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Results 161-180 of 7,049 for destroyed

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis: Discussion (Resumed) (16 Nov 2022)

Michael Ring: ...culls. If but one animal is reacting, the whole herd must be taken away. To me, it never made sense. The whole herd should have been tested but there was no need to take them all away and destroy them. Despite what occurs, the authorities will not destroy the badger or deer. They will not destroy what is causing a problem. This will cost about €1 billion between now and 2030....

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (17 Apr 2024)

Gerard Craughwell: ...Forces having been commissioned into the State. It is absolutely diabolical, however, that within ten years most of them will have left the Defence Forces because of the 2013 pension, which has destroyed public service. The 2013 pension was brought in by civil servants who had well-heeled pensions themselves and were well looked after by the State. They destroyed public service in this...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Cabinet Committee Meetings (19 Nov 2013)

Joe Higgins: the cesspool of the markets or relying on the neoliberals of the EU and ECB is not the way forward for the economy and the people and it is a question of repudiating this massive debt that is destroying the economy and provoking the horrific austerity the Government is imposing, which will continue for years to come to destroy the livelihoods of our people and the future of young...

Flood Relief. (31 Mar 2010)

Michael Ring: ...are now waiting for clearance from the National Parks and Wildlife Service. I want the Minister of State to understand this. There is a family in that area whose house has been flooded. The water destroyed their home, and it nearly happened again in November and December last when there were serious floods in this country. People in the cities may not realise, even though they...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Humanitarian Assistance for Household Flooding: Discussion (13 Jan 2016)

Marie Moloney: ...Moreover, the information leaflet issued by the Department before Christmas containing contact numbers was helpful. I sympathise with those affected by this flooding. It is disastrous and soul destroying for a person when his or her house is destroyed. In fairness, communities, neighbours and businesses have rowed in to help, and everyone thinks there is a great sense of community in...

Seanad: Order of Business. (27 Apr 2004) See 1 other result from this debate

Fergal Browne: ...Bill. Over Easter, a group of Travellers or commercial traders arrived in Carlow town and caused chaos. We are now entering that season again. People were locked into pubs in Carlow, taxis were destroyed and Garda vehicles were set upon and destroyed. The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform should come into the House to outline what steps he can take because this is a disgrace. I...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Ash Dieback Threat (14 May 2015) See 1 other result from this answer

Simon Coveney: ...species.  A high proportion of the areas cleared were plantations which were associated with infected imported batches but which were not necessarily infected. These associated plantations were destroyed on a precautionary basis. Out of a total of 59 findings in forestry plantations, all were privately owned apart from one Coillte site.  Infected ash has also been destroyed...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (8 Feb 2024)

Annie Hoey: ...committed in or outside the State with the intent of seriously intimidating a population, unduly compelling a Government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act, or seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, economic or social structures of a state or an international organisation. As I said, that is directly from our Irish...

Seanad: Order of Business (25 Oct 2017)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...two months ago. The Cockhill Celtic Football Club, which is a very senior football and community organisation in my part of the world, was devastated by the floods. Two of its pitches were destroyed along with all kinds of amenities and the damage to the tune of hundreds of thousands of euro was done. Even though the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport and the Chief Whip were on...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Quantitative Easing: Discussion (8 Jul 2015)

...One has the demographic effect in addition to the other effects of the sectoral stagnation. Ireland is a great example and laboratory of that. We have in addition to it the wealth effect. By destroying vast amounts of paper wealth, imaginary wealth we used to hold in our homes, we destroyed the security of the entire generation in terms of their pensions. As a result of that, what...

Select Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: EU Framework Agreement: Motion (16 Dec 2015)

Olivia Mitchell: ...of society saying that these are unfair to undeveloped countries that lack our sophistication in negotiations and that large countries, such as the EU and the United States, flood markets and destroy indigenous sectors. There is a good economic answer to such assertions, that they should not be doing that and they should maybe play to their strengths, but it does take a big toll in terms...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions: Tendering of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme: Discussion (28 Jan 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...involved directly elected people from the community and a bottom-up approach. The model across Ireland is something we have been very proud of and it was held up as a template but it is now being destroyed using the very people who held it up as a template. It is the words of the witnesses, who are on the front line, that the work they have done could potentially be destroyed. That is...

Written Answers — Department of An Taoiseach: Job Creation Data (28 Jan 2014)

Enda Kenny: The Central Statistics Office compiles information on jobs created and destroyed and, by deduction, jobs lost by linking P35L returns from the Revenue Commissioners with the CSO Business Register. The information relates to all employing enterprises from key sectors of the business economy as classified by the standard European classification of economic activity NACE Rev.2 B-N excluding...

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation (18 Feb 2021)

Michael Collins: ...sewage is entering some properties on the New Road area in Bandon in recent weeks, especially over the past weekend. I have spoken to residents who are to say the least angry to have their homes destroyed by sewage. It looks like pipes laid are the wrong size and urgent works are required to remedy this mess. There is likely that the untreated raw sewage will also enter the Bridewell...

Newborn Screening Cards (26 Apr 2012)

Ann Phelan: As this is an issue which appears to have gone below the radar, I welcome the opportunity to raise it. What is the position vis-À-vis the Data Protection Commissioner and his wish to destroy all the heel-prick data cards that are older than 11 years? This important test, in which blood is taken from the heel and stored on a card, is carried out on all babies born in Ireland. It is used to...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (7 Nov 2023)

Erin McGreehan: ...permission for the fire brigade to pump it out and give people access. Thankfully, we have schemes for enterprises and homes, but we have no scheme for the agricultural enterprises that have been destroyed. We have fields, fences and fodder destroyed and rivers redirected and ruined, as well as many access roads destroyed across north Louth. We need support for the agricultural...

Leaders' Questions (13 Mar 2014) See 3 other results from this debate

Dara Calleary: The Minister abused the privileges of this House to seek to sully and destroy the reputation of a serving garda, but I suppose we should not be surprised because he also abused the privileges of his Ministry to try to damage the reputation of a Member of this House. The Taoiseach stated yesterday, "In so far as apologies are concerned, I have already said that the Minister for Justice and...

Seanad: Order of Business (29 Nov 2017)

David Norris: ...discovery. I know a little about discovery. During my many triumphant legal actions, we sought discovery against RTÉ and RTÉ was forced to disclose information, including tape recordings, that destroyed its case. It had to do it. I understand it to be a criminal offence not to comply with an order for discovery. Third, a senior garda met Deputy McGuinness, who is a most...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Update on Quarters 1 and 2: Discussion (5 Oct 2022)

Leo Varadkar: done through the European Competitiveness Council, COMPET, so the Minister of State, Deputy Calleary, attends that rather than I. We do want to get it right. Companies that use child labour or destroy the environment need to be called out for doing so, and consumers have a right to know when they buy a product or service that child labour is not used, that people are not exploited and...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Engagement with Newly Elected Irish MEPs: Discussion (2 Oct 2014)

Kathryn Reilly: ...infrastructure issue. One example referred to was the EU-funded airport which was opened in 1998 and bombed in 2001, 2009 and 2012. There was also reference to other infrastructure that has been destroyed in recent years and which has left Gaza very dependent on Israel. The EU has repeatedly funded infrastructure that Israel has subsequently destroyed during the last three operations in...

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