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Results 1-20 of 30 for other and baby speaker:Victor Boyhan

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (4 May 2022)

Victor Boyhan: I welcome the Minister to the House. This Commencement Matter relates to the Government's mother and baby institutions payment scheme. I acknowledge the Minister's commitment since coming into office. This has not been an easy issue to deal with as it is complex and diverse, with many strands to it. There are many stakeholders involved, with the lives of many individuals and those of...

Seanad: Gnó an tSeanaid - Business of Seanad: Mother and Baby Homes (25 Oct 2023)

Victor Boyhan: I welcome the Minister of State to the House. This Commencement matter relates to the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Act 2023. I was hoping the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Deputy O'Gorman, would be here but, as I read the newspapers every day, I am aware he clearly has many pressing issues on his plate this morning. I understand and...

Seanad: Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report Stage (14 Jun 2023)

Victor Boyhan: meet three families who are here for this legislation. I reiterate there is now uncertainty. Senator Gavan talked about the issues around Castlepollard. This relates to Schedule 1, Part 2 and the three sections concerning reference number, name of institution and concluding year. There is now a query around the Westmeath home in Castlepollard. I also query St. Kevin's institution,...

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (4 May 2022)

Victor Boyhan: I thank the Minister for that informative response. I will comment on three elements. Regarding the eligibility of those applicants who are overseas and outside the State, it is likely that many of them may be living in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool and places like that. It is critically important that this message regarding eligibility is disseminated and that to do so we tap...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (1 Mar 2023)

Victor Boyhan: ...Embassy who are in the Gallery. They are always very welcome to the House. The first issue I raise concerns an editorial in The Irish Timestoday referring to GSK plc, the successor to Wellcome, and the vaccine trials performed on children in this State. I raise this issue mindful that we will soon see the introduction of a scheme of redress for former residents of mother and baby homes....

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (22 Oct 2020)

Victor Boyhan: -----and the timelines they are up against. I thank them for that. Unfortunately it gives us very little time to consider it or to discuss it with our colleagues. We are a small group of five Senators and other groups have bigger numbers. I ask the Leader to take on board the difficulties and practicalities around that and to use her position as Leader of the House to do something about...

Seanad: Second Interim Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain Related Matters: Statements (17 May 2017)

Victor Boyhan: It is very timely that we are having these discussions back to back today. When we look at the mother and baby commission of investigation and consider what the Minister has said to us in her report I find it very disappointing. It will be another two years before this work is completed. I note that these are institutions and not homes. Somebody said to me recently that they did not live...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (16 Oct 2020)

Victor Boyhan: I endorse everything that Senator McDowell said and I thank Senator Warfield for agreeing to second that. I would be happy to second it as that is a good gesture of support across the House and it makes a lot of sense. There are many people tuning in to us today, as there were the other day, on this important issue. Many people looking in are not familiar with the legislative process or...

Seanad: Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (30 May 2023)

Victor Boyhan: ...discrimination in recent years. Historically, we know that many children in care suffered racial discrimination. When we have engaged with such people, we have found that they were deeply hurt and damaged by their experiences, but this was an added layer. There was a feeling that somehow it was not being acknowledged. They acknowledged that things moved on in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (13 Jul 2023)

Victor Boyhan: The Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Act 2023 was signed by the President this week, the day before yesterday, thereby completing the cycle of this very important legislation. It will be no secret that I am committed to campaigning for further aspects of issues we touched on in this regard. It was disappointing that we could not secure any support from the Government Members of...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (31 Jan 2023)

Victor Boyhan: This week the Dáil will be discussing and, I presume, passing the Mother and Babies Institutional Payment Scheme Bill 2022. At least that is its intention. I do not want to rehash all of that today. Suffice it to say, the Bill is in the Dáil and many of us have received hundreds and hundreds of emails about it. I tend to respond to them all as a collective group because it is...

Seanad: Report of the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation: Statements (19 Jan 2021)

Victor Boyhan: because there are virtually no men in the Chamber. I am the only male Senator present - the Cathaoirleach of course is here too, as well as the Minister. For some reason that clicked with me and I thought about it and that is quite profound in itself. I thank the Minister for the enormous amount of work he has done. He has travelled a journey as well, as have so many other people....

Seanad: Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Second Stage (19 Apr 2023)

Victor Boyhan: ...xc9;, which is signed "A note from Mary Raftery". I want to acknowledge the enormous work that she did in advocating with her very well documented "States of Fear" documentary, to which I contributed and that leads me on to my next little story. I have a very extensive file on this issue because, as I said from the very outset in any of these debates, I was born in May 1961 and resided...

Seanad: Railway Safety (Reporting and Investigation of Serious Accidents, Accidents and Incidents Involving Certain Railways) Bill 2020: Second Stage (23 Oct 2020)

Victor Boyhan: I thank the Cathaoirleach. I will not be using my five minutes as I am conscious that we are under a great deal of time pressure today. I am also conscious of other Members who have substantial issues they wish to bring to the debate. While I am here, I will not miss the opportunity to welcome the Minister, Deputy Eamon Ryan, the leader of the Green Party, here. It is the first time that...

Seanad: Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (23 May 2023)

Victor Boyhan: Senator Higgins put it very well and set our her stall on both amendments. I am very heavily reliant in discussing the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill on the Bill digest that was done by the Library and Research Service. I acknowledge and thank Dr. Deirdre Halloran and Ms Michelle Lynch, senior parliamentary researchers in law in the Oireachtas, for their very extensive...

Seanad: Commission of Investigation Announcement on Tuam Mother and Baby Home: Statements (9 Mar 2017)

Victor Boyhan: I had lunch today with two people who were tragically subjected to terrible institutional abuse. They wanted to talk and what better place to come than here? I have spoken before about the fact that I grew up in an institution. When I was two days old, I left St. Kevin's mother and baby home in Dublin and ended up in Dún Laoghaire, where I remained. We all want to belong and to be in...

Seanad: Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (31 May 2023)

Victor Boyhan: I move amendment No. 124: In page 5, line 6, after “circumstances” to insert “and historical actions”. I acknowledge the clarification and the setting out of the reasons various amendments were ruled out of order. I have no difficulty with that. It is ironic that after all of the amendments I tabled, only two were accepted, namely, the first and the last....

Seanad: Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report Stage (14 Jun 2023)

Victor Boyhan: I had made most of it, I think, but I was just flagging with the Minister that he had spoken with regard to his series of amendments, and I was drawing attention to Schedule 1, Part 2. There are three columns there: the reference number, the name of the institution, and the concluding year. I was talking about St. Kevin's Institution, initially the Dublin Union, and the concluding year was...

Seanad: Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records, and another Matter, Bill 2020: Second Stage (14 Oct 2020)

Victor Boyhan: I welcome the Minister to the House. I was mindful when I was Acting Chairman earlier and now as I stand here that I am someone who has travelled this journey. I was born in 1961 in the St. Kevin's Dublin Union Institution and lived in many institutions throughout my life. If I were to be honest and asked myself what politicised me then it was that sense of injustice and denial. It was...

Seanad: Naming of National Children's Hospital for Dr. Kathleen Lynn: Motion (24 May 2023)

Victor Boyhan: -----for decent equality and justice for children who were brought up in care. Dr. Lynn dealt with many of them in her later work. Growing up in the aftermath of the famine, Kathleen was deeply saddened by the deadly diseases and poverty suffered by the people. She also heard many stories about this from her family before her. She achieved her ambition and graduated as one of the first...

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