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Results 1-12 of 12 for other and baby speaker:Róisín Shortall

Committee on Health and Children: Select Sub-Committee on Health: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Committee Stage (Resumed) (3 Jul 2013)

Róisín Shortall: Under the section I want to raise concerns about the absence of gestational limits. Many people are disturbed by this and it is not generally known among the public. I referred earlier to ethical concerns raised at the hearings of this committee, principally by Dr. Sam Coulter Smyth on behalf of his colleagues. He is the Master of one of the busiest maternity hospitals in Europe. He said:...

Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Report Stage (Resumed) (11 Jul 2013)

Róisín Shortall: ...It is unusual in legislation that the regulations proposed to be made are not specified in all instances. A number of speakers requested that the regulations be published in order to allow a full and thorough debate on the legislation. Unfortunately, that request was not acceded to. Amendment No. 27 would insert a new paragraph (c) in section 4(1) to set gestational limits for the...

Farrelly Commission of Investigation Substantive Interim Reports: Statements (11 Nov 2021)

Róisín Shortall: I listened to the Minister of State's earlier contribution and I was a bit surprised that it was so short. I got very little sense of the State's response to this appalling case. The Minister of State took a lot of time talking about the Brandon case with which there are obvious parallels which we need to address. I acknowledge Deputy Pringle and all of the work he did on the Brandon case....

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (29 Apr 2021)

Róisín Shortall: I would like to join with others in extending congratulations to the Minister for Justice and her husband on the arrival of their new baby and extend very warm wishes to them. The Tánaiste said that people have to see it to be it. There is no doubt that the Minister for Justice has provided a very good example in that regard. We also need to see it from Government in terms of making...

Nurses and Midwives: Motion [Private Members] (2 Nov 2021)

Róisín Shortall: I welcome the motion, which is timely. It is about time serious consideration was given to the role that nurses have played in this country generally and particularly over the past two years. It is a shocking indictment that nurses have to take to the streets and protest for what they have long been promised and for the recognition they deserve. I welcome the Minister's announcement...

Parental Leave (Amendment) Bill 2017: Report and Final Stages [Private Members] (13 Jun 2018)

Róisín Shortall: it for several reasons. The Minister of State cited the possibility of constitutional difficulties. This is the first time that he has raised that issue. We have been through Second and Committee Stages and it never arose. I am not sure what he is talking about when he refers to a cumulative burden on employers. People will not rush out and take all of next week off or...

Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Report Stage (Resumed) (10 Jul 2013)

Róisín Shortall: ...the issue of the lack of gestational limits. An extraordinary regime is proposed under which termination of pregnancy can take place right up to 39 weeks. At 39 weeks, there is a good chance the baby will be fine. Perhaps at 32 weeks that would also be the case but, as was pointed out earlier, the further one goes back to, say, 22 or 23 weeks, the greater the risk of permanent...

Health (General Practitioner Service and Alteration of Criteria for Eligibility) Bill 2020: Second Stage (23 Jul 2020)

Róisín Shortall: At the outset, I congratulate the Minister formally on his appointment and wish him well in the job. He certainly has spent a good bit of time studying the area. From the Social Democrats point of view, we will fully support him if he is ambitious for the health service and if he delivers and makes progress on Sláintecare in a reasonable timescale. If not, we will criticise him. I...

Finance (No. 2) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (6 Nov 2013)

Róisín Shortall: ...will continue to be granted to allow funding of pensions significantly in excess of €60,000, in some cases up to €100,000. Among the people who will benefit from this largesse are the very Ministers and senior officials who drafted this change of legislation. It would be bad enough if that was where it ended, but it is not. The Minister, in a written response to a recent...

Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Report Stage (Resumed) (10 Jul 2013)

Róisín Shortall: What is the Government playing at tonight? This nonsense of continuing until 5 a.m. is demeaning of everyone here in the House. It brings the House into complete disrepute and there is absolutely no need for it. I do not know what the Government's game is. I do not know what it is doing if it believes it is somehow smart or clever to allow people to tease out the legislation until the...

Financial Resolutions 2023 - Budget Statement 2024 (10 Oct 2023)

Róisín Shortall: Yes. Sitting here listening to the Ministers, Deputies Michael McGrath and Donohoe, I struggle to understand the aim of this budget. After all the leaks and the spin, to what does it amount? It sounds very much like budget 2023 lite - a budget with a bit for everyone, a fair bit more for some who actually do not need it, an emphasis on short-term measures rather than lasting structural...

Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022: Second Stage (23 Mar 2022)

Róisín Shortall: send good wishes to the Minister, Deputy Stephen Donnelly, for a speedy recovery. The Social Democrats support this legislation. I hope there will be an open approach on Committee Stage and on Report Stage in terms of taking on board proposals and suggestions from the Opposition. For far too long, assisted human reproduction practices in this country have remained unregulated....

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