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Results 1-20 of 23 for fees "party:" . (isset($parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")]) ? $parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")] : "$a[1]") speaker:Derek McDowell

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Seanad: Registration of Deeds and Title Bill 2004 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages. (27 Apr 2006)

Derek McDowell: ...current ground rents legislation. By way of background, I should tell the House that section 8 of the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents)(No. 2) Act of 1978 contains the general right to acquire the fee simple. Section 9 provides that this general right to acquire the fee simple applies to a person holding the land under a lease provided that the conditions set out in that section, section...

Seanad: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (24 Nov 2003)

Derek McDowell: What level of fee will be imposed on the respondent? Would it be comparable to court fees?

Seanad: Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Bill 2006: Committee Stage (9 Nov 2006)

Derek McDowell: The purpose of amendment No. 16 is to ensure consistency between subsections (3) and (4) of section 13 by providing that the conversion of a fee tail into a fee simple will take place only when any protectorship has ended. This is intended to avoid interference with any existing interest in land.

Seanad: Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2003: Committee Stage (Resumed). (12 Mar 2003)

Derek McDowell: Only the failure to pay a fee in the past 12 months should be taken into account when refusing an application, rather than trawling through someone's record in the distant past. In the early months of the operation of the Act, I applied to the Department of Finance for records concerning regionalisation. I received a demand for a considerable sum of money from a section of the Department. I...

Seanad: Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2003: Committee Stage (Resumed). (12 Mar 2003)

Derek McDowell: ..." to insert "made within the previous 12 months". This is a minor amendment that seeks to ensure a person cannot be refused an application on the grounds that he or she previously failed to pay a fee. I concede that it is reasonable to take into account the fact that a person did not pay a previous fee, but there should be a cut-off point.

Seanad: Budget Statement: Motion. (4 Dec 2002)

Derek McDowell: ...dozen areas which could be looked at to provide for further cuts. I will list some from the document: Defence Forces numbers could be reduced; pupil-teacher ratios could be reviewed; third level fees could be further increased; the universality of child benefit could be reviewed; water charges could be introduced in 2003; the allocation to child care initiatives could be reduced; there...

Seanad: Order of Business. (25 Mar 2003)

Derek McDowell: us, particularly on Committee Stage. I read with some interest over the weekend remarks attributed to the Minister for Education and Science, Deputy Noel Dempsey, in regard to third level fees. He appears to be rethinking the possibility of introducing such fees in some form next year. I am sure the Leader will agree that whatever about the merits of the issue, the uncertainty is...

Seanad: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (24 Nov 2003)

Derek McDowell: I move amendment No. 27: In page 27, after line 44, to insert the following new subsection: "(4) Where a claimant or his or her solicitor disputes the amount of fees and expenses specified in a statement under this section, that amount may be the subject of review by the person or authority which would have jurisdiction to review the fees and expenses had they been incurred in proceedings to...

Seanad: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (24 Nov 2003)

Derek McDowell: Will it be a flat fee?

Seanad: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (24 Nov 2003)

Derek McDowell: Would a different fee be imposed on an assessment which led to an award of €20,000 than on one of €40,000? Will it be related directly to the amount?

Seanad: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (24 Nov 2003)

Derek McDowell: So there will be a discretionary element, not a flat fee?

Seanad: Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (6 Jul 2004)

Derek McDowell: While I do not have a problem in principle with the section, was it included because somebody in the Department thought it was a good idea to empower the CPSA and PAS to charge fees or is it actually intended that they will do so?

Seanad: Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Report and Final Stages. (4 Jul 2006)

Derek McDowell: I do not begrudge the Senator her fees.

Seanad: Roads Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second Stage (7 Mar 2007)

Derek McDowell: Does the company pay tax, licence fees or anything of that kind out of that? I take it, it does not.

Seanad: Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (20 Mar 2003)

Derek McDowell: .... It would be useful if the Minister took this opportunity to say what regime he intends to put in place. This is an enabling section, allowing the Minister to make regulations providing for fees. It would facilitate debate here and in the other House if the Minister could let us know what regime he envisages.

Seanad: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (24 Nov 2003)

Derek McDowell: ...regime? This is the section which allows for charges to be imposed. Would she see it as routine that a charge would be imposed on both sides, claimant and respondent? If so, would it be a flat fee or would it be related to the nature of any assessment?

Seanad: Order of Business. (26 May 2004)

Derek McDowell: ...regard. There have been indications in recent years that some of the colleges have moved to increase their intake of overseas students simply because they are more profitable in terms of tuition fees. There are clear implications for all the universities, including Trinity College, if the Government does not get to grips with this issue and set out a funding mechanism for the years ahead....

Seanad: Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (3 Jul 2006)

Derek McDowell: The Commissioner alone can do this. The administration of this provision is centralised in Phoenix Park. Section 28 states, "The Commissioner, on application and payment of the prescribed fee (if any), may issue to a person over 14 years of age a certificate (in this Act referred to as a "firearms training certificate") authorising the person to possess a firearm and ammunition...". In other...

Seanad: Roads Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second Stage (7 Mar 2007)

Derek McDowell: ...of the money aspects of this matter. The Minister acknowledged a figure of €50 million against the CPI. Is that a net figure? As the Minister is well aware, the State takes VAT and licensing fees and rates are paid to two county councils at least. In effect, there is a substantial take by the State from the toll that is currently paid. Is the €50 million inclusive of that or is it...

Seanad: Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (10 Jun 2003)

Derek McDowell: the next because it may not be as popular. Presumably, it also does wants to maintain a certain flexibility in terms of the rights which it gives employees because if it does not get a licence fee increase – although I accept that it got one this year – or it is under pressure financially, it may not necessarily be in a position to employ people full-time. Let us leave Senator...

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