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Results 1-20 of 76 for drugs segment:4157623

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Fine Gael plans to make a difference by prioritising substance abuse and addiction as a crisis in need of management. In the area of drug supply reduction, Fine Gael will bring forward a proposal to increase international and European co-operation on drug trafficking, increase resources allocated to the Garda national drugs unit and local Garda drugs squads in all areas. It is difficult to...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

The cut of 7% to 9% in health board funding in the last quarter of 2003 will particularly affect drugs services. No money has been planned for new services. Community and voluntary groups involved in drug treatment services argue that the implementation of the local drugs task force projects are being blocked at senior departmental level. The young peoples facilities and services fund is...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

The programme for Government stated that the Government would target the assets of all persons involved in drug dealing and, in particular, middle ranking criminals and that it would continue to target drug dealers at local level by making additional resources available to existing drugs units and for the establishment of similar units in areas of need. It said the Government would establish...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Cyprian Brady: I move amendment No. 1: To delete all words after "Seanad Éireann" and substitute the following: "confirms its support for Government policies to tackle drug misuse through its ongoing commitment to, and implementation of, the National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008 and the 100 individual actions contained in the strategy which are being implemented by a range of Departments and agencies." I...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Drug dealing has gone high-tech with the advent of mobile phones. It is becoming increasingly difficult for gardaí to detect these drug dealers. Two or three years ago it was relatively easier but with the sophisticated technology available now, drug dealers can come from any area. Unfortunately, there is an acceptance of drug dealing among young people. Drug dealers are no longer the...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Frank Feighan: I move: That Seanad Éireann, conscious of the growing problem of drug abuse and drug-related crime throughout rural and urban Ireland, calls on the Government to tackle the escalating drugs culture by –Fully implementing and resourcing the National Drugs Strategy, –Recruiting an additional 2,000 members of the Garda Síochána as promised by the Government, –Reversing the savage...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

The role of the regional task forces will be to research, develop and implement a co-ordinated response to drug misuse. The partnership approach that will be used will involve the statutory, voluntary and community sectors. The regional drugs task forces will assess the nature and extent of drug misuse in their areas, provide information on drug-related services, identify and address gaps in...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

It should be noted that the national drugs strategy team is consulting the national alcohol strategy task force about the establishment of effective links between drug and alcohol policies at national, regional and local levels. I do not mean to belittle the dangers of alcohol. Fine Gael's motion recognises that drugs are illegal and that alcohol is legal. The abuse of alcohol is a serious...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Noel Ahern: ...continues to give inaccurate information. He has got six months out of it, so fair play to him, but the publication of the Estimates tomorrow will necessitate an updating of his speech. The local drug task forces facilitate the delivery of a targeted response to the drug problem. They bring together the key organisations in the statutory and voluntary sectors to work with the local...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

The number of young people experimenting with drugs in our towns, villages and cities is growing at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, this country is moving towards the normalisation of recreational drugs. Drugs are not just available in urban areas; they have been found in the smallest villages and townlands and dealers are prepared to go into any area frequented by young people. We now have...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Jim Higgins: ...and articulately by my colleague, Senator Feighan, whom I commend on bringing this timely and opportune motion before the House, the twin scourges of modern society in Ireland are alcohol and drugs. The report on the European survey, which I have read in detail, is excellent in its critical analysis and its recommendations. There have been numerous reports, including two ministerial...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

One of the key recommendations in the strategy is that regional drugs task forces, or RDTFs, be established throughout the country. The strategy proposes that RDTFs be established in each of the ten health board areas to develop appropriate policies for the regions. The RDTFs will be based on the local drugs task force model, which has been successful, mainly here in Dublin, for the last six...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Brian Hayes: This has been an excellent debate. I wish to make four brief points. I am a member of my local drugs task force in the Tallaght area and, knowing that this debate was taking place, I was asked to put some points to the Minister of State with responsibility for this issue. The first point relates to the community employment scheme. Community treatment programmes depend on CE. The people in my...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Frank Feighan: cheaper than speed, and its highly addictive qualities. The Senator made his case eloquently. It is a serious problem facing many communities. Senator Henry mentioned the great success of the drugs initiative projects. She asked if there was a point in producing studies and reports when more than 1,000 workers are involved in CE drug related projects. The Minister of State has not given...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

The Government has a strong and ongoing commitment to tackling drug misuse – indeed, to tackling the broader problems of social exclusion – through the many programmes and initiatives it operates in disadvantaged areas. Tackling drug misuse remains one of the Government's key priorities. My Department co-ordinates the implementation of the national drugs strategy, which was launched in...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

We must lead from the front with a hard hitting national drugs awareness campaign aimed at targeting all ages, young and old, across the country. This Government has promised, but failed to deliver, an effective awareness campaign. Measures already being introduced through educational disadvantage will continue to be supported and broadened, where possible, but we need to create closer links...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Joe O'Toole: ...of State indicate a problem greater than those we currently face, where people are being shot, killed, robbed and tortured? I may have considered all these issues when I organised a pan-European drugs conference in 1986 on behalf of the Council of Europe and the European Community, but I do not purport to be an expert. I am proposing an approach we have not yet tried. The Minister of...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

The investment that takes place through the national drugs strategy, in particular in the young people's facilities and services fund, amounts to €59 million, allocated among 350 projects to date. Even in my own area there are five or six projects which have proved to be hugely beneficial in preventing the misuse of drugs, particularly with young people. Under the national drugs strategy,...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003)

Last Saturday night I attended the Roscommon Association dinner dance in Manchester. I have spoken frequently on the scourge of drugs facing our rural areas. One man called me aside and pleaded with me to do something about the scourge of drugs in Ireland before it is too late. He said he did not want to come back to Ireland and witness the scene of an agonising drug culture, which is what is...

Seanad: Courts and Court Officers (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. - National Drugs Strategy: Motion. (12 Nov 2003) far too porous for traffickers. Ports, borders and airports need much tighter monitoring and increased manpower. We should increase investment in staff and equipment for the Customs and Excise drugs unit. This Government has failed to increase the staff numbers in the Customs and Excise drugs team, to continue to finance, promote and expand the Criminal Assets Bureau and to target the...

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