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Results 1-20 of 8,805 for speaker:Frances Fitzgerald in 'Written Answers'

Written Answers — Ministerial Responsibilities: Ministerial Responsibilities (22 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: The Office of the Minister for Drugs remains in the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, pending a final decision by Government on its relocation.

Written Answers — Family Mediation Service: Family Mediation Service (22 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: I understand from the Family Support Agency that the family mediation service for the Waterford area has been temporarily transferred to the Wexford office, which is located at 32 Key West, Custom House Quay, Wexford. I am advised that this situation has arisen because of the temporary absence of one of the two members of staff based at the Waterford office and that every effort is being made...

Written Answers — Ministerial Staff: Ministerial Staff (22 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: As the Deputy will be aware, the Government has agreed revised arrangements in relation to constituency offices for Ministers and Ministers of State. It is intended that arrangements in respect of my own constituency office, and the constituency office of the Minister of State at my Department, Donnchadh Mac Fhionnlaoich Uasal, T.D., will be made shortly in line with these revised arrangements.

Written Answers — Ministerial Responsibilities: Ministerial Responsibilities (22 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: As the Deputy will be aware, the Taoiseach announced in Dáil Éireann on 9 March 2011 his intention to establish a Department of Children and I was subsequently appointed the Minister for Children and assigned to the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs as an interim measure. I have been advised that primary legislation is required to establish the new Department of...

Written Answers — Meitheal Forbartha na Gaeltachta: Meitheal Forbartha na Gaeltachta (22 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: Mar is eol don Teachta, chuir Pobal, a dhéanann bainistiú ar an gClár Forbartha Áitiúla agus Pobail thar ceann mo Roinne, tús in Éanáir 2010 le hiniúchadh ar an gcomhlacht atá luaite aige. Tá an obair sin fós ar siúl agus, go dtí go mbeidh bailchríoch curtha uirthi, níl ar mo chumas aon rud a rá faoin gceist.

Written Answers — Policy on Volunteering: Policy on Volunteering (22 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: My Department funds a network of twenty two Volunteer Centres nationally. It also funds Volunteer Centres Ireland (VCI) and Volunteering Ireland (VI), the umbrella bodies responsible for developing best practice within the network. VCI and its member centres encourage all community and voluntary organisations that work with volunteers to have in place a suitable volunteer policy. The...

Written Answers — Community Development: Community Development (29 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: The Scheme to Support National Organisations in the Community and Voluntary Sector, under which the organisation referred to by the Deputy has been funded, commenced in 2008 with the aim of providing multi-annual funding to national organisations which provide coalface services to disadvantaged target groups. The three-year contracts were concluded at the end of 2010. On 16 December 2010,...

Written Answers — Community Development: Community Development (30 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: Pobal (formerly ADM Ltd) was established by Government in 1992, in agreement with the European Commission, to access funding for the purpose of fostering local development, promoting social inclusion, reconciliation and equality, and countering disadvantage through local and social economic development. While originally tasked to distribute EU funding, the size, scale and range of programmes...

Written Answers — Dormant Accounts Fund: Dormant Accounts Fund (30 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: The Dormant Accounts Acts provide for an annual transfer by credit institutions and insurance undertakings of monies in accounts determined to be dormant into the Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF). Since its establishment in April 2003 to the end of February 2011, the transfers to the DAF have totalled some €589m, which includes interest earned of some €35m. Funds reclaimed in that period by...

Written Answers — Employment Support Services: Employment Support Services (31 Mar 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: I propose to take Questions Nos. 81 and 82 together. In January 2011, the company in question, which is a client company of Údarás na Gaeltachta, announced its decision to cease the frozen production element of its operations in the district referred to by the Deputy, due, according to the company, to increases in the cost of raw materials, a decline in sales and increased competition. I...

Written Answers — National Drugs Strategy: National Drugs Strategy (5 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: Each Local Drugs Task Force (LDTF) has an annual funding allocation from my Department for community-based drugs initiatives. From that allocation, each Task Force has the discretion to allocate funding to projects and initiatives based on the priorities it has identified for its respective area. Funding for these projects is channelled through a designated Department or State Agency. I am...

Written Answers — Offshore Islands: Offshore Islands (5 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: The development of vibrant island communities is an important policy objective of my Department. In this context, my Department supports the well-being of island communities through a range of interventions which assist the social and economic development of island communities, particularly in relation to improving sustainability. Enhancing the quality of life of such communities and...

Written Answers — Tograí Caipitil: Tograí Caipitil (5 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: Is é€86 milliún leithdháileadh caipitil na Roinne Gnóthaí Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta don bhliain 2011. Mar is eol don Teachta, ar bhonn athstruchtúrú na Ranna Rialtais a d'fhógair an Taoiseach an mhí seo caite, táthar chun deireadh a chur leis an Roinn sin agus a cuid feidhmeanna agus buiséid a aistriú chuig Ranna éagsúla eile. Dá réir sin, is faoin Roinn...

Written Answers — Departmental Agencies: Departmental Agencies (5 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: The following statutory agencies that are under my Department's remit at present operate independent payroll systems: - Údarás na Gaeltachta; - Waterways Ireland; - An Foras Teanga; and - The Western Development Commission. As the Deputy will be aware, on foot of the restructuring of Government Departments announced by the Taoiseach last month, the Department of Community, Equality and...

Written Answers — Forbairt Pobail: Forbairt Pobail (5 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: Mar is eol don Teachta, tá na feidhmeanna a ndéantar tagairt dóibh sa Cheist seo á n-aistriú go dtí Ranna eile i láthair na huaire, faoi réir fhógra an Taoisigh sa Teach seo ar 9 Márta 2011. Táthar ag súil go n-aistreofar na feidhmeanna sin chuig Ranna eile go luath agus glacaim leis go ndéanfar breithniú an uair sin ar an tsaincheist sin agus ar na saincheisteanna eile...

Written Answers — Community Development: Community Development (6 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: Funding of €427m is to be made available under the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2007-2013 for allocation to qualifying projects up to the end of 2013. One of the objectives of the RDP is to identify and provide appropriate amenity and leisure facilities to local communities not otherwise available to them. Accordingly, it is possible, in principle, that projects of the nature referred...

Written Answers — Departmental Funding: Departmental Funding (7 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: The Scheme to Support National Organisations in the Community and Voluntary Sector, under which the organisation referred to by the Deputy has been funded, commenced in 2008 with the aim of providing multi-annual funding to national organisations which provide coalface services to disadvantaged target groups. The three-year contracts were concluded at the end of 2010. On 16 December 2010,...

Written Answers — Departmental Staff: Departmental Staff (12 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: One retired public servant was employed on a short-term contract by my Department in October 2010 at a cost of €695. In relation to bodies funded from my Department's Vote Group, I am advised that 3 retired public servants were employed on short-term contracts during 2010 at a total cost of €154,957.

Written Answers — Ministerial Staff: Ministerial Staff (12 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: As the Deputy will be aware, my Department was established in June 2002. As set out in Table 1 below, a total of six special advisers were appointed by Ministers (5) and a Minister of State (1) during the period from that date until February 2011. The overall gender ratio was 4 male to 2 female. Table 1: Number of special advisers appointed June 2002 to February 2011 Position Period of...

Written Answers — European Council Meetings: European Council Meetings (12 Apr 2011)

Frances Fitzgerald: I assume that the Deputy is referring to meetings of the Council of the European Union held under its various configurations. During the period referred to by the Deputy, my Department did not hold primary responsibility in respect of any of the Council's configurations.

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