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Results 1-20 of 81 for long speaker:Paul Gogarty

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill [Seanad] 2009: Report and Final Stages (1 Jul 2010)

Paul Gogarty: I also referred to legitimate donations. As long as they exist - thankfully they will not exist for long - politicians can hide behind saying things like we need more housing and jobs, but they put them in the wrong place. That is what is wrong. Deputies Tuffy and Sherlock spoke about trust. The trust that the people invested in local representatives was broken because councillors put...

Written Answers — Health Services: Health Services (8 Jul 2009)

Paul Gogarty: Question 248: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the decision to close long term respite facilities at Cherry Orchard Hospital, Dublin and move the services into a roll-over respite service unit will result in savings to the HSE; if the benefit of savings made is outweighed by the moving of patients from a long-stay care ward into a roll-over respite service unit outside the...

Financial Resolution No. 5: General (Resumed) (11 Dec 2007)

Paul Gogarty: ...outlining the case for educational investment in the past few years, although the Government is not alone in its lack of vision for education and commitment to substantially increase funding in the long term. As I pointed out in Dáil debates earlier this year, before the general election, the major Opposition parties had not taken education seriously either. They sniped but refused to...

Tourism Industry. (25 Apr 2006)

Paul Gogarty: I accept that the trend is positive in spite of the increasingly competitive global market. I wish to raise some questions about the short and long term in this regard. While the British market has increased overall since 2002 following the previous year's foot and mouth disease crisis, I suggest the decline in relative terms vis-À-vis other European destinations, for example, and the...

Accident and Emergency Services: Motion (Resumed). (27 Jan 2005)

Paul Gogarty:'s spokesperson for health but I wish to comment particularly about my constituency, given that the Tánaiste and new Minister for Health and Children represents the same constituency. I have long argued that the treatment purchase fund will be a waste of money in the long term. It would be much better to improve our own health care service. The motion calls for immediate action to...

Written Answers — School Accommodation: School Accommodation (25 Apr 2006)

Paul Gogarty: Question 903: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the short, medium and long-term measures her Department is undertaking to deal with the schools accomodation crisis in the Dublin 15 area; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [15303/06]

Written Answers — Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (21 Nov 2006)

Paul Gogarty: Question 133: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the long term target his Department has set for the reduction of greenhouse gases from the energy sector; and the means being introduced to ensure that Ireland meets such a target via annual incremental reductions. [38784/06]

Written Answers — Site Acquisitions: Site Acquisitions (7 Feb 2007)

Paul Gogarty: Question 335: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason it has taken so long to identify a site for a new building for a school (details supplied) in County Dublin. [4352/07]

Written Answers — Adult Education: Adult Education (26 Apr 2007)

Paul Gogarty: ...ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment his views on the evidence from benchmarking Ireland's performance that Ireland has dropped three places relative to the EU-15 in terms of life-long learning for 25 to 64 year olds. [15613/07]

National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Sep 2009)

Paul Gogarty: My party argued for strategic development zones for a long time.

Written Answers — Foreign Adoptions: Foreign Adoptions (13 Oct 2009)

Paul Gogarty: Question 167: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her plans to provide financial assistance to parents seeking to adopt children internationally in view of the high costs and long timeframe involved; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [35440/09]

National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage (5 Nov 2009)

Paul Gogarty: I was referring to people's practice of sticking a pin in a list of horses to decide which one to back. If one is trying to obtain a long-term economic value from this, in some ways what one is doing is similar to what will happen with NAMA.

Written Answers — Schools Building Projects: Schools Building Projects (26 May 2009)

Paul Gogarty: Question 417: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the long-standing need for an extension at a school (details supplied) in County Dublin; if he will announce progress on this project in the near future; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20996/09]

Written Answers — Long-Term Illness Scheme: Long-Term Illness Scheme (19 Oct 2004)

Paul Gogarty: Question 256: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if there are plans to include irritable bowel syndrome as an illness under the Long Term and Disability Scheme Health Act 1970, in view of the increasing number of children and teenagers who have been diagnosed with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. [25058/04]

Written Answers — Site Acquisitions: Site Acquisitions (7 Feb 2007)

Paul Gogarty: ...: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on requesting the council to initiate compulsory purchase order proceedings on suitable land in the Saggart area to provide space for the long awaited new building for a school (details supplied) in County Dublin; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [4354/07]

Written Answers — Residency Permits: Residency Permits (13 Feb 2007)

Paul Gogarty: Question 230: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if, in assessing the qualifying period of residency for an application for long-term residency by a person (details supplied) in County Kildare, he will include the time spent here on a student visa; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4769/07]

Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (10 Feb 2005)

Paul Gogarty: under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter of national importance, namely, the need to tackle our chronic and embarrassing litter and waste problem, which is damaging our tourism industry in the long term, by increasing fines and enforcement levels and, more importantly, by introducing a refundable deposit on bottles and cans, which would reduce litter levels overnight.

National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Sep 2009)

Paul Gogarty: We had to wait a long time for that. Another initiative we prioritised soon after entering government was the establishment of a developing areas unit and the development of guidelines for local authorities to ensure provision would be made for schools as part of any residential development. These were incorporated not only into strategic development zones but also local area plans....

Civil Partnership Bill 2010: Report and Final Stages (1 Jul 2010)

Paul Gogarty: ...the nature of the amendments being proposed, the thrust of which I agree with. However, given what Deputy Mattie McGrath just said, the Bill cannot come too quickly. People have waited far too long for it to be passed. We had very thorough Second Stage contributions and we have plenty of time to discuss the issues and they are being discussed in a good manner.

Written Answers — Deportation Orders: Deportation Orders (29 Jan 2009)

Paul Gogarty: ...of time individuals spend on deportation orders; if there is a maximum period covering such orders for individuals who have not been involved in any criminal activities; if any individuals on long standing deportation orders have eventually been granted leave to stay here on compassionate grounds; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2880/09]

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