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Results 1-20 of 122 for long speaker:Fintan Warfield

Joint Committee on Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht: Future of Public Service Broadcasting and Impact of Covid-19 on the Media Sector: Discussion (11 Nov 2020)

Fintan Warfield: Mr. Lynch mentioned the growth in online viewing figures. How long does he anticipate RTÉ will continue scheduling the traditional transmission of television programmes? Is RTÉ prepared for the associated fall-off in revenue when that ceases? I doubt that the RTÉ player makes much money. TG4 recently launched a really good player on the Apple TV app. I downloaded it this...

Seanad: Employment Permits Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (28 May 2024)

Fintan Warfield: ...introduction of this type of permit. We are further concerned there will be an increased risk of exploitation of the workers who would be employed under these permits. They will not be in the State long enough to learn or become acquainted with their rights. However, they will be here long enough to be exploited. That is a grave concern we have. The introduction of these permits will...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (18 Oct 2023)

Fintan Warfield: For so long, the international community has facilitated the breach of international law, collective punishment and the confiscation of land. The EU has stood aside and watched as all of that happened in Palestine and under Netanyahu. The idea that fundamental geopolitical stances can be taken in Europe without any participation or accountability points, I am afraid to say, to something...

Seanad: Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (27 Oct 2022)

Fintan Warfield: ...size can change. A person can have a partner or children, adult children can move home and so on. The overcrowding provision is where a landlord can issue a notice to quit if the property no longer meets the needs of the household. This particularly disadvantages families with large numbers of children, including Traveller and Roma families and families who have been waiting a long time...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (22 Oct 2019)

Fintan Warfield: I welcome the ending of what has been a denial of rights for a long time in the Six Counties. The delay has been frustrating, hurtful and very costly for many. There are people around the world who wake up today and see that in a corner of Ireland their campaigns and objectives have been realised after a very long fight. These two issues are intimately connected. Irish women and the LGBT...

Seanad: Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2017: Report and Final Stages (16 May 2018)

Fintan Warfield: ...I have a note from Mental Health Reform which reminds us that, over three years ago, the expert group, when reviewing the 2001 Act, indicated that the third renewal order of up to 12 months is too long and recommended that it should be reduced to a period not exceeding six months. Mental Health Reform's note also states that individuals who are currently in long-stay in hospital could end...

Seanad: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021: Committee Stage (2 Jul 2021)

Fintan Warfield: ..., and regions, and (b) set out the Ministers’ proposals and policies for supporting the workforce, employers and communities in those sectors, households, communities, and regions.”. We have had a long conversation about this in that this amendment seeks to put just transition policies and principles at the heart of the climate action plans. Climate action plans are...

Seanad: Public Order and Safe Streets: Statements (23 Nov 2022)

Fintan Warfield: I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I agree with Senator Vincent P. Martin about CAB moneys being reinvested in our communities. As long as I can remember, Sinn Féin has been calling for just that. That would be a very welcome move. In addition, it should be designed out as well, as it is a very important contribution in terms of designing public spaces for people and...

Seanad: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (15 Jul 2024)

Fintan Warfield: Amendment No. 19 relates to rent pressure zones and short-term letting in these zones. It is well established that there are more short-term lets being advertised in RPZs than long-term rentals. The vast majority of those short-term listings are in breach of planning law, yet the owners and online platforms that facilitate them are profiting from what are clear breaches of planning law.Sinn...

Seanad: Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (30 Jan 2024)

Fintan Warfield: ...and transparency in regard to fees and expenses paid to coroners and the public. In addition to these in-house practical measures there is also a need for the Government to follow through on long-overdue reforms of the coroner system. The need for this reform has been highlighted by a good in-depth report by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, ICCL, which was published a number of...

Seanad: Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking) Bill 2023: Second Stage (16 May 2024)

Fintan Warfield: ...who have waived their right to anonymity in sexual violence cases in an effort to encourage others to come forward as well. Some of the recommendations have come as a result of their bravely. This long overdue Bill will include a number of significant reforms. I pay tribute to their determination in ensuring that we have better justice. I also wish to speak on the O’Malley...

Seanad: Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Law Provisions Bill 2018: Committee Stage (3 Oct 2018)

Fintan Warfield: Yes, but the Fianna Fáil amendment has delayed it for two years. How long does the Minister of State expect the feasibility study to take?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs: Promoting Nightlife, Economy and Culture: Discussion (13 Nov 2019)

Fintan Warfield: How long will the consultation take?

Seanad: Right to Housing: Motion (4 Jun 2021)

Fintan Warfield: On a point of order, there is a long-standing tradition in this House that if a person is not here, he or she cannot be referred to.

Seanad: Right to Housing: Motion (4 Jun 2021)

Fintan Warfield: Nobody has sat here as long as I have.

Seanad: Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2019: Committee Stage (21 Jun 2021)

Fintan Warfield: I move amendment No. 10: In page 4, line 32, to delete “(if any)”. I will not speak for long on this amendment. It is about removing the ambiguity that exists in this part of section 2 to make it more straightforward and clear. I look forward to the Minister's response.

Seanad: Address to Seanad Éireann by An Taoiseach (18 Nov 2021)

Fintan Warfield: ----- in the South, Irish citizens overseas and to graduates from all third level institutions. Focusing on that reform alone is to shirk our responsibility for radical Seanad reform. It is long overdue that we take action on this reform.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality: Recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality: Discussion (Resumed) (19 May 2022)

Fintan Warfield: My concern is we will see improvement only in certain schools. We have known for so long that this is an issue.

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media: Development of Local and Community Arts: Discussion (Resumed) (31 May 2023)

Fintan Warfield: I am conscious Dublin City Council has also been engaged in a long legal battle with artists.

Seanad: Affordable Housing Bill 2021: Report and Final Stages (18 Jun 2021)

Fintan Warfield: ...once the minimum cost-rental designation period comes to an end and that the Minister must revoke it, given the mandatory meaning of "shall" in section 39. The minimum period is at least as long as the cost calculation period of 40 years, which we have debated and in which respect amendments have been accepted. The provision in the Bill builds in what is essentially an automatic end to...

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