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Results 1-16 of 16 for "public services card" speaker:Patrick O'Donovan

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Seanad: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: Committee Stage (26 Jun 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: These amendments relate to the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 and its relationship to this Bill. In the amendment tabled in respect of section 6, the Senator has proposed that the public services card, or the underlying public service identity data associated with the card, cannot be used as the sole basis by which a person may confirm his or her identity to access a service....

Seanad: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages (6 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: Yes. Amendments Nos. 6, 7 and 13 provide that public bodies cannot ask for a public services card or access a public service identity as the exclusive basis by which a person may verify his or her identity in order to conduct a transaction or access a service. It is crucial to the construction of the legislation that the public service identity includes some of the following: PPS number;...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Information and Communications Technology (14 Dec 2017)

Patrick O'Donovan: I will address the last aspect first. Six Governments have been in office since the concept of the public services card came to fruition and almost 3 million cards have been issued to date. As a Government, we are conscious that we want to ensure there will be a single point of entry for those accessing services. We collect the information once, maximise the opportunities to avail of it...

Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018 [Seanad]: Report Stage (18 Dec 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...a person as well as through data sharing. If any of this data includes any of the information I have just listed, then this is public service identity data. The Deputies’ intention here is that public bodies should not use the public services card or the public service identity as the “exclusive basis” to verify a person’s identity to provide them with a...

Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: From the Seanad (20 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...of the Bill. Amendment No. 2 seeks to amend the text of section 13(2)(a)(ii)(I) and amendment No. 3 will have the effect of removing section 37(5) of the Bill. The amendments all concern the use of the public services card and the public service identity. These amendments reverse previous amendments made by this House during Committee and Report Stages. The House inserted provisions...

Seanad: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages (6 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: It makes it very clear that it ties the hands of the State in terms of trying to identify a person because it makes it very clear that we cannot use on an exclusive basis the public services card or access to a person's public services identity. In respect of my accepting the definition of a public services identity, which is name, address, PPS number, date and a whole pile of things like a...

Seanad: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages (6 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: The legislation clearly states: "A specified body may not make presentation of a public services card or access to a person’s public service identity the exclusive basis". What would be the basis if that provision was deleted? Are we supposed to be vague and describe a person as living five houses up from the second house on the left? If a person decides not to co-operate because of...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: Committee Stage (6 Dec 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: ..., including the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 introduced by a previous Government, would be made unworkable because, as identified in that Act, use of particular mechanisms such as the public services card has been specified for certain services. It is not the intention of this Bill to prescribe what should be used and, as importantly, it is not its intent to prescribe what should...

Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018 [Seanad]: Report Stage (18 Dec 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: ..., to proscribe those methods. The last two lines of amendment No. 5 tabled by Deputies Wallace and Clare Daly are the most important: "verify their identity other than by the presentation of a public services card or access to that person’s public service identity". I remind Members that the public service identity is defined as personal public service, PPS, numbers, surnames,...

Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: From the Seanad (20 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...the point we reflected on with the Attorney General bearing in mind the Social Welfare Consolidation Act. I thank the Deputy for acknowledging this Bill does not do anything with respect to the public services card. I also acknowledge the fact that with respect to the legal basis issue, the Deputy is right in what he said. There are European instruments in place but we have an...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: Committee Stage (6 Dec 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: We have had a good discussion. To go back to what Deputy Jack Chambers said, if we were in any way to undermine the public services card, as the amendment would because it would prevent it from being used as an exclusive means to verify identity, where would it leave the people who are using it to access free travel? I do not think that is the intention. As I said in the earlier part of...

Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: From the Seanad (20 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...of the amendment to section 7 to which Deputy Clare Daly, who obviously read the transcript of the debate in the Seanad, referred. Section 7(6) states, "A specified body may not make presentation of a public services card or access to a person’s public service identity the exclusive basis ...". We had to take the advice of the Attorney General on that matter. The Deputy...

Seanad: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages (6 Feb 2019)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...construct a public service identity. The most important part of the section that we are dealing with is not the exclusive means. Section 7(6) states:A specified body may not make presentation of a public services card or access to a person’s public service identity the exclusive basis by which a person may verify their identity in order to conduct a transaction or access a service....

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: Committee Stage (6 Dec 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...the once only principle, which is referred to as one of the bases for the construction of this Bill, we are giving people an opportunity, under a safe system, namely myGovID and others, through the public services card which the Deputy refers to, which is already in the Social Welfare Consolidation Act, 2005, and the Deputy will know from the debate on this in the Seanad that this Bill...

Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (7 Nov 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...of data for each of the individual public bodies, which are sectoral matters. I know a number of these were raised last night and tonight, including matters relating to adoption, HIQA or the public services card. The Bill does not in any way change the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005. It does not set out to do that and it is not about that but what it is about is to give a legal...

Seanad: Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018: Committee Stage (26 Jun 2018)

Patrick O'Donovan: ...but not others. Having reviewed the issues raised by amendments Nos. 2 to 5, inclusive, with the Office of the Attorney General, I draw attention to the fact that the Bill does not try to unwind the public services card, to which reference was made, and which has widespread support across this House. As PPS numbers are currently widely used by public bodies in the State, it is important...

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