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Results 1-20 of 45 for "direct provision" speaker:Michael McDowell

Written Answers — Asylum Applications: Asylum Applications (2 Feb 2006)

Michael McDowell: The Reception and Integration Agency is responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers through the policy of direct provision. Direct provision is the means by which the State discharges its obligations to provide for the basic requirements of asylum seekers. For the most part, this represents a cashless system with the State assuming responsibility for providing suitable accommodation...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (25 Jan 2006)

Michael McDowell: The direct provision system seeks to ensure that the accommodation and ancillary services provided by the State meet the requirements of asylum seekers during the period in which their requests for asylum are being processed. In addition, a direct provision allowance of €19.10 per adult and €9.60 per child was introduced some years ago and is paid by community welfare officers, operating...

Written Answers — Railway Stations: Railway Stations (21 Feb 2007)

Michael McDowell: The direct provision system seeks to ensure that the accommodation and ancillary services provided by the State meet the requirements of asylum seekers during the period in which their requests for asylum are being processed. In addition, a direct provision allowance of €19.10 per adult and €9.60 per child was introduced some years ago and is paid by Community Welfare Officers...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (17 May 2005)

Michael McDowell: The direct provision system seeks to ensure that the accommodation and ancillary services provided by the State meet the requirements of asylum seekers during the period in which their requests for asylum are being processed. In addition, a direct provision allowance of €19.10 per adult and €9.60 per child was introduced several years ago and is paid by community welfare officers,...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (27 Feb 2007)

Michael McDowell: The Reception and Integration Agency is responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers through the Government policy of direct provision and dispersal. Through direct provision, asylum seekers are provided with full board accommodation and ancillary services. The accommodation centre at Kinsale Road also provides Community Welfare Services, medical supports and VEC training on-site for...

Written Answers — Asylum Applications: Asylum Applications (20 Mar 2007)

Michael McDowell: The Reception and Integration Agency is responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers through the Government policy of direct provision and dispersal. Through direct provision, asylum seekers are provided with full board accommodation and ancillary services. The accommodation centre at Kinsale Road also facilitates Community Welfare Services, medical supports and VEC training on-site...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (3 Feb 2004)

Michael McDowell: ...were placed in national newspapers seeking properties throughout the State which could be used for the provision of full board accommodation to asylum seekers under the system of dispersal and direct provision which was about to be introduced. A large volume of responses to the advertisements was received, including the offer of three separate domestic dwellings in rural areas of County...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (14 Feb 2006)

Michael McDowell: In December 1999, when the direct provision system was first introduced, the rates paid to the providers of this full board accommodation ranged from €10,400 per person per annum to €17,888 per person per annum. Since then the reception and integration agency of my Department has negotiated significant reductions in the rates paid. Currently, payments in the commercial sector for direct...

Written Answers — Visa Applications: Visa Applications (25 May 2004)

Michael McDowell: the labour market. As no Irish citizen or EU citizen from any of the other 15 member states participating in the labour market is provided with full board accommodation on the style of the direct provision system funded by the taxpayer, it would be an inequity to facilitate the continuance of such an arrangement for nationals of the new EU member states. In the circumstances, the RIA...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (25 Apr 2006)

Michael McDowell: The reception and integration agency, RIA, is responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers through the policy of direct provision and dispersal. The RIA operates a transfer system for direct provision residents. All asylum seekers accommodated by the RIA are aware of this arrangement and can channel any transfer requests directly to the RIA through this system. The lady in question...

Seanad: Immigration Bill, 2002: Committee Stage (Resumed). (29 Jan 2003)

Michael McDowell: I oppose this amendment because it would introduce another stage of bureaucracy. If a person was fixed up with direct provision, somebody would have to notify the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Minister, in turn, would have to notify the Refugee Applications Commissioner of the address of the individual. This would add two bureaucratic steps to what is fairly and...

Deportation Orders. (22 Mar 2005)

Michael McDowell: Since April 2000, more than 36,000 applicants have been accommodated directly by the State under direct provision arrangements.

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (16 May 2006)

Michael McDowell: The Reception and Integration Agency is responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers through the policy of direct provision. Direct Provision is the means by which the State discharges its obligations under international law and the Constitution to provide for the basis requirements of asylum seekers. For the most part, it represents a cashless system with the State assuming...

Written Answers — Asylum Applications: Asylum Applications (27 Apr 2006)

Michael McDowell: The reception and integration agency is responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers through the policy of direct provision and dispersal. The RIA is not responsible for the provision of accommodation to refugees. Persons with refugee status have the same housing entitlements as Irish citizens and as such, do not fall within the remit of the RIA or any other agency of the Department of...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (24 May 2005)

Michael McDowell: ...parents of Irish-born children, the numbers being accommodated have risen by more than 22%. The RIA is accommodating 8,034 asylum seekers in 84 centres located in 25 counties. Since the system of direct provision and dispersal was introduced in 2000, more than 38,000 asylum applicants have been accommodated by RIA. The properties currently in use are listed in the following table. List...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (17 May 2005)

Michael McDowell: The system of direct provision of accommodation and other services to asylum seekers was introduced with the approval of the Government by my predecessor who had full regard to the provisions of the equality legislation, the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. I see no reason to disagree with the decision of my predecessor on this matter.

Written Answers — Asylum Applications: Asylum Applications (25 May 2006)

Michael McDowell: ...from the Rotunda Hospital in support of her request for transfer. Transfers of this nature, where supported by medical evidence, are arranged on an ongoing basis to ensure that asylum seekers in direct provision have access to specialist medical attention.

Written Answers — Asylum Applications: Asylum Applications (30 Mar 2004)

Michael McDowell: The Reception and Integration Agency, RIA, operates under the aegis of my Department and is responsible for the provision of accommodation and services to asylum seekers under the system of direct provision. Persons from approximately 120 different nationalities are resident in centres operated by the RIA which encourages the establishment of support groups to assist asylum seekers to adjust...

Written Answers — Asylum Support Services: Asylum Support Services (27 Mar 2007)

Michael McDowell: ...a process to determine the outcome of their claim for asylum in the State. Under a Government decision it was decided that all applicants for asylum would have their needs met through the system of direct provision. Direct provision is the means by which the State discharges its obligations to provide for the basic requirements of asylum seekers and represents, for the most part, a...

Written Answers — Asylum Applications: Asylum Applications (18 May 2004)

Michael McDowell: ...treaty rights. These rights include a right to participate in the labour market. As no Irish citizen participating in the labour market is provided with full board accommodation on the style of the direct provision system funded by the taxpayer, it would be a manifest inequality to facilitate the continuance of such an arrangement for a national of a new EU member state who had applied for...

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