budget submission? Is it looking for that to be done? IBEC will be knocking on...

Public Accounts Committee: Caranua: Financial Statements 2019 (17 Dec 2020)

Marc MacSharry: Yes, I would appreciate if Mr. Fitzpatrick could do so. I was a member of IBEC in the past in business. What role does IBEC play? What did IBEC ever do for Caranua?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Pre-Budget Submissions: Discussion (15 Jul 2014) See 1 other result from this debate

Seán Fleming: When it comes to balancing the books, IBEC has no idea where this money will come from. I would have expected IBEC to be a little more specific than simply asking for current expenditure adjustments of €385 million and saying it has no ideas as to where the money will come from. None of the companies that are members of IBEC could run their businesses if they needed to make savings...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: Trade Promotion: Discussion (Resumed) with IBEC and IEA (14 Nov 2012) See 1 other result from this debate

Jim Walsh: I pay tribute to the delegations before us, who have been most forthright and informative in terms of the information we are getting. I have two questions for IBEC. IBEC has regional offices. There is evidence that many small companies do not have the resources to develop export markets. Is IBEC, through its regional offices or any other mechanism, proactive in trying to identify such...

Written Answers — Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Joint Labour Committees Agreements (15 Nov 2016)

Pat Breen: ... Chairman Vice Chairman Brendan Cunningham Michael Keegan Employer Representatives (7) Worker Representatives (7) Name Nominated by Name Nominated by Jackie O’ Brien (ICCA) OCS IBEC Diane Jackson (SIPTU) ICTU Mary Horgan (ICCA) Grosvenor Cleaning Services IBEC Jerry Browne (SIPTU) ICTU Colin Maybin (ICCA) Momentum Support IBEC Paul Hansard (SIPTU) ICTU Shane Doherty...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017: Discussion (24 Jan 2018)

Jack Chambers: In law? Just to be to be clear, does IBEC believe it should be in law as a general ground if it is made more clear? Is IBEC opposed to the ground being there, once clarified or does it believe that other measures, such as those mentioned in the submission, would suffice? I am trying to understand IBEC's position.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Challenges Facing the Technology Sector: Discussion (23 Nov 2022)

Louise O'Reilly: In IBEC's statement, it refers to the need for a strong, stable and coherent regulatory framework and an agile and workable regulatory framework is obviously important. In its statement, IBEC said that the State sometimes leads and sometimes follows. Can the witnesses from IBEC elaborate on this? In particular, could they focus on the need for greater cohesion between Departments?

Committee on Budgetary Oversight: Macroeconomic Outlook: IBEC (8 Feb 2017)

Joan Burton: ...For a lot of children, both working class and middle class, these are an essential avenue to gaining a highly desirable skill. Moreover, many of them go on to form their own firms. A look around IBEC's membership will show that such persons are key SME founders. The Government places significant focus on regional and rural development but I do not see that happening unless there is more...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Regulatory and Legislative Changes Required for the Transposition of the Adequate Minimum Wages Directive: Discussion (24 Jan 2024)

Louise O'Reilly: I am aware of that, and IBEC's members can of course go to the Labour Court and argue their case. They do not do that, which tells a story in itself, but they can. They are protected, and nobody, by the way, in this room or any other room, is calling for those protections to be lifted from IBEC's members. Those protections are important and they exist. The fact that IBEC's members do not...

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