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Results 1-20 of 65 for "direct provision" speaker:Mick Wallace

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Direct Provision System (16 Feb 2017)

Mick Wallace: 70. To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality her views on the study Transition: From Direct Provision to Life in the Community which was funded by the Irish Research Council; the measures her Department is undertaking to prepare those in direct provision for life after direct provision; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [7831/17]

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Direct Provision System (13 May 2014)

Mick Wallace: 115. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in view of the fact that more than one third of all asylum seekers living in direct provision are children, if he has been in contact with the Department of Justice and Equality to review and update the existing child protection safeguards in direct provision centres; his views on whether the remit of the Health Information and Quality...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund: Motion (5 Dec 2018)

Mick Wallace: ...coming in to Ireland and going immediately into the community. That sounds great and it is good if it happens. However, is it not the case that we will have a need for some sort of entity like direct provision for a long time yet? The direct provision that we have was never meant to be as permanent as it has become. Has there been consideration at Government level to doing things...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (22 May 2019)

Mick Wallace: ...of these people and they would not be in there if they had an alternative. Because of the housing shortages, however, there are very few alternatives. Many children still do not feel safe in direct provision, women do not feel safe, members of the LGBT fraternity do not feel safe there and many people are still being stripped of their dignity. In April in the Mosney direct provision...

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Direct Provision System (17 Apr 2018)

Mick Wallace: 50. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality his views on the current management and conditions of direct provision centres here; his plans to initiate a review into the use of direct provision; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16536/18]

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Direct Provision System (2 May 2017)

Mick Wallace: 114. To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality her plans for self catering facilities in other direct provision centres in view of the fact that a self catering system at the Mosney direct provision centre has been provided; and the date before which the extension of these facilities will be completed. [19328/17]

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Direct Provision System (26 Jun 2019)

Mick Wallace: 40. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality his views on reports that residents at a direct provision centre were moved to accommodate a wedding; if inquiries will be made as to whether this has happened at other direct provision centres; and if contact with the centre responsible has been made. [26862/19]

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Employment Rights (19 Oct 2017)

Mick Wallace: 20. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the timeframe to allow adults in direct provision the ability to work; when he expects legislation to be presented before the Houses of the Oireachtas; if his Department has engaged civil society groups working in the area of direct provision with regard to the drafting of such legislation; and if he will make a statement on...

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Direct Provision Data (19 Jun 2018)

Mick Wallace: 235. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the way in which single adults residing in direct provision are sharing rooms; the number that have been sharing rooms for over 12 and 24 months, respectively; the range of beds per room in shared rooms, that is, the highest number of beds to the lowest number of beds; and the average number of beds per room in shared rooms...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Access to the Labour Market for International Protection Applicants: Discussion (9 May 2018)

Mick Wallace: In this situation, the direct provision centre was living with the fact the person in question was going to Dublin, coming back and being there at the weekends. He was getting his €21.60 per week and everything was fine. Then it suddenly was not and they threw him out and made him homeless. Does the council visit direct provision centres? Does it find that the people who run these...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Ombudsman for Children Remit (9 Jun 2016)

Mick Wallace: 18. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will consider extending the mandate of the office of the Ombudsman for Children such that it could receive complaints from children in direct provision, as was recommended by the working group on the protection process; if she had discussions with the Minister for Justice and Equality as regards joint measures to improve the lives...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Child Protection Issues (16 Apr 2013)

Mick Wallace: To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the action she has taken to date to address ongoing concerns in relation to child protection and welfare for children living in the direct provision system, as highlighted by the 2012 Irish Refugee Council report State sanctioned child poverty and exclusion; if she is working with the Department of Justice and Equality to review the existing...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: EU Directives: Minister for Justice and Equality (17 Jan 2018)

Mick Wallace: Perhaps I have not understood the Minister correctly but I take it that people who are in direct provision who have applied for refugee status will be able to work when a nine-month has elapsed. For example, if this is all done and dusted on 30 June, will the people who are in direct provision since 30 June 2017 automatically be able to get work there and then or will having already served...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund: Motion (5 Dec 2018)

Mick Wallace: On another issue, the Minister told us last week that 600 people in direct provision had received their status but cannot get out of direct provision. Is the Government doing anything to make it possible for them to get out by actively finding places for them to live? We know there is a desperate housing shortage for so many people in Ireland. However, it requires action on the Government's...

Other Questions: Child Poverty (9 Jun 2016)

Mick Wallace: ...families, the only jobs available are low paid and precarious ones. Other measures are required. I draw the Minister's attention to the fact that we now have more than 2,000 children growing up in direct provision. It is akin to State-sanctioned poverty. They get €9.60 a week; their parents get €19.10. We have been giving out about this for a long time but, sadly, it...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Direct Provision System (2 Dec 2015)

Mick Wallace: 39. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if he is satisfied with the role he and Túsla - Child and Family Agency have played in the welfare of children in direct provision and if any measures are under way to improve the provision of care; the measures he is taking to ensure that any refugee children will be given the care they need upon arrival; and if he will make a...

Other Questions: Child Poverty (9 Jun 2016)

Mick Wallace: take to deal with this issue? Certain groups are particularly at risk such as children from lone-parent families, children in jobless households, Traveller and Roma children, children living in direct provision, children with disabilities and obviously those who are homeless. The measures brought in by the last Government had a significant direct impact on one-parent families and...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (22 May 2019)

Mick Wallace: The direct provision system has been an outrage of State-sanctioned human rights abuses against men, women and children. It ensures that vulnerable people who are trapped in the system suffer again and again. It is a system of State coercion, disenfranchisement and enforced poverty, run by private companies for huge profit which could not care less about the people they are supposed to be...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Ombudsman for Children Remit (19 Nov 2014)

Mick Wallace: 13. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs his plans to permit the Ombudsman for Children to take complaints from children affected by the direct provision system; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43963/14]

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Ombudsman for Children Remit (28 Jan 2016)

Mick Wallace: 17. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if he will extend the mandate of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children in order that it can receive complaints from children in direct provision; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3210/16]

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