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Results 1-13 of 13 for troy segment:6514340

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Paul Kehoe: ...given Westmeath County Council every opportunity to take over the barracks. Officials from my Department have been in contact with Westmeath County Council. I am also very much aware that Deputy Troy has spoken to officials from my Department and this has been outlined to him on a number of occasions. I hope he will be able to recognise that the Department of Defence cannot be the...

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: 20. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence his plans for Columb Barracks in Mullingar, County Westmeath; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16888/16]

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: 29. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if he is aware that a local group in Mullingar, County Westmeath, is carrying out feasibility studies for the possible future use of Columb Barracks; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16889/16]

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: Is the Minister of State open to the idea of allowing six months for proposals to be brought forward?

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: They can work with the education and training boards to see if it can be used for the community into the future.

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: On a point of order, the record must be corrected.

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: He actually received two proposals for the future use of the facility.

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: He received one during the negotiations on the White Paper on Defence-----

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: -----and his predecessor received a proposal. The current Minister of State may not have seen it but proposals were made on the future use of the facility. It cannot be said that this is the first time I have taken an interest in this. The record will speak for the number of times I have raised this issue.

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: The Minister of State will remember that in the last quarter of 2011 the previous Fine Gael and Labour Party Government decided with the stroke of a pen to close Columb Barracks in Mullingar and in doing so broke a rich Defence Forces tradition in the town. To date, the Department has done nothing to try to secure an alternative use for this fine premises and the facilities that remain...

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: The mind boggles with the thought that the Department is paying €34,000 per annum for security costs while paying €25,000 per annum for the Reserve Defence Force to train a couple of hundred metres down the road. That is mind-boggling and the Minister of State should be ashamed to say it on the floor of this House. The Reserve Defence Force wanted to continue to use the...

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: The first time the Department met Westmeath County Council was earlier this year. Prior to that, there had been no interaction. There are community groups using that facility at the moment - the GAA, the youth cafe, the Organisation of National Ex-Service Personnel - and many more community groups wish to avail of the facility. The simple fact is that the Department cannot expect Westmeath...

Other Questions: Departmental Properties (21 Jun 2016)

Robert Troy: I agree with the Minister that there is a sense of urgency, but why is that? It is because the Department did nothing in respect of this matter for four years but now the Minister of State wants us to have a public meeting on Thursday night and to come back very quickly with a plan. The Minister of State had four years to devise a plan and did not do so, but he wants us to do it in four...

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