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Results 1-20 of 51 for troy segment:6872213

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Shane Ross: Perhaps I could deal with Deputy Troy's issues, which I remember fairly clearly, first. While I remember it, I will address one issue that Deputy Troy mentioned in his first question. He referred to how sad a reflection it is that it took a trip to Brazil and the Olympics to unveil what happened and how things were run in this case. I suppose that is true in some ways. It is always...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Did Mr. Mulvey just take it on off his own bat-----

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: He engaged with the process.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Someone can only act as an intermediary if both parties are engaging with that person.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: He engaged with the process.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: It is being factual to say that the key stakeholders did not participate-----

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: -----despite the fact that the Minister gave us a guarantee that they would do so.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Fergus O'Dowd: I have no problem with questions and responses but people should not talk over each other. When the Minister finishes, Deputy Troy will be welcome to come back in.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Shane Ross: Deputy Troy should not be inaccurate. I did not give any guarantee. That is the second inaccuracy. I said what the individuals in question said; they said they would come and give evidence. I did not give a guarantee.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: On what basis did the Minister say that to us?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Is the Minister insinuating that I am discrediting the judge and his work? I am certainly not.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: I wish to come back on a couple of points.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: If the Minister is monitoring the position on a weekly basis, how is that he only became aware this week that the THG had been given the contract up to 2026 when it has been public knowledge for five or six weeks?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Should we move from the established sequence? We should adhere to the sequence in which members may ask questions that was adhered to yesterday and this morning.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: He indicated that he would supply further documentation if he had it. Is that correct?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Has he reverted to Ms Keane subsequent to that meeting?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Did he indicate to Ms Keane at that meeting that there was an agreement up to 2026?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: Did he indicate that there was anything in place up to 2026?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: That only became apparent to Ms Keane when she went back and searched the OCI offices looking for the 2020 contract. Did it become apparent then or did it become apparent when the legal people from The Hosting Group sent a letter?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Report into Ticketing at Rio Olympic Games: Discussion (Resumed) (18 Aug 2017)

Robert Troy: They were signed by Mr. Hickey.

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