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Results 1-20 of 23 for troy speaker:Mattie McGrath

Ábhair Shaincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Matters (2 Feb 2023)

Mattie McGrath: ...12,000 vulnerable people. Deputy Marian Harkin - to discuss the need for support schemes and compensation measures to assist businesses and individuals dependent on seasonal tourism. Deputy Robert Troy - to discuss the need to conclude the health technology assessment process with respect to the Kaftrio drug for 35 children in need. Deputy Martin Browne - to discuss the status of plans to...

Order of Business (11 Dec 2013)

Mattie McGrath: I refer to the issue raised by Deputies Martin and Troy. I was at a committee this morning at which the Government members backed off on a motion they had last week in regard to EirGrid.

Roads Funding: Motion [Private Members] (1 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: Deputy Troy does not know right from left. He does not know where he is.

Roads Funding: Motion [Private Members] (1 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: Deputy Troy does not seem to know.

Roads Funding: Motion [Private Members] (1 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: Deputy Troy should not be so petty.

Dublin Transport: Motion [Private Members] (10 May 2017)

Mattie McGrath: I did not interrupt Deputy Troy. The Deputy is entitled to put down his motion. I have no problem with that. That is his right. I am not supporting it. I am surprised at a man from the back end of Mullingar to be giving everything to Dublin.

Industrial Development (Amendment) Bill 2018: Second Stage (28 Mar 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...talking about IDA Ireland lands. This land was subject to a CPO for the construction of a road which we hope will get investment back into my county, that of the Minister of State, Deputy Robert Troy and others.

Topical Issue Debate: Suicide Prevention (23 Jan 2013)

Mattie McGrath: the reply. I believe passionately, as do many others, that the HSE is now a dysfunctional outfit that is just not up to the job in many areas, but in this area above all. I support Deputy Troy in asking where last year's money was spent. The Minister of State indicated that €8.1 million was to be used on administration and all the other areas there.

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: Report Stage (13 Feb 2019)

Mattie McGrath: ...get there by taxi. We have to cycle to get a taxi. This Minister will not allow L plate drivers to drive. He has got an open cheque from Fianna Fáil. It might huff and puff, and to hear Deputy Troy one would think he was in opposition, but it is fake news. Come in Donald Trump. Fianna Fáil is the fake party, a party I was involved in all my life, and my father was a former...

Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2013 [Seanad]: Second and Subsequent Stages (7 Mar 2013)

Mattie McGrath: ...very little room. The Bills Office or whatever it is should be changed because that is not an adequate timeframe for anyone to study the Bill and submit amendments. I echo the comments of Deputy Troy on the promised legislation on the child and family support agency and the Bill to give statutory backing to the Children First guidelines. I am also concerned about resources for the...

Ábhair Shaincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Matters (16 May 2023)

Mattie McGrath: .... Deputy Pat Buckley - to discuss the closure of Owenacurra mental health unit. Deputy Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire - to discuss the situation facing residents at Beaumont Residential Care. Deputy Robert Troy - to discuss staffing of the new MRI unit at the Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar. Deputy Pauline Tully - to discuss the publication date for the implementation plan of the National...

Closure of Army Barracks: Motion (Resumed) (5 Oct 2011)

Mattie McGrath: ...get rid of the Army altogether? Have we no interest in the Army? I have received many contacts from soldiers and their families in Kickham Barracks in Clonmel over recent weeks. Indeed, Deputy Troy raised the matter in a Topical Issue debate and he was told emphatically that there was no threat to the barracks. Since then, there have been many rumours and counter rumours. I visited...

International Women's Day: Statements (8 Mar 2023)

Mattie McGrath: ...;ad, Councillor Máirín and others who help me, including Caroline who is standing in. I could not function in my job as a Teachta Dála without these wonderful people and their support. Like Deputy Troy, I had a powerful mother who worked very hard. She raised nine children on a family farm. Like Deputy Troy's mother, she was a wonderful role model and she instilled...

Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Bill 2022: Report Stage (26 Apr 2023)

Mattie McGrath: ...I stood up. I referred to the then Minister, Deputy Bruton, having the foresight to introduce the regulations in 2016 and asked why they had been watered down by the then Minister of State, Deputy Troy. At whose behest? Who has their hands on the handlebars of power in this country? It is certainly not na hAirí or the Government, because we have allowed ourselves to become - I...

Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2017: Report Stage (Resumed) (25 Apr 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...of another party were so anxious to vote, they were disallowed and told they could not stand up to facilitate a vote. That is not democracy. If it is democracy, it is a very unhealthy one. If Deputy Troy or others are annoyed about that-----

Roads Funding: Motion [Private Members] (1 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...and his officials along with the Minister of State and everybody else for the spirit of co-operation they showed. According to some, we are going to be "anti" everything and give out. Deputy Troy seemed to be lamenting that we had access to the Minister's office. Thankfully, we have access thanks to the Independent Ministers and other Ministers. While that situation works, we will...

Motor Vehicles (Duties and Licences) Bill 2015: Second and Subsequent Stages (25 Nov 2015)

Mattie McGrath: ...up and down. We will be hunting camels as well. I challenge the Minister on the directive relating to waste tyres. It is not about an EU directive. I salute the Acting Chairman, Deputy Robert Troy, who has fought a long battle on this issue. The Minister is responsible for this. He cannot blame bureaucrats in Brussels or an EU directive; this is an Alan Kelly directive, an AK-47...

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: Report Stage (13 Feb 2019)

Mattie McGrath: ...they will suffer at the polls because of the Minister's disastrous reign over the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, and it is a disaster. To come back to this legislation, I listened to Deputy Troy, who might as well be in coalition with Fine Gael because there is a confidence and supply agreement but it is all supply and no confidence. We now have the saga of the children's...

Bus Éireann: Motion [Private Members] (31 Jan 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...are leaving Clonmel and other areas a half an hour after the private bus. They are being blindfolded and their hands are tied behind their backs, while the private bus is full. I do not know what Deputy Troy is muttering but I did not interrupt him. Fianna Fáil was in power but they did not give much help to Bus Éireann either. There are too many quangos and too many fat cats...

Rugby World Cup 2023 Bill 2017: Second Stage (5 Jul 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...them. It is also very onerous on publicans and hostelries which want to show Sky. We must also have fairly reasonable ticket prices. I am assuming we will get it. I am a positive person and an optimist. Deputy Troy said earlier that he hopes the Minister will still be in the transport portfolio in 2023. I certainly hope that as well. I do not know if Deputy Troy will be here or not...

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