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Results 161-180 of 372 for appointment speaker:Peadar Tóibín

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions: Decisions on Public Petitions Received (21 Nov 2012)

Peadar Tóibín: ...employ a legal team, the fact the tribunal currently has no powers to enforce rules, the need for employers to lodge a security bond with the tribunal in advance of hearings and qualifications of appointed liquidators and the fact they are not currently affiliated to a regulator body. Does anyone have anything they would like to add on this petition? It is an important petition that...

Ministers and Ministers of State (Successors) Bill: Second Stage [Private Members] (10 Sep 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: ...we use language in the Bill that is fully sympathetic to the language of the Constitution. The words were chosen to meet the needs of the Constitution. The Bill seeks that a new Dáil select and appoint Ministers. This is a key point. The Constitution demands what is necessary. It states a successor needs to be selected from the new Dáil and appointed to the position of...

Draft Commission of Investigation (Certain matters concerning transactions entered into by IBRC) Order 2015: Motion (9 Jun 2015)

Peadar Tóibín: any other sphere the deeply improper relationship between Blackstone, NAMA and the Government. In November 2011, the Taoiseach met with the head of Blackstone, Steven Shwarzman, and his associate, Gerry Murphy. The Government appointed chair of NAMA's advisory board sought to appoint Gerry Murphy to the board. This appointment did not come to pass when Deputy Adams pursued the matter...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (14 Sep 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: crisis due to the lack of investment and soaring demand. The GP system, which was one of the few remaining functioning elements of the health service, is now broken. People are waiting up to two weeks to get an appointment. Hundreds of GPs are emigrating and moving to Australia every year. Accident and emergency departments are dealing with record waiting times. People are waiting...

Covid-19 (Health): Statements (7 May 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: ...PR husk. Only 51 out of 72,000 applicants were working as of last week. There are currently 1,400 empty hospital beds. That is an incredible figure. There has been widespread cancellation of procedures and appointments. Serious hospital avoidance has been going on for the past number of weeks. It is frustrating to see the mismatch between the available capacity and the actual...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (11 Nov 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: ..., much of non-Covid Ireland is being forgotten about. Many really important sectors of Irish society feel they have fallen off the world when it comes to Government priority. Some 150,000 cancer appointments have been missed this year. There are 200,000 women on cancer screening waiting lists who, despite the winter plan, will not be reached this year. Some 3,500 women have contacted...

Covid-19: Statements (24 Nov 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: ...comparatively well. If all of life's other indicators are measured, though, Ireland has done shockingly poorly. As a result of the Government's decisions, there have been 150,000 missed cancer appointments, 200,000 women are on waiting lists for cancer screening and there are widespread diagnosis and treatment delays for stroke, heart disease and mental health. Today, 480 people were...

Hospital Parking Bill 2021: Second Stage [Private Members] (17 Feb 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ..., or can the Government not use this vehicle, which very clearly works out a solution? This has been worked out with stakeholders and patient advocates, including the Irish Cancer Society. Put simply, the Bill seeks free parking for the first three hours of an outpatient appointment. Incredibly, in University Hospital Galway there is 20 minutes free parking. Does the Minister of State...

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (27 Nov 2018)

Peadar Tóibín: ...people every day on a socioeconomic basis. It denies healthcare to hundreds of thousands of people on that basis. Some 2,500 children are waiting more than a year for their first mental health clinic appointment because of the control of the Government for socioeconomic reasons. It is incredible that people are travelling today for healthcare while at the same time money can be...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (22 Jun 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: If one tries to register for a GP in counties like Meath at the moment, one cannot get such a registration for love nor money. If one has a GP, it will take a fortnight to get access to an appointment. So far this year, 400 doctors have emigrated to Australia. The health service is a disaster and a car crash and it is happening under the Minister's watch. What is the response of...

Defence (Amendment) Bill 2015 [Seanad]: Second Stage (15 Jul 2015)

Peadar Tóibín: 1976, he has had a distinguished career and he was awarded the distinguished service medal in 1994 in recognition of the role of his ship, the LE Orla, in detaining the Brimedrug smuggling yacht. His appointment signals the importance of the Naval Service to this country and island nation. This can be most clearly seen in the fantastic work that the LE Eithne, a ship which Rear...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Regional Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and the Gaeltacht: Irish Film Board: Chairperson Designate (28 Sep 2016)

Peadar Tóibín: each of the different sectors. The Waking the Feminists campaign was very important in terms of bringing the issue of gender diversity in the arts to the fore. Another very important issue is socioeconomic diversity. When I was appointed as my party spokesperson for this area, I tabled several parliamentary questions to try to get a good understanding of the delivery of our services...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Mental Health Services Provision (23 Jan 2019)

Peadar Tóibín: ...Louth and Meath had just over half the staff they needed to fulfil their duties. In the midlands and counties Louth and Meath there are over 50 children waiting for over a year for their first appointment. The Minister of State must understand mental health matters are urgent and that those involved require support and treatment fast to ensure things will not deteriorate. This figure is...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Child and Family Agency (15 Dec 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ...parliamentary assistant was very recently contacted by an individual who sent an image that appears to show the alleged child sex abuser, the person who allegedly abused Ms H, as having recently been appointed to a role within a sports club. The screenshot sent has been furnished to the Minister of State's Department. The individual who contacted us wanted to know how an alleged abuser...

Climate Change: Statements (7 Dec 2017)

Peadar Tóibín: I was pleased with several of the appointments to Cabinet with a remit in this area because I considered them people of real ability. However, the inaction on climate change is the greatest disappointment to me in terms of the activity of this Government. Climate change is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the most serious issue facing our planet. Hundreds of thousands of people are losing...

Covid-19 (Health): Statements (11 Jun 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: ...cancer screening. I spoke to a woman this morning who was meant to get a skin cancer test done in April to check if there had been any changes in her skin but that was postponed until June and the appointment has now been put back to December. Obviously, many people in such a position will find themselves materially worse off from a health perspective by the end of this year and into the...

Cancer Care: Motion [Private Members] (2 Feb 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ...of the next worst sentences that anybody will hear in the health service is being asked if one has private insurance or public insurance. If you have private insurance, you are likely to get an appointment in the next fortnight for your condition but if you just have public insurance, you are likely to be put into a lottery and will never know when you will be reached. Another aspect of...

Microenterprise Loan Fund Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Jun 2012)

Peadar Tóibín: ...for the State to see. The legislation gives the Minister the power to dismiss board members from the microfinance fund, which will be a subsidiary of Social Finance Foundation, but not the power to appoint board members. However the regulatory impact analysis states that the chairperson of the Social Finance Foundation subsidiary, Microfinance Ireland, will be appointed by the Minister...

Gender-based Violence: Motion [Private Members] (19 Jan 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: get to grips with this issue. I also wish to mention domestic violence. A number of documents released to my office have shown that in the first four months of lockdown, the number of people contacting the Rape Crisis Network Ireland helpline increased by 15%, while appointments increased by 11%. Barnardos also wrote to the Minister saying that it had examined its intensive family...

National Maternity Hospital: Motion [Private Members] (23 Jun 2021)

Peadar Tóibín: ...their colour, creed or orientation, should be able to be who they are to the full extent, without fear or favour. My colleague, Deputy Matt Shanahan, asked me to raise the incredible ongoing situation of partners of mothers still being unable to attend appointments, or the birth of their children, in certain hospitals in this State. It is absolutely wrong that this debate has been...

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