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Results 1-20 of 123 for fees "party:" . (isset($parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")]) ? $parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")] : "$a[1]") speaker:Brendan Howlin

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Written Answers — Legal Services: Legal Services (3 Jul 2012)

Brendan Howlin: ...the State's law offices, which are critically involved in the engagement of legal services, with a view to pursuing reductions in overall costs and increasing competitive forces. Reductions in fee levels are being achieved through a number of different measures. In accordance with the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act 2009 and the Government decision of 3 February...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information Legislation (18 Nov 2014)

Brendan Howlin: ...2014 became law on 14 October 2014, the date it was signed by the President. All new FOI requests received after that date are being processed under the new Act. The €15 initial application fee was abolished from 14 October when the new FOI Act came into effect.Other than in relation to the initial application fee, all elements of the new fees regime came into effect once...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Departmental Banking (16 Oct 2012)

Brendan Howlin: The following table shows the details of the bank account used by my Department: List of Accounts Purpose of each account Financial Institution Total Interest Charged/Fees Incurred 2011 (bank fees) Total Interest Charged/ Fees anticipated for 2012 % of payments issued electronically Any special arrangement regarding bank charges/fees Current Account For payment of invoices to suppliers...

Written Answers — Professional Fees: Professional Fees (14 Sep 2011)

Brendan Howlin: ...on consultancy and other services in my Department. If a 25% reduction applied to this allocation this would give potential savings of €31,750. In relation to expenditure in 2010 on professional fees by agencies under the aegis of my Department the following outlines the position of each:- Valuation Office Based on the 2010 expenditure the potential savings of a 25% reduction in...

Written Answers — Freedom of Information: Freedom of Information (23 Feb 2012)

Brendan Howlin: The number of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests received by my Department in 2011 was 61. My Department has no record of the number of FOI requests for which a search and retrieval fee was sought but we have statistics on the number of fees paid. The total number of search and retrieval fees paid in 2011 was 6. Again, my Department does not have a record of the maximum fees sought but...

Written Answers — Freedom of Information: Freedom of Information (6 Mar 2012)

Brendan Howlin: Section 47 of the Freedom of Information Act, 1997, inter alia, provides for the charging of a fee by a public body and for payment by the requester in respect of the grant of a Freedom of Information request of an amount equal to — (a) the estimated cost of the search for and retrieval of the record concerned, and (b) the estimated cost of any copy of the record made by the public body...

Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information Bill 2013: Committee Stage (Resumed) (13 Nov 2013)

Brendan Howlin: With regard to the Deputy's first comment, the same argument was made about water charges and a variety of other services - that people have paid their taxes over time, so a service fee is a double tax. The claim that one has already paid for a service is an argument that can be applied at will. We will bring in a new fees regime but we do not know how much revenue will be generated. As...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Legal Services Expenditure (22 Jan 2014)

Brendan Howlin: ...of Justice and Equality, which are critically involved in the engagement of legal services. Prior to 2011, two separate reductions, each amounting to 8%, had been effected in regard to legal fees. In the period from 2011 onwards, these reductions have been augmented by a range of measures including: 1. a reduction of 10% in Criminal Legal Aid fees; 2. changes in regard to one day fees in...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information Requests (19 Dec 2013)

Brendan Howlin: In response to the Deputy’s question the following is a table outlining the number of freedom of information requests; the number of requests for which a search and retrieval fee was sought; the maximum fee sought in respect of a request received; and the number of requests not proceeded following the non-payment of the search and retrieval fee sought received by my Department in 2012...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Departmental Expenditure (3 Dec 2013)

Brendan Howlin: The payment of fees for membership of professional bodies for staff in my Department are in accordance with Department of Finance Circular 23/2007: Post-Entry Education – Refund of Fees, Study Leave and Examination Leave and Department of Finance Circular 47/2001 Reimbursement of Professional Membership Fees. The provision of Section 7 of the Finance Act 2011 applies to such payments....

Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information Bill 2013: Committee Stage (Resumed) (13 Nov 2013)

Brendan Howlin: ...Deputy McDonald's position. She has restated it, but I do not want her to misrepresent the position of a Bill or of the Government. Virtually every regime I have looked at has some sort of fee structure. Some have basic fees for administration and photocopying while some have more elaborate search and retrieval fees. There have been fees attached to the FOI regime since the then...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill: Discussion with Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (10 Jan 2013)

Brendan Howlin: ...Bill and in pushing the hands of Government, which is a useful thing to do on issues of importance. I was glad to be able to accept it. My officials will take note of everything said today. On fees, the bulk of applications are for personal information in respect of which no fees accrue. Some 70% of all applications fall into that category. As such, only 30% of freedom of information...

Freedom of Information Bill 2013: Report Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2014)

Brendan Howlin: I move amendment No. 43:In page 27, to delete lines 33 and 34.This is the most substantial body of amendments as the section relating to fees caused serious debate. I withdrew my amendments on FOI fees on Committee Stage and said I would give the matter deep consideration because a coherent and strong case was made. I emphasised that I had listened closely to the views expressed by members...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Public Sector Staff Remuneration (30 May 2013)

Brendan Howlin: The Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2013 does not provide for reduction of fees in respect of the providers of professional services. Provision to adjust the fees of the providers of professional services to the State is made in the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act, 2009. That Act also provides for an annual review of fees and the relevant...

Written Answers — Public Transport: Public Transport (3 May 2006)

Brendan Howlin: Question 86: To ask the Minister for Transport when he intends to increase bus licensing fees in view of the fact that the administrative costs to his Department amount to approximately €850,000 each year but his Department receives approximately €5,000 in fees and in view of the fact that many fees have not been increased for 51 years; and his views on whether under the 1932 Act he may...

Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform: Business of Select Sub-Committee (12 Nov 2013)

Brendan Howlin: I want to make a point because I did not respond. I know the view of the NUJ on fees generally. They have a strong and coherent view that there should be no fees, that information should be free. There are many experts in the area and Deputy Donnelly name checked some of them who hold that principled view, and it is a noble and fine view. I made a discernment from the beginning in this,...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Departmental Expenditure (16 Jul 2013)

Brendan Howlin: I propose to take Questions Nos. 414 and 416 together. In response to the Deputy’s question the following table lists all professional fees, including but not limited to legal, consultancy, IT related, advisory, advertising and accountancy paid by my Department between 1 June 2012 and 31 May 2013: Professional Fees 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 Company Name Details Amount Davy...

Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information Bill 2013: Committee Stage (Resumed) (13 Nov 2013)

Brendan Howlin: Again, I am not increasing fees. I am decreasing appeal fees. I am not increasing any fee.

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Freedom of Information Fees (17 Dec 2015)

Brendan Howlin: In response to the Deputies' question the following table outlines the amount my Department has received in fees from Freedom of Information requests in 2014 and in 2015: - 2014 2015 € € Standard Fees 840.00 - Search & Retrieval Fees 659.91 123.16 Appeals 180.00 - Total 1,679.51 123.16

Seanad: Freedom of Information Bill 2013: Second Stage (18 Sep 2014)

Brendan Howlin: the fundamental principle. In applying the exemptions the right of access is only to be set aside where the exemptions very clearly support a refusal of such access. I turn to the matter of fees, the point of greatest controversy in the passage of the Bill so far. There was considerable discussion in the Dáil on the issue of fees for FOI requests and between Committee Stage and...

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