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Results 1-20 of 17,451 for speaker:Joan Burton in 'Written Answers'

Written Answers — Benchmarking Awards: Benchmarking Awards (3 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 176: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the progress made to date in regard to the implementation of the Civil Service action plan drawn up to meet the requirements of the benchmarking process within his Department and the public service generally; if the Civil Service performance verification group has decided that the level of progress warrants...

Written Answers — Traveller Accommodation: Traveller Accommodation (3 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 196: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the progress made with regard to the Traveller accommodation programme; the reason he has not convened a meeting of Traveller accommodation committees on the local authorities in the greater Dublin area as was done by his predecessor; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2855/04]

Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (3 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 281: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of persons that have benefited from the taxation allowance for professional sports people; the sports they represent; the cost of such relief for 2002, and 2003; and the highest relief and the average relief granted in each year. [3130/04]

Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (3 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 282: To ask the Minister for Finance the proposals he has to introduce special tax allowances for elite amateur sports persons, as defined by the Irish Sports Council similar to the relief introduced for professional sports people. [3131/04]

Written Answers — Schools Building Projects: Schools Building Projects (3 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 325: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the arrangements that have been made in respect of the provision of a second ABA unit in the Rathfarnham-Bohernabreena area; and the position regarding the provision of a replacement for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 15 who has been on the waiting list for saplings for over a year. [2922/04]

Written Answers — Economic Competitiveness: Economic Competitiveness (10 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 120: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if her attention has been drawn to the findings in the recent annual report of the National Competitiveness Council that Ireland is now one of the most expensive countries in the euro zone for consumer goods and among the most expensive for key utilities; the steps being taken to address these issues in view...

Written Answers — Special Educational Needs: Special Educational Needs (10 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 265: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the progress which has been made in relation to the establishment of a CABAS school for autistic children on the southside of Dublin in respect of a place for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 15. [3865/04]

Written Answers — Offshore Accounts: Offshore Accounts (17 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 163: To ask the Minister for Finance the progress made to date by the offshore assets group of the Revenue Commissioners in its investigations into the use, for the purposes of tax evasion, of offshore bank accounts and trusts by Irish residents; the total amount of such funds identified to date; the total amount of tax collected in respect of these accounts; and if he will make a...

Written Answers — Pension Provisions: Pension Provisions (17 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 240: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of small self-administered pension schemes in the years 1997 to date; the number of participants; the estimated cost in tax foregone of such schemes from 1997 to date; the highest amount of relief availed of; and the average amount. [4816/04]

Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (17 Feb 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 261: To ask the Minister for Finance the procedures that are in place to ensure that Irish citizens claiming residency abroad for tax purposes comply with the requirement to be out of Ireland for a minimum of 183 days; if he has satisfied himself that the existing procedures are adequate; if there are plans to review the procedures; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4830/04]

Written Answers — Education Issues: Education Issues (30 Mar 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 166: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the address to the recent Irish Primary Principals Network by a UCD professor, that education is increasingly being treated as a business rather than a public service here; the need for a full public debate on whether market-driven education further disadvantages the disadvantaged; and if he will...

Written Answers — School Staffing: School Staffing (30 Mar 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 196: To ask the Minister for Education and Science his views on recent reports that a growing number of primary schools cannot get applicants for teaching principalships when they are advertised; and that the ratio of applications for principalships has fallen dramatically in the past ten years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9773/04]

Written Answers — Drink Driving Convictions: Drink Driving Convictions (4 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 62: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of legal challenges to drink driving convictions which are under way following the successful case of seven drivers who had convictions quashed due to the absence of independent analysis of their breath specimens; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12485/04]

Written Answers — Property Disposal: Property Disposal (4 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 79: To ask the Minister for Transport if he intends requesting CIE to sell off some of its property, estimated at €500 million, to reduce its debt; if such a request is a precursor to reducing CIE's debt in advance of his plan to break up the company; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12486/04]

Written Answers — National Competitiveness Council: National Competitiveness Council (13 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 31: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the progress made by the monitoring process established to consider and track progress in implementing the recommendations of the National Competitiveness Council's annual report for 2003; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [13832/04]

Written Answers — Services Sector: Services Sector (13 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 61: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the action she intends to take in regard to her comments at the recent conference in Dublin Castle, Promoting Competition for the Benefit of Consumers, that there are too many barriers to entry to the professions and that such impediments are costing the consumer; and if she will make a statement on the...

Written Answers — Psychological Service: Psychological Service (18 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 94: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to a recent survey of more than 400 primary and secondary schools that shows that waiting time for psychological assessments is well over six months; his views on whether this is an unacceptably lengthy waiting time; his plans to address shortening waiting times for children in need of psychological...

Written Answers — Student Councils: Student Councils (18 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 104: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reasons behind the establishment of a working group to promote student councils in post-primary schools; the powers and remit of the proposed student councils; when he expects the working group to publish a report on the issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14335/04]

Written Answers — Employment Support Services: Employment Support Services (18 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 415: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if part-time public sector employees who have been paying PRSI Class A contributions while their full time colleagues have been paying PRSI Class D contributions have been or will be required to pay Class D contributions as a result of changes brought about by the Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001. [14488/04]

Written Answers — Tourism Promotion: Tourism Promotion (25 May 2004)

Joan Burton: Question 47: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the details of the agreement that gives Ireland authorised destination status with the Chinese Government; when this agreement comes into effect; the number of tourists from China to Ireland he expects will materialise from this agreement; if this agreement represents a shift in the areas to which Ireland is being marketed as a...

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