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Results 161-180 of 17,904 for speaker:Brendan Smith

Food Safety Standards. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: Common standards in relation to traceability, animal health and welfare and consumer protection apply throughout the EU. These are set out in a range of food safety, consumer protection and veterinary legislation and are subject to inspection by member states own authorities as well as by the Food and Veterinary Office of the EU Commission. My concern is that producers in some WTO member...

Food Safety Standards. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The European Union has developed its own systems of traceability and animal welfare. Different systems operate in jurisdictions outside the control of the EU. We demand guarantees that the food products imported into the EU meet the relevant health and safety requirements. The Minister, Deputy Coughlan, is the only Minister at the Council of Ministers to have raised the issue of the extra...

Food Safety Standards. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: I assure Deputy Upton, the House and the wider community that the Minister, Deputy Coughlan, has sought at the WTO negotiations a continuation of the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement whereby, if issues arise and the EU feels products are a danger to the health of consumers, it can implement measures and ban them. Ireland is seeking recognition for the additional costs borne by our...

Food Safety Standards. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Deputy is aware that the Minister last October wrote a formal letter on the issue to the Commissioner for Health and Consumers' Protection, Commissioner Kyprianou, apart from raising it at the Council of Ministers. The Commission response was that it was satisfied with the level of monitoring and controls in place in respect of imports from third countries.

Live Exports. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The function of the Department of Agriculture and Food with regard to the transport of livestock by sea is to approve vessels based on statutory requirements regarding the protection of animal welfare. The actual provision of such services is a commercial matter. Approval for the carriage of livestock on roll-on roll-off vessels is considered on a case-by-case basis, having regard to the...

Live Exports. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: I accept Deputy Crawford's point that the export market is very important. We have a very successful and important export market. The exports to date this year represent an increase of 35% on the comparable period last year. I reiterate that the Department acts in a speedy and efficient manner when applications are made for the licensing of vessels. Certain criteria must be met with regard to...

Live Exports. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The main destinations of Spain, Italy and the Netherlands are very important markets, as everybody in the House will be aware. The Department understands that some commercial interests are considering the commissioning of an already approved dedicated vessel to provide additional capacity for live exports, particularly to the Spanish market. Were such an application to come before the...

Live Exports. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: As Deputy Crawford knows, the matter is not straightforward and it is a difficult issue. It is under consideration by Bord Bia.

Live Exports. (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Department authorised the transport of live cattle on aircraft from Shannon Airport. To date three consignments of animals have been exported by these means and it is expected there will be future consignments, though this method of transport is not expected to last in the long term. It was availed of due to bad weather at sea some weeks ago and helped us to meet commitments abroad.

Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Motion (Resumed). (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Minister has other commitments.

Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Motion (Resumed). (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: I noticed on the chart of attendance that was published last week that he is a good attender in Dáil Éireann.

Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Motion (Resumed). (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Deputy is looking for a different way of measuring it.

Criminal Justice Bill 2004: Motion (Resumed). (29 Mar 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Minister is doing a good job.

Energy Sector: Motion. (9 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Deputy knows that what he is saying is nonsense. Deputy Noel Dempsey is an excellent Minister.

Energy Sector: Motion. (9 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: It is an absolute fabrication.

Energy Sector: Motion. (9 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: Fianna Fáil Governments have often had to pick up the tab for mistakes made by Fine Gael-led Governments in the past.

Cross-Border Projects. (9 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Food Safety Authority comes under the Department of Health and Children.

Seanad: Departmental Information Services. (11 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: I thank Senator McHugh for raising this issue and his complimentary remarks on the officials in the Department and Teagasc. Dissemination of information to farmers is accorded a very high priority by the Department. The full range of communication channels are employed to ensure widespread availability of information on the schemes and activities of the Department of Agriculture and Food....

Seanad: Departmental Information Services. (11 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Senator and the House can be assured there will be adequate human resources to deal with the ongoing work of the Department in administering our various schemes. The fact that we paid out over €1 billion on the first day of a new scheme illustrates the efficiency of the Department in that regard. Our neighbouring jurisdiction has not yet issued its payments but over 85% of farmers, some...

Seanad: Departmental Information Services. (11 May 2006)

Brendan Smith: The Senator has nothing to worry about on that score.

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